Wings of Inspired Business
With Host Melinda Wittstock
In this lively, raw and motivating podcast, Melinda masterminds 3 times a week with her network of successful women entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and influencers in business as they share their secrets, success tips, and ‘fail forward’ epiphanies.
Learn from these inspiring women how to build your wealth without sacrificing your health and happiness, step into your authentic feminine power, and manifest the confidence, connections and capital you need to take flight in your business — without trade-offs, so you can have the time freedom, lifestyle and impact you want AND deserve.
When you join the Wings community on Podopolo, you get direct access to Melinda and her #LiftAsYouClimb tribe. Earn rewards as you put lessons from Wings into action in your life and business and collaborate with women entrepreneurs to change the game of business.