Hire Melinda to Speak...
…So Your Audience Can Seize Opportunities Where Others Don’t and Transform
Their Lives and Businesses for Rapid Bottom Line Growth … All While Enjoying A
Purposeful, Intentional and Joy Filled Life.
Let Melinda share the same proven methods that catalyze 7, 8 and 9-figure success and help top-caliber entrepreneurs and conscious executives grow their influence and impact and build a mission-oriented life they love and enjoy.
Melinda shares practical, inspiring and game-changing strategies, including her ‘Mindset, Mojo, Money’ methodology to help business owners:
+ Align with their true passion and purpose
+ Harness fast-paced change and new technologies
+ Transform and scale their companies into viral mission-driven movements
+ Leverage VoiceTech and podcasting to build influence and impact
+ Become conscious leaders and engage their team and tribe
+ Enjoy life and succeed without sacrificing health and happiness
A passionate advocate for
conscious impact...
Melinda's Featured
presentation topics
Create A Magnetic Million Dollar Message with Your Podcast:
Stiletto Strapping Your Business:
Let's Get Messy, Ms. Perfect:
Doing Great By Doing Good:
Mindset Mojo Money:
Your Return on Authenticity™:

Book Melinda
Leverage her award-winning interviewing and network TV hosting skills to bring your event to life!
Steve Jobs once told Melinda she “asked the best questions”. Melinda has interviewed Fortune 500 CEOs, Rock Stars, Astronauts, Super Models, Politicians and Scientists – from President Barack Obama to Twiggy, from Sir Elton John to Steve Jobs to Neil De Grasse Tyson. Her TV, Radio, and Conference Interviews – for the BBC, ABC, CNBC, her former company Capitol News Connection, and now her podcasts Wings of Inspired Business and 10XTogether win consistent acclaim and boast several Edward R Murrow Awards. She has moderated panels at SXSW, Georgetown University, the National Press Club and the European Commission among them.
Stages, Networks and Podcasts Featuring Melinda

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