888 Mary McMonagle: Live Your True Vibe

Melinda Wittstock:

Coming up on Wings of Inspired Business:


Mary McMonagle:

Feminine energy is you walk into the room, a networking event, business conference, you don’t have to be going over and trying so hard to spark conversations. You’re walking in tall, and you light up the room and people are turning their heads and saying, oh, who’s that over there? I need to go talk to that person. And they’re striking up conversations with you. Part of also being in your feminine energy is being really magnetic because you’re grounded in the sense of your masculine energy, where you know who you are and you are a hard worker and you love to accomplish things, but then the feminine side is where you are allowing yourself to own that and even shine it bright so that you are a magnet.


Melinda Wittstock:

Who doesn’t want to be magnetic? Manifesting the magic of feminine energy to attract just by being, augmented by the focused masculine energy of doing. When we’re in balance, we’re unbeatable, says Mary McMonagle. Mary has built a growing business teaching women how to foster and balance the masculine, characterized by action and productivity, and the feminine, defined by intuition and creativity. Today we explore the secrets that sustain women entrepreneurs and help us prosper without burnout.


Melinda Wittstock:

Hi, I’m Melinda Wittstock and welcome to Wings of Inspired Business, where we share the inspiring entrepreneurial journeys, epiphanies, and practical advice from successful female founders … so you have everything you need at your fingertips to build the business and life of your dreams. I’m all about paying it forward a five-time serial entrepreneur, so this podcast is all about catalyzing an ecosystem where women entrepreneurs mentor, promote, buy from, and invest in each other …Because together we’re stronger, and we all soar higher when we fly together.


Melinda Wittstock:

Today we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who helps high-achieving women reconnect with their passion and creativity by balancing masculine and feminine energies. Mary McMonagle is the founder of True Vibe, a brand dedicated to helping women live their best lives by balancing the ‘doing’ with the ‘being’.

Mary is going to share her unique three-step embodiment process, practical tips for integrating feminine energy into daily routines, plus we’ll explore the misconceptions about feminine energy, its magnetic power, and the crucial role it plays in entrepreneurship.

Mary will be here in a moment, and first:




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Melinda Wittstock:

It’s easy for female entrepreneurs and executives to get trapped on a never-ending task treadmill, our work never done, always on to the next thing, driven to constantly prove our talents, insights and skills. That masculine drive within us is necessarily omnipresent in a business world constructed by men for men, but we pay a high price when we don’t incorporate the magical power of the feminine.


Melinda Wittstock:

Mary McMonagle is an intuitive healer and feminine energy coach with a passion for guiding high-achieving women towards breaking free from their own limitations and fully embracing their true essence. Founder of the spiritual lifestyle brand True Vibe, Mary also hosts the Living Your True Vibe podcast, where she inspires countless individuals to embrace their true essence and live authentically.


Melinda Wittstock:

She helps her clients move from overthinking to a place of heartfelt clarity, to attract secure relationships and achieve significant growth in both their businesses and personal lives. Today we talk about how to balance the ‘doing’ aspect, skillfully multitasking and embracing various roles and responsibilities, while honoring the ‘being’ aspect, harmonizing business acumen with an intuitive, heart-centered approach to life and entrepreneurship to attract the success we want into our lives.


Melinda Wittstock:

We talk techniques, like the mirror and timeline methods, to uncover and release deep-seated fears, and the power of self-acknowledgment in revealing how grounding in masculine energy and leading with feminine energy can transform your life and business. We also explore the misconceptions about feminine energy, its magnetic power, and the crucial role it plays in entrepreneurship, plus how societal expectations and childhood experiences shape our drive and how to shift our focus from external validation to inner fulfillment.


Melinda Wittstock:

Let’s put on our wings with the inspiring Mary McMonagle and be sure to download the podcast app Podopolo so we can keep the conversation going after the episode.




Melinda Wittstock:

Mary, welcome to wings.


Mary McMonagle:

Hey, Melinda. I’m so excited to be here. Thanks for having me.


Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, well, I love that you’re a feminine energy coach, and I want to get into that straight away: The difference between operating in our masculine and feminine energies and what that actually, like, means in reality for our businesses. Tell me about what it looks like to be ‘entrepreneuring’ in our feminine.


Mary McMonagle:

Well, just to have some context for people who maybe aren’t familiar with the concepts of masculine and feminine energy, every human on this planet has both masculine energy and feminine energy, and the masculine energy is the doing. So, if you’re entrepreneur, you’re very good at that, because we do a lot of doing in our businesses. We wear a lot of different hats and take on different roles and responsibilities. And then the feminine energy is the being. It’s really being so connected with your heart and really being connected with your intuition and feeling in flow with life. So, what it looks like, Melinda, when you are in your feminine energy in your business, it’s allowing that creativity to flow through you.


Mary McMonagle:

It’s being able to take action but also inspired action, where, yes, it’s important to have the masculine energy, for sure, the structure, the ways to get you there. But your feminine energy may come where you get this idea, and it doesn’t make sense. And there’s something in you that’s saying, follow this idea, try it out. And you do, and it’s opens up so much. And a big thing, too, which being in your feminine energy, Melinda, is also about being really a powerful receiver. The masculine energy is giving, and oftentimes, entrepreneurs, coaches, whatever you are, we are giving and doing so much. But a lot of women, at least with the clients that I see, really struggle at the end of the day to receive, receive.


Mary McMonagle:

And so, when you are in your feminine energy receiving and being able to charge more and charge what you believe that you are bringing forth and that you’re worthy to actually hold and receive that money as well.


Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah. Women really struggle to receive. What’s that about? Like, why do we struggle? So, receiving, like, just even receiving a compliment?


Mary McMonagle:

Yes. Yeah. That’s the first thing that I see. If you’re listening to this and you’re like, well, I don’t know if I’m a good receiver or if I struggle to receive a lot of it. What I teach my clients is about becoming really good at receiving. So, if someone’s complimenting you, it’s not downplaying the compliment, it’s not being like, oh, I just got this shirt on sale. It’s saying, oh, my gosh. Thank you.


Mary McMonagle:

And really being a great, great receiver is lighting up and being able to express also emotionally, because, um, something so simple, when whether someone’s complimenting me, holding the door for me, I am so thankful and so grateful that the way that I receive actually makes the person giving to me feel really good. Like, wow, I just really made this. This woman’s day. So, to answer your question, Melinda, believe a lot of it is around a couple things. So, lack of boundaries, because a lot of women who are scared to receive help or support, they feel that they then need to give back, or there’s this, like, tally going on in their head, okay, this person helped me, like, two times now and then I have to help them back. And being able to receive is just being about being able to unconditionally accept that. That love and that help and that support. And then another thing which I see that women are scared to receive is also because of that boundary.


Mary McMonagle:

So, it ties in, because if you feel like you then have to give back, then most women are scared to set boundaries or they’re not sure how to communicate their boundaries. And then the third thing, which I usually see with women who are struggling to receive it, it’s actually an emotional aspect. It’s being able to welcome in the emotional side of receiving. So, welcoming in the care and the love, welcoming in the support, the thoughtfulness, and that’s that them really, really deep back to childhood. Right.


Melinda Wittstock:

So, talk to me about that, because so many women, you know, as girls, lose their voices in a way, like, literally, told they can’t be, It can be quite subtle sometimes, too, where it’s just sort of like an invalidation of sorts, which sets us up to be all the things we think we should be as opposed to who we truly are. How does that kind of square with the whole, like, being in our feminine or being aware or being feeling worthy, actually, of receiving?


Mary McMonagle:

Oh, I love this question, Melinda. And I think some entrepreneurs listening might not like this, but. But I swear, this is really here to help you, and it’s going to expand you, which. So, a lot of which the women who I work with, who are very heavily in their masculine. And listen, I am very heavily in my masculine energy, but I know how to turn the switch on and be in my feminine. Um, because I love my masculine energy. I have big goals and a lot of things to do and get done. But to answer your question, Melinda, a lot of this stems from, as I mentioned, childhood.


Mary McMonagle:

And you brought up a good point where it’s. We think that we have to be a certain way. A lot of the women who typically are really, in their masculine energy, had to, in a sense, earn, maybe whether it was their father’s love, their mom’s love, their caregivers love through accomplishments, through achieving something, because, you know, maybe their parents were, your parents were very busy or just had a lot going on. And the only time that you really got love, validation and approval was when you did something good. Maybe it was doing chores around the house. Maybe it was getting good grades. Maybe it was helping your mom with the kids.


Mary McMonagle:

So, this creates a belief system in our minds that, okay, in order to receive love, in order to receive this validation, I must achieve and do something. And this is the part where, Melinda, I say most people, you might have a little resistance, which is so normal. And so, actually start to slow down and see where you can take on less and take on less by being more. So, what does this mean? This means by really starting to become who you are from the inside out. So instead of looking for that success, instead of looking for that validation and that love, because you’ve achieved something, it’s really about unlocking that within yourself.


Mary McMonagle:

Because take away the titles, how much you’ve earned, your position, whatever it is that you are very proud of, as you should be, take that away and really go inside of yourself and see what it is that you really can love about yourself that you can really validate for yourself. And a lot of the times that I see with women who are very much in their masculine energy struggle to do this because of that need to prove themselves in order to receive that love. So, it’s really about letting all of that go and going inward to recognize where you already have that within. Within yourself and then growing that muscle, so to speak.


Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, that’s really profound.


Mary McMonagle:

I mean, you know, listening to you.


Melinda Wittstock:

And I look back on, I don’t know, depending on how you grow up, like, in my case, two older brothers, much older than me, I had to be able to do all the things that they could do. You know what I mean?


Mary McMonagle:



Melinda Wittstock:

Just all that stuff where we feel that we’re earning the love through accomplishment. I think that is probably a very big driver, I would think, for a lot of entrepreneurs.


Mary McMonagle:

Yes, it is. And it’s a very valid driver. Right. Because when we’re entrepreneurs. We are taking the path less traveled. We are innovators. We are trailblazers.


Mary McMonagle:

It adds this certain pressure for ourselves to perform. And one thing that I invite for your listeners, instead of feeling the sense of needing to perform and really accomplish things, it’s how can you start to tap into the pleasure and the pleasure and joy of life that’s right in front of you? So instead of performing, actually experiencing pleasure, and I’m just talking about the pleasure of life, life happening around you, and that’s what being in your feminine energy is all about. Because a lot of the times, even me, myself, I had a lot of resistance around stepping into my feminine energy because I thought it meant that I was going to be lazy. I thought it meant that I was going to be this pristine girly girl and wear all these cutesy dresses. And it’s funny because now that’s my jam. But at the time, that was not my jam. I was like, I don’t want to be a girly girl. I was a tomboy my whole life.


Mary McMonagle:

But that’s not what feminine energy is about. Feminine energy is you walk into the room, even at a networking event, business conference, you don’t have to be going over and trying so hard to spark conversations. You’re walking in tall, and you light up the room and people are turning their heads and saying, oh, who’s that over there? I need to go talk to that person. And they’re striking up conversations with you. So, part of also being in your feminine energy is being really magnetic because you’re grounded in the sense of your masculine energy, where you know who you are and you are a hard worker and you love to accomplish things, but then the feminine side is where you are allowing yourself to own that and even shine it bright so that you are a magnet.


Melinda Wittstock:

This is counterintuitive to a lot of doers. And, you know, the funny thing is listening to you is just an easier path. Like, why do you think we make it so hard for ourselves? I wonder if that’s just tied up in the worthiness, like, it has to be hard to accomplish.


Mary McMonagle:

Yes. I love that you said that. Yeah. Part of Melinda, I would say it definitely is tied into the worthiness, but then also just the way that our brains are wired. Our brains are programmed to always be on the outlook, to keep us safe, to always be looking for challenges. So, if you’re familiar with manifesting, if you are, and this is on a deep, subconscious level, so this is why it’s so important to get to know yourself and become aware of what subconscious beliefs have been stored in your mind. Because if your mind is programmed to always be on the lookout for danger.


Mary McMonagle:

And as entrepreneurs, this is such a normal thing. Okay, well, what if this doesn’t happen? Or what if this doesn’t go right? And, you know, oftentimes we do need to be three steps ahead. And yes, where you might exactly at what Melinda said is a little bit counterintuitive is being able to maybe just allow yourself to be one step ahead, not needing to be three steps ahead, because that you’re so much more in tune with. With trusting yourself and when situations arise. So, when you lean and move through life from the lens of. Of trust, and this comes through deep rewiring of your subconscious beliefs, when you start to move through the lens of trust, then energetically. And I’m a big believer in like attracts like and energy.


Mary McMonagle:

So, your energy is then going to be vibrating from whole different frequency. So, yeah, it makes life so much easier, and it gets to be easy. And so exactly what you were getting at, Melinda, we like the more challenging route because it’s. It’s giving us. It’s giving our ego something, so to speak. And usually what that’s giving is that sense of worthiness or that sense of, okay, I’m smart, I’m a hard worker, and really, yeah, it does get to be easy, but. And it’s. It gets to be super easy when you really start to dive in and clear out some of those deep subconscious beliefs playing out.


Melinda Wittstock:

You know, more than 95% of our actions are dictated by our subconscious. We don’t even know, like, what’s driving us. I joke that the world is run by toddlers. Even as we go on that conscious journey, you start to become more and more aware of this, and it can almost become like, oh, man, is this is happening because of something in my subconscious? What is that thing in my subconscious? Oh, my God. How can I let it go? We can get trapped in the mechanics, you know, because in the beginning of the journey, there’s this epiphany, and it’s like, you feel great and like, oh, my God, I have it all figured out, and then it’s a real journey, and there are roadblocks along the way in that spiritual growth.


Melinda Wittstock:

So how do you help your clients navigate that, you know, because there’s always some new plateau that you get to.


Mary McMonagle:

Yes. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I’ll give a recent example of a client. She really wanted to raise her prices. She knew that her prices were way lower than the value that she was providing. But anytime she went to, okay, set her prices, these are my new prices, she didn’t feel there was this in her body. There was this huge feeling of not feeling worthy; of feeling scared to charge that.


Mary McMonagle:

And so, we dove really, really deep. We uncovered a lot of patterns around rejection because she said, you know, if I raise my prices and I share my new pricing, then what if people are going to say, that’s too high, I, you know, I can’t work with you. So, there was a deep fear of rejection. So, we worked a lot on her. And the way that I guide my clients, one of the techniques that I created with my clients is I call the mirror technique. So, pretty much anything that you are projecting outwardly is a projection that’s coming from inward.


Mary McMonagle:

It’s holding up a mirror. So, we held up the mirror and said, okay, you’re afraid of rejection, so what part of yourself are you rejecting? And she was actually rejecting a big part of speaking her truth of she was saying yes when she wanted to say no. And there was also. And so, we’re going to also examine where this is showing up in your physical reality. She was lacking setting boundaries. So, we tied up those. And then also a deep part on some of the challenges. And one of the subconscious blocks for her was I guided her through timeline technique, which is you have.


Mary McMonagle:

You basically go on your timeline, and it’s all subconscious work. You’re being guided in your mind. And she was guided to a moment where she was a child, and something happened. And she created a belief system that people would. That this or this belief system, how it was playing out in her business, was that people would get mad at her and she didn’t want. So, this subconscious belief said was tied in with money and raising her prices. Because if she raised her prices, then this subconscious belief was saying, hey, people will be mad at you. People are going to get mad at this.


Mary McMonagle:

So again, we held the mirror up to also understand, okay, where are you actually mad at yourself? Oh, she’s mad at herself because she’s over giving, overlaying her masculine energy. Then we really work on shifting her to soften in her feminine energy and to work on receiving. And a big thing, a tip for your listeners, too, is, you know, really, we talked about compliments, receiving compliments, but also even just receiving attention. It’s really in these little tweaks that make a huge difference in ourselves and our confidence, the way that we move, the way that we talk, the way that we show up, but also in our business. And so, a tip for this, Melinda, is one of the things that I say when you are out in public, make eye contact with people and don’t look away until they look away. And this can be very intimidating for a lot of people, but you’ll very quickly realize how out of alignment or how much we give away our power, especially as women, where if we’re just out walking and we lock eyes, we happen to lock eyes with someone. Don’t look away until they look away. And granted, this is the warnings that I always give here, obviously, this will help you be more in tune with your intuition, because if you’re getting a really bad vibe or a bad gut feeling from someone, you know, don’t stare at them because you’re like, I listened to Mary on the podcast, and she said, I can’t look away.


Mary McMonagle:

And so really being in tune with your intuition and then two, also working on this will help you work on boundaries because this is a process that makes you magnetic, and people will come over and talk with you. So, this will be a way to also start to practice boundaries, but to kind of close out the share. And that tip. Yeah. Try it. I invite your listeners. Try it out. It sounds so simple, but you will really see how magnetic or how much you’re possibly giving away your power.


Mary McMonagle:

And this is going to improve your confidence. This is going to improve you just allowing yourself to be seen and receive attention, which is all feminine energy.


Melinda Wittstock:

Right. You know, the feminine energy. It sounds good to me to have the type of business where you’re really just focused on who you’re being and being in your unique genius and just being and being, you know, letting things come to you. And it sounds great. And yet you’re also operating in a universe of other people that do not operate that way. And that can be kind of tricky, like, say, in, in my context, you know, running a, you know, an AI tech company where you have investors and. You know what I mean? And so, so how do you navigate that?


Mary McMonagle:

Oh, I love this question, Melinda. Yeah. So, well, one, it comes from also knowing you’re the leader of your life, but to implementing this, implementing the feminine energy in ways that make sense for you. And so, like I said, I. When I am in my business, I am very much in my masculine energy when I’m coaching. You know, even though I’m a feminine energy coach, when I’m coaching clients, I’m in my masculine energy. And so, a way that to really flip off that switch and flip on the feminine energy, uh, is to see where you can implement these small processes. So, just for example, whenever I get off coaching calls, because, like I said, I’m very much in my masculine energy.


Mary McMonagle:

I’m being very supportive. I’m creating a very safe space. I will put on music, and I just will have a dance party, and I will just go at it for however long I feel. Just shake off the energy, play, have fun. Uh, and then a way to. This is probably one of the more important ways to invite in your feminine energy is in your personal relationships. Um, it to really, uh, open up the floor to allow yourself to receive, to be supported, to ask for help. So, if you are chatting with a partner or a friend, asking, say, asking them, like, hey, what are your thoughts around this? And really just opening up a little bit more.


Mary McMonagle:

And then even specifically with relationships, whether you’re dating or you’re in a relationship of really, like, letting your partner lead instead of maybe planning the dates or, hey, like, let’s go do this, or setting everything up, is letting them take the lead, letting them take the charge. So, to answer your question, Melinda, is to really just notice moments where you can create the opportunity to be in your feminine energy, which is that asking for help, receiving even just another piece that I practice consciously a lot in my life is if I’m walking to the door and there’s a man and we’re going at the same time, I’ll look at him and I’ll say, oh, would you mind opening that for me? And, you know, he’ll open the door. I walk in, and I just feel so feminine, so cared for, so supportive, so really in those small moments and leaning into them and trusting that those small moments are going to create a big effects and impacts not just only with how you show up, but also just owning who you are and your energy, and that will lead into your business as well.


Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, that’s so interesting, too, because I think a lot of men in particular, really want to feel like they’re helping.


Mary McMonagle:

Right? Yes. Yes. Men tend to lead more, you know, more with their healthy, masculine. And as women, we should tend to lead more with our healthy, feminine.


Mary McMonagle:

And so just how, when we’re in our masculine energy, part of that is loving to give, but, yeah, so. So, spot on, Melinda. Men love to be needed. They love to feel needed. Even just asking them a question, but even. Yeah. So, something as simple as, oh, would you mind opening that door for me? And, you know, I don’t have anything in my hands. I just meant, you know, I just know that men love to be needed.


Mary McMonagle:

And also, moments like that allow me to feel really, really good in my feminine energy.


Melinda Wittstock:

So funny. Some years back, where I was having a very similar conversation, a woman suggested to me that I do this experiment. I lived in New York at the time. She said, do you take the subway? And I was like, yeah, occasionally I take the subway. So, stand on the subway and just drop something. Let someone, like, let a guy pick it up. And I swear to God, and I just didn’t believe this would happen.


Melinda Wittstock:

It’s like New York. You know what, five guys were, like, competing to pick it up, you know? Hey, so interesting. I also have been very much in my masculine, like, all my, you know, for so much of my life, and so just getting into this thing and actually the balance of it, or perhaps it’s not balance as it is knowing what’s appropriate when.


Mary McMonagle:

Yes, exactly. Exactly. It just makes you more connected to who you are, more connected to your power. Exactly. What you said is knowing when it’s appropriate and when it’s not. Because again, like, I’m all about allow. Allow yourself to be in your masculine energy, especially given what your business is, what your profession is, that is important. But when you can look and invite in those small moments, um, and even just another, uh, quick but powerful tip, also to notice your feminine energy is.


Mary McMonagle:

It’s being aware of your energy in general. What do I mean by this? I’m. Last week, I had something that I was making a really big deal about. I was trying to control the situation. I was. I do this work because I guide this work because I’ve been there myself.


Mary McMonagle:

So, I was trying to be, like, like, five steps ahead, and I was trying to figure out the fifth step, and I was making a really big deal about something that hadn’t even happened. And I said, Mary, what if your energy was that this doesn’t even have to be a big deal. This will get to be easy. You’ll trust yourself. You don’t need to have to figure out what could all these different ways that maybe the situation could play out. And so, a tip for that is to just notice the energy, the power that you’re giving things. Because when I noticed that and I pulled my energy back, I brought it back into my body, I dropped back into the present moment. That’s when you get to also realize just where you’re projecting your energy, and that energy is going to expand.


Mary McMonagle:

So, if I stayed in that vibration of this is a big deal and this is going to become a big deal, then it would have. But I pulled my energy back and I said, nope, I’m switching. I’m shaking this out. And this gets to be easy and not a big deal. It wasn’t a big deal at all. I didn’t have, I didn’t even need to worry about step two. I just had to stay in step one.




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Melinda Wittstock:

And we’re back with Mary McMonagle, founder of True Vibe and host of the Living Your True Vibe podcast.





Melinda Wittstock:

When things do manifest for us and it feels easy, it’s almost like we don’t value those things as much. Right. It goes back to that whole thing of worthiness, like it has to be hard or whatever. And so, is part of this also opening yourself up to actually acknowledging those moments when things are in flow? Because sometimes things just happen without any efforting at all?


Mary McMonagle:

Yes. I love that you mentioned that, Melinda. And one of the things I invite your listeners is to celebrate yourself every single day. At least write down or say, I’m not a writer or journaler. I like to verbally speak out. I live alone, so I will literally talk to myself of what I’m, what I’m celebrating, what I’m proud of myself for. Because also, the more that we take time to, yeah. Recognize those celebrations, the more that you’re going to draw that in.


Mary McMonagle:

But overall, it’s also going to help open up your heart, too, because a big piece and get, being in your feminine energy is getting out of your head and into your heart and letting down some of those walls that we naturally put up. But when you’re, when you become a person who loves to celebrate yourself, it’s going to make also celebrating others very easily. And maybe you’re like, well, Mary, I love celebrating other people. I struggle to celebrate myself. And it’s like, yes. So, when you celebrate yourself, that’s actually also going to allow you to open up and expand your heart.


Melinda Wittstock:

This is really important. In one of my mastermind groups, all high performing female entrepreneurs. And we were talking about gratitude practice, to add an acknowledgement practice to this is, say, at night before you’re going to bed and you’re writing all the things you’re grateful for. Well, you can be grateful for things that you can’t control, that had nothing to do with you at all. But to acknowledge is to write a list of all the things that you’re acknowledging yourself for.


Melinda Wittstock:

And it was so interesting. So many of the women, including myself, had a hard time, like, we wouldn’t even remember, like, at the end of the day, done a million things in it in, like, a whole bunch of, like, often even miraculous things or, you know, from small to large, and. But would forget, like, not even remember.


Mary McMonagle:



Melinda Wittstock:

And so, getting into that practice of just continually doing that because before you, you know, the more you acknowledge that, you know, the more that goodness kind of starts to come into your life, right?


Mary McMonagle:

Yes, exactly. And a lot of women, too. It can feel weird or uncomfortable and really lean into that. And, you know, I invite you, if you have a partner or a friend, right, call your friend and be like, hey, let’s. Let’s acknowledge five things about each other every other day or every, you know, like, whenever you can. But to really bring in that self-acknowledgement and to celebrate yourself, it really is going to shift, shift a lot. And especially, I like to do it before bed. So, as I’m getting ready to go to sleep, I am celebrating myself, because also right before bed, we are getting ready to enter into a theta brainwave. So, our subconscious mind is wide open. So, if you are celebrating yourself, acknowledging yourself, doing gratitude right before bed, then you’re entering into that deep theta state. You may even get more insights that you’ve been trying to figure out in your business. You may, um, really, uh, just overall, you’re going to tap into fully that vibration.


Mary McMonagle:

There’s so many unexpected ways that can really come about when we just take simple actions to acknowledge yourself and to really. And that’s allowing yourself to be in your feminine energy because you are receiving. You’re receiving that acknowledgement and that praise from yourself.


Melinda Wittstock:

Tell me about your entrepreneurial journey in terms of what it was that led you to founding True Vibe.


Mary McMonagle:

When I was little, I always knew I was going to make a big difference, and I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur. But then growing up, you know, societal beliefs, my parents know, you go do all the things, Mary, that you want to do after you’ve worked 30, 40 years and you saved some money, and then you can go do that. And in my soul, that just never resonated for me. I definitely am a trailblazer. So, I dropped out of grad school, and I moved to Las Vegas to go become a yoga teacher.


Mary McMonagle:

That got me back into Reiki, which is energy and energy healing. And I began studying that. I began diving into life coaching. And when COVID hit 2020, I actually was just getting ready to leave my bar job to go full time in my business. And I’m like, okay, this is, you know, this is just in life we have, you know, it’s all about how we look at things as well. A lot of people were scared during the pandemic, which is, you know, it’s. It’s normal.


Mary McMonagle:

I looked at it at that as, okay, this is a sign to go full force in my business. I had to change a lot of things around because a lot of my, uh, things that I was going to be doing events and coaching events and healing events and yoga, all the, all the things, I had to completely change that around because they were all in person. And so, I really have stepped into my journey of where I’m at now is fully being able to trust the process and to know that I am someone of resilience, that if maybe something isn’t going the way that I want it to go, then I know that something better is in store, and it’s just allowing myself to adjust and to change and to let go. So really through resilience and adapting and being able to let go, because I am a creature of habit. I do like when things are, you know, you do x input, you’re going to get x output. But through this process, it’s, you know, the process that I do with women, it’s really allowed me to expand more into the entrepreneur that I am, because when we have those days where we’re like, oh, this is really challenging. It’s like I can trust the bigger picture. I can see that.


Mary McMonagle:

And because I see myself as someone who is resilient, that it gets me through this journey. And I’m so thankful that I took, took the leap of faith and I decided to take a different path. And that has pretty much what’s so led me to, which is my business and my brand, true vibe, which I say true vibe is usually, and we hear good vibes. Life, you know, good vibes. Life is good vibes. And you see that on pillows and on a cute little paintings. And I say life is about tapping into your true vibe and living your true vibe. So that means understanding who you truly are on a vibrational level.


Mary McMonagle:

So, when you have those challenging times, you can endure them, and then when you have those good times, you can appreciate them a lot more.


Melinda Wittstock:

That’s beautiful. So, tell me a little bit more about who you work with and what is the best way for them to find you and work with you.


Mary McMonagle:

I work with women who would identify themselves as high achievers. Maybe you are an entrepreneur, or maybe you’re just someone who has a lot of big goals and big dreams, but you feel like something is missing. I really help women reconnect to that spark so they can feel that freedom and ignite this passion and this creativity. So not only is it going to allow them, allow yourself to, to see life through a more clear lens, but also your business and also feel that joy, that celebration, that appreciation into their business. So that’s the kinds of women that I work with and through guiding them through.


Mary McMonagle:

I have a three-step embodiment process, which is all about shifting you so that you can be grounded in your masculine energy because it’s so important, but then lead with your feminine energy. And if anybody is interested in working with me, connect with me on Instagram. That’s the best way for, and we can, you know, just chat and see what, what this podcast brought up for you.


Melinda Wittstock:

That’s amazing. And also, you have your own podcast as well. Tell me a little bit about that.


Mary McMonagle:

Living Your True Vibe, which we talk all things energy, healing. I’ve had some really great guests on there who’ve talked about entrepreneurial pursuits, branding, marketing, and so it’s all the things through more of an energetic route, more of, um, really a create a creative route. Uh, so, yeah, that’s the living, your true vibe podcast. Uh, definitely, if you feel called to it, check it out.


Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, that’s fantastic. Well, I just want to thank you for putting your wings on and flying with us today.


Mary McMonagle:

Oh, thank you, Melinda, so much. This was such a great conversation, and I just thank you for all the incredible work that you’re doing.


Melinda Wittstock:

Thank you.




Melinda Wittstock:

Mary McMonagle is the founder of spiritual lifestyle brand True Vibe and host of the Living Your True Vibe podcast.


Melinda Wittstock:

Be sure to check out Mary’s podcast on Podopolo and also follow Wings of Inspired Business there, so you can create and share your favorite moments with our viral episode clip feature, and join us in the episode comments section so we can all take the conversation further with your questions and comments.


Melinda Wittstock:

That’s it for today’s episode. Head on over to WingsPodcast.com – and subscribe to the show.

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