Jennifer Brown
Learn How Your Company Can Boost Its Success by Becoming a Magnet for Diverse and Inclusive Talent
When we start companies, we often start them with our friends, our existing networks, people like us.
And in those early founding moments we miss a big opportunity, because if by employee 10 everyone looks and acts the same, chances are, your company will struggle to find the best talent. It will be much harder to attract diverse team members.
If on the other hand you make it your mission to build an inclusive culture and specifically set out to recruit minorities, women, LGTBQ, and people with different experiences than you, your business will boom in ways you never imagined.
Jennifer Brown is a diversity expert, LGTBQ entrepreneur, consultant to Fortune 500s, startups and nonprofits, and the host of The Will to Change podcast, which uncovers true stories of diversity and inclusion.
Today on Wings of Inspired Business we talk:
- Why it is that diverse teams and inclusive cultures boost bottom line profits and impact
- How to recruit outside your networks
- Why its important to create a culture where employees can bring their full selves to work by being an inclusive leader
- Why meritocracy in the workplace is a myth
- Why everyone has a diversity story – even a white middle aged man
- How to respond to men who are nervous about mentoring and promoting women after #MeToo
- And more!
Jennifer Brown is also the bestselling author of Inclusion: Diversity, The New Workplace and The Will to Change. Her work has been featured by media such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, AdWeek, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Forbes, Inc., CBS, and many more. Her new book, How To Be An Inclusive Leader: Your Role in Creating Cultures of Belonging Where Everyone Can Thrive, debuts in August and is now available for pre-order.
More about Jennifer Brown at Jennifer Brown Consulting and Jennifer Brown Speaks
Listen to Jennifer Brown on her podcast at Jennifer Brown Speaks
Pre-order her new book: How to Be an Inclusive Leader at Amazon
Get her other book: Inclusion: Diversity, The New Workplace & The Will To Change at Amazon
Read the full transcript here
Where to Follow Jennifer on Social Media:
- Twitter @jenniferbrown
- Facebook @jenniferbrownconsulting
- Facebook @jenniferbrownspeaks
- Facebook @jenniferbrownconsultant
- Instagram @jenniferbrownspeaks
- LinkedIn in/jenniferbrownconsulting
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