755 Amanda Bucci:

I remember my grandmother saying to me when I was very little, ‘be careful what you think because you will get what you’re thinking’. I was too young to understand yet this concept that our inner world reflects our outer world experiences has stuck with me. Problem is, sometimes when things aren’t going our way, we can get judgey and wonder what’s wrong with us and like my guest Amanda Bucci shares today, it’s not about self-recrimination and rather growing awareness to release subconscious beliefs that formed in us when we were infants. Today we dig into “business energetics” and conscious leadership and how to master your optimal inner state of being.

Hi, I’m Melinda Wittstock and welcome to Wings of Inspired Business, where we share the inspiring entrepreneurial journeys, epiphanies, and practical advice from successful female founders … so you have everything you need at your fingertips to build the business and life of your dreams. I’m a 5-time serial entrepreneur who has lived and breathed the ups and downs of starting and growing businesses, currently the game changing social podcast app Podopolo. Wherever you are listening to this, take a moment and download Podopolo. Follow Wings of Inspired Business there and join the Wings community so we can take the conversation further with your questions, perspectives, experiences, and advice for other female founders at whatever stage of the journey you’re at! Because together we’re stronger, and we soar higher when we fly together.

Today we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who was a 7-figure CEO before the age of 25, and now helps digital entrepreneurs and creators start, grow, and scale their businesses as a conscious business coach who uses success strategies rooted in authenticity, alignment, and transformational healing.
Amanda Bucci is the host of the Bucci Radio Podcast, boasting some 7 million+ downloads to date, and the founder of the Entrepreneurial Archetype Quiz; a personality quiz for entrepreneurs to create faster, more effortless success by operating from who they are at their core.

What’s your Entrepreneurial Archetype? There are lots of personality quizzes out there – and I can’t think of one that gets into your “energetic blueprint” and then actively helps you align to that purpose.

Today we’re talking to Amanda Bucci, who was a 7-figure entrepreneur by the age of 25, and these days helps entrepreneurs and creators understand who they truly are, connect to their authenticity, and build businesses in alignment with their energetic blueprints and overcome all the limiting subconscious programming that can sabotage our ability to realize our dreams.

Amanda created the Entrepreneurial Archetype quiz, so I took it after we finished our interview, and it gave me chills. Spookily accurate. Seriously – go to EAUniverse.io and check it out for yourself. It breaks your archetype into 4 quadrants, and for full disclosure, I am overwhelmingly –an Architect and a Creative – the combination of both makes me an “outcast”. Translation: Visionary CEO, with a core desire to breathe life into stale or outdated ideas, seeing patterns and trends before they happen, and not being afraid to challenge the status quo. It affirms what my entrepreneurial career has already told me about myself: I’m a disruptor, with fervor, vision, and systems-brained ability to build innovative and disruptive businesses that change the landscape of their industry or the world.

I laugh with recognition because every business I have ever created – including Podopolo – has set out to revolutionize or disrupt a whole industry and improve the world.

So why am I telling you this? Quite simply your chances of succeeding as an entrepreneur are about making sure you’re in alignment with your purpose and the business you’re building.

That’s why Amanda Bucci developed this method, after running 14 rounds of business and leadership group coaching programs that have collectively served over 280+ clients, she’s developed a method that places a person’s core essence and energetic blueprint as the centrepiece of their business strategy.
Amanda helps digital leaders to create

  • Financial freedom
  • Spiritual liberation
  • Purpose-based fulfilment, and
  • Global impact through their businesses

She’s been featured in major publications including Forbes, Inc Magazine, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, and more. She hosts the Bucci Radio Podcast, and she’s been interviewed on The GaryVee Show, the BossBabe Podcast, Women of Impact, and the MFCEO Podcast.

So let’s dig into business energetics and the entrepreneurial archetype quiz with the inspiring Amanda Bucci, and be sure to download the podcast app Podopolo so we can keep the conversation going after the episode.

Melinda Wittstock:

Amanda, welcome to Wings.

Amanda Bucci:

Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to be here.

Melinda Wittstock:

Well, I’m all about business energetics. I love the phrase and I want you to break it down for everybody because there’s so many terms these days, conscious entrepreneurship, conscious leadership, and now business energetics. What does it actually mean in practice for someone who’s not really familiar of this whole new realm or new way of doing business?

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, I think that’s a great question and it’s so important to make things practical and easy to understand. So I love that you asked that up front so we can have a good context setting conversation about all of the different elements that go into what business energetics is. So when you’re running a business as a business owner, you’re doing a lot of different things. So the way that I see business is you have your operations and your mechanics and the actual functioning, developing, optimizing, building of the business itself. And then you have you and also your team. And you as a person and your team and anyone that you contract with as people all have their own internal motivations, internal wounds and subconscious patterning. The energetics piece of it really describes the undertones and the dynamics that are unfolding in any business person’s experience.

This applies across all of life. But for example, if you have an unconscious pattern of people pleasing and you’ve had it your whole life and you’re unaware of it but you have this kind of identity as a person that serves a lot of people and you show up and take care of people and you’re a coach and you’re a guide, when you build your business, that dynamic can affect the decisions that you make. It can lead you to having a lack of boundaries with how you work with clients. It could leave you to not negotiating on contracts or allowing for way more than you really want to be allowing. It could have you lower your standards for the sake of appeasing other people.

So when it comes to business and energetics, together, energetics is really just the study of the unseen and the more intangible dynamics that are at play with any person and with any business. And we can bring light to what those are through having conversations about the patterns that are unfolding or the challenges that we’re facing or the resistances that are at play. We can both look at it from a strategic perspective of, “Okay, this is how we typically solve this problem in business and also what energetic dynamics are at play in your internal world and in your business that are even affecting this or catalyzing this as a problem to begin with.”

Melinda Wittstock:

Oh, I love that. I mean, once you arrive at the conclusion that even your thoughts or energy and then you dig a little bit deeper and realize that 80% of our actions are dictated by our subconscious mind and then you dig a little deeper and realize that your subconscious mind was formed between the ages of zero and six or something and then it kind of extrapolate that out. And most of the world is being run by toddlers.

Amanda Bucci:

Right. Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:

We don’t even really know.

Amanda Bucci:

The biggest of businesses are run by emotional toddlers.

Melinda Wittstock:

It’s true, right? And it’s one of these things that awareness is not a lightning bold, it’s like a practice. It’s like peeling layers of the onion. But what I’m hearing you say is that it’s very much outward success in business is actually an inner game. It’s like, what’s going on in your own head and do you even know what’s going on in your own head? So how do you unpack that? How do you help people kind of see, like, “Oh my God, what is it that’s actually driving me? What is in my subconscious? What do I have to release?”

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, yeah. That’s a really great question. The answer is interesting and something that I think everybody can relate to. It’s really where your challenges lie. And if you’re struggling with something in business or you’re feeling stuck or you are sensing that something just isn’t working in a particular area or in the whole thing and maybe you’re feeling emotions or maybe you’re getting activated or triggered by something specific, those triggers and those challenges are really playgrounds of opportunity for you to see what is happening in your inner world because it is often reflected in your outer world. This is definitely a concept to really here for the first time, but also just start practicing observing yourself and your experiences.

One thing that can really happen when you hear that for the first time or when you’re processing like, “Okay, if my outer world is a reflection of my inner world and I can look at all the places that I’m being challenged by, then often it becomes what’s wrong with me. How am I actually wrong?” That’s not the game we’re playing, right? It’s not a game of judgment and self-criticism. That is another pattern. The way that you relate to yourself as you’re going through challenges is another thing that you can pay attention to and look at. There’s lots of books, there’s amazing podcasts, coaches and experts to help you unpack this.

Even before we started the podcast, we were talking about how so many more people are talking about conscious entrepreneurship now because it really is deeper psychological and emotional and energetic elements that can have a lot of tender spots, right? We can have wounds and pain from the past and things that we’re drudging up inside of ourselves. It isn’t this kind of blanket thing to just say and learn, “All right, there’s a bunch of stuff inside me and now I got to go fix it so I can run my business.” It’s really like a personal journey that requires expertise and support and education around how to work with your emotions, around how to work with your patterns.

And one of the, if I can offer anything to this space in that conversation of seeing your challenges or seeing any kind of stuckness or resistance or emotion as a mirror for yourself, is to start by relating to it as something that doesn’t have to be judged, as information that is symbolically representative of something going on inside of you. Start to unpack that and look at that with support with someone that can help you dissect it, because the way that you relate to it and the beliefs that you have about your own self could also be another place to look.

Melinda Wittstock:

I couldn’t agree with you more. If you look at your day, if you look at things that trigger you where your own judgment of someone else, say for example is triggered, it means that it’s only resonating with you or you’re only in judgment because you’re probably very critical of yourself as well.

Amanda Bucci:

Right. Right.

Melinda Wittstock:

You probably have this kind of judgment energy. I’ve just noticed over the years just to remember my own kind of spiritual growth journey that the clues were in the unease or in those moments where you’re triggered or something irritates you or you get frustrated. Whatever that is, whatever that negative emotional response is, that that’s kind of a breadcrumb to what is it that you believe. I love what you said about the self-forgiveness here because a lot of those beliefs aren’t even ours. They were just stuff that we imprinted when we were babies and toddlers going back a little bit in our conversation. They’re what we overheard our parents arguing about or maybe just something we sort of walked past the television, all those beliefs when we didn’t even have a frontal lobe. So that’s a good way to get into the mindset of forgiving yourself, but using these things as opportunities to grow, not as something to keep you stuck in not feeling good.

Amanda Bucci:

Mm-hmm. Yeah, absolutely. That’s a great way to put it. It’s just the door, right? Those places are really, if you can have the frame of mind in how you show up in your business and what’s going on in any given year or month or quarter, it can often feel like, “All right, something’s not working in my business. How can I fix it? How can I solve the problems so I can keep growing and keep making money?” That is absolutely a pathway that should be explored and there’s always more information to learn about business. But oftentimes if we can turn inward and we can look at, “All right, how am I relating to this? What’s the energy that I’m bringing to this situation? Am I not practicing my foundational inner work, like gratitude and presence and creating my own reality?” How am I showing up to any given situation?” If something’s not working, that’s just an opportunity to really deep dive and to unpack the different elements of that. That’s where the term energetics or energy is really a umbrella term for what are the different layers of what’s happening.

You can have a business layer, a very practical like, “Oh, this type of language might not be landing for your ideal customer. Or there’s some sort of gap in the sales pipeline where you can really optimize that right here. Or this positioning of this offer is just not really something that the market is saying yes to you right now.” But it can also be unpacking, “All right, what are the mental belief systems that I have in place that are locked into my body right now that are perpetuating my belief that I can’t have more of what I want? How am I feeling on any given day in relation to this situation? Am I judging myself? Am I making myself wrong for just even being here? Am I comparing myself to other people?” Right?

There’s so many things that you can do in that unpacking, like little ways that you can support yourself, little rituals, little tools. Whether it is like, I’m going to… Right now for this season, I’m really working on my money stuff, for example, so I’m really looking to create more abundance. I’m really looking to feel more at peace in my situation. So how can I start feeling the way that I want to feel now so I can become more open and available to receive more money? How can I start creating that feeling in my body more early rather than just waiting for the actual thing and the external world to change?

Melinda Wittstock:

Right. Well, often when we change internally, that’s the way to outer manifestation. I think all of us have been trained to believe that happiness is in the destination, reaching the destination. So like, “Once I’ve got there, then I’ll be happy.” But the actual fact is it’s about the journey. And to reach the destination, you have to be happy before you reach the destination. It sounds so simple and kind of backward in a way, but it is actually simple. What we think is really our choice. And so there’s so many tools for that, whether it’s visualization or affirmations or getting yourself into a gratitude to get yourself into, energetically speaking, a better place tends to bring other more positive opportunities or positive circumstances in your life, which are going to get you to the destination. Does that make sense?

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, absolutely. Yes, it’s great.

Melinda Wittstock:

It took me a long time to really understand that. I remember the first time just with even early days of Law of Attraction or The Secret or whatever, and being so confused by that. My analytic mind in the early days, I just couldn’t get my head around, literally couldn’t get my head around that. And then just over time it’s just so obvious to me now, right? I don’t know.

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I mean you hear things. And I think that’s the cool thing about cliches or just statements that you hear on a podcast. That first introduction to any kind of concepts is really the start, not the end, because then you get to go on a journey of learning that wisdom for yourself. And when you really receive the wisdom, it’s because you’ve had some sort of experience where you’ve had to learn it on your own and not just listen to what someone said, but you feel it in your body and you anchor in that feeling of, “Oh, I really do understand that my thoughts create my reality. Got it. I can understand it on an intellectual level when someone else says it, but now I get it on a body level, on a soul level.”

Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah. You almost have to prove it to yourself. I remember Law of Attraction in the early days. I started with something really simple. I was like, “Okay, be it resolved that I get great parking spaces, so I’m going to have this amazing parking karma that I am going to get the place right in front of wherever I’m going without [inaudible 00:14:23].” And I swear to God it started happening the minute I set it and just sort of believed it. I think it worked because I didn’t really have any investment in it. I really didn’t really care that much. You know what I mean? I sort of like at the… And then it worked. It still holds. I swear to God, people comment on all the time that I have this parking karma.

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, I think that’s so funny. It’s been about four years now since I had my first ever spiritual awakening and learning all these tools. I still think it’s funny when I observe myself having a nice healthy skepticism where I’m like, “Oh, is that really true?” It’s funny to check in with myself because that analytical mind will always have that little doubt and that little question. Every single time I observe that and I allow myself to just be a little bit more open and to trust the unseen energy laws that I know to be true, that I have experiences where I felt it and I’m like, “I know this is true. I know that if I set an intention and I open myself up to receiving that it’s a possibility and I ask for spiritual guidance and support, I do know that those things help and they work.” It’s just so funny when there’s that little ego that comes in that’s like, “Are you sure that you can’t just fix it with your behaviors and your actions and your mind?”

Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah. Well, the truth is our analytic minds are way more overdeveloped than this more spiritual intuition and being able to trust your intuition or a quieting your mind to actually be open to receiving a different way of thinking of things.

Amanda Bucci:


Melinda Wittstock:

And so tell me a little bit, you mentioned you had your kind of spiritual growth journey started four years ago, so what was the spark? What got you there?

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, that’s a great question. We were even having this conversation a little bit before the podcast of how many people are having this experience as well and just starting to wake up. I think social media is a huge, huge part of that in just being able to see more people think differently and do things differently. And for myself, it was really a moment both in business and in my personal life and relationships where I had a very similar pattern with my ex-partner along with a business partner that I was working with. I was observing that the pattern in both of those relationships was really creating the same result.

My pattern, my core pattern, what I have come to know about it is really rooted in people pleasing and it’s rooted in growing up. I’m a twin. In my experience of being a twin, I didn’t have tons of trauma growing up. No big tea trauma. I had lots of privilege. I had a great family, lots of lucky, wonderful experiences growing up. My relationship with my sister and my family at some point as a child, like you said, sometimes you just see something walking by a television and you don’t have a frontal lobe yet, so you can’t process it as a baby. My situation was really, I had a memory regression experience with a somatic trauma therapist to kind of unearth this specific memory. But essentially what happened was my twin sister and I were both crying in the crib and my mom picked me up first to console me. And looking back at my sister who was still crying, I somehow inserted the belief system that when I get my needs met, the person that I love suffers.

So somehow the rest of my life, I created this kind of environment with my subconscious patterns that I didn’t realize until these moments where I appeased everybody else and I was in kind of a constant state of fawning and mirroring and really losing myself and abandoning myself. In the business situation that I was in, I essentially gave away all my power to this person and I allowed for someone else to essentially be smarter than me and know better than me what’s to do for my own business. I didn’t have a connection to my own sense of self, my identity, my power. Similarly in my relationship, I was in this kind of dynamic where everything was just fine, but nothing was really challenging me to grow. It was creating a lot of stress. There was one particular kind of experience where everything came crumbling down and I had to break up with both of these people around the same time and really change things. And that was the first real moment of recognizing that there are patterns inside of me that are creating situations in my reality that I really have to look at.

So since then has been a very intense kind of rollercoaster whirlwind, what I kind of call is like PhD master’s class of just very short intense time period of really looking at all of my stuff. I ended up having a moment with myself and the universe and God. I looked up at the sky and I was like, “Wow, I just learned so much from that. Give me more please.” And then I got it. I got so many things to learn and unpack.

I signed up for this spiritual psychology program in Los Angeles that came highly recommended by a few people. It was a year and a half long, 300 hour certification where I learned how to relate to my inner world and how to process and resolve unresolved emotions inside of my system and learn all of these different therapeutic skills and these different space holding skills. There was a connection to love and the universe and God and spirituality all kind of wrapped up in that.

I took so much of that knowledge and those skills and just things that I learned from therapy and social media and other certifications that I’ve taken and have just really learned how to relate to myself and my life and my relationships and my business as this journey to witness more of myself and to see what patterns are coming up now, what am I learning about myself through this experience, what is this experience here to teach me and show me about how to really actualize myself in a beautiful way where I am creating a business from the inside out, I am creating a community that is really rooted in my authentic gifts and my authentic essence. And that is really the kind of core of what I do.

Melinda Wittstock:

I love that story. It’s so interesting how business though is kind of a catalyst that if you’re to succeed in entrepreneurship, it almost pushes you to go on this spiritual growth journey. I mean, that’s certainly has been my experience. I’m onto business number five as an adult. I’m one of those serial tech entrepreneurs. it’s really all the things that come with being an entrepreneur where you’re creating something out of whole cloth, that kind of innovation.

Amanda Bucci:


Melinda Wittstock:

Whether it’s a completely different way of disrupting an entire industry or whether it’s just a new way of doing something or a new product or a new service that no one has thought of before where you’re creating a new market, all that stuff. Even if you’re opening a restaurant, man, I mean anything.

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah. [inaudible 00:22:32].

Melinda Wittstock:

We’re going to have so many different things come out of left field, things you can’t control, people you can’t control, circumstances. I don’t know. Now there’s talk of all this recession. I don’t know. A million and one things. Learning how to be really comfortable outside of your comfort zone, learning how to embrace change because it’s the only thing that’s inevitable, just coming to peace with a lot of that stuff. And then the other thing is really big for women is knowing your own value. So if you go into a business under valuing yourself on some sort of subconscious level, you’re always going to underprice, you’re always going to fall into perfectionism and miss an opportunity because you’re so busy trying to make it perfect and do everything yourself. You’re going to overdeliver, under price, just all those kinds of things. So if you have that, you got to recover from it to create a successful business.

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, yeah, that’s absolutely true. It’s such a revolution that’s happening right now with women and entrepreneurship and really learning how to see the value in womanhood and just in the feminine in general and how much of the world and even the business world specifically has been really void of that and has been really void of that beautiful energy of being nurturing with yourself and being open to the chaos of life and being able to view things in the business world from both the analytical place, but also the emotional place and also the energetic place and the unseen and the unknown and all of the beautiful things within that. It really is not only a revolution for individual women and feminine beings, but for the whole world of entrepreneurship.

Just a little story about being a woman in business. I have had this really interesting experience, like you said about undervaluing yourself. I have not undervalued myself, but in that process of claiming I know that my experiences are this transformative and these are my prices and this is what I’m doing it for, I’ve had people judge and criticize and call me a scam artist for charging certain things. I’ve always found it interesting because there’s plenty of men that charge exactly what I charge and don’t have that experience. It’s such a thing for women to even break down those barriers of how you look and if the way that you look is affecting how people respect you or whether or not they’re going to buy from you, all of this patriarchal, misogynistic stuff that affected women for so long.

Melinda Wittstock:

Oh my god. It comes from other women though too.

Amanda Bucci:

It does. It does. Yes. We do [inaudible 00:25:34] each other.

Melinda Wittstock:

Because we’re all swimming in the same sort of soup, right? We’ve all been acculturated. So if that woman doesn’t value herself, she’s going to project that onto every other woman. And so I find it easier to… Like my prices don’t get… questioned by a man, but they’ve almost consistently been questioned by women.

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, we do it to each other. We all have internalized misogyny that we have to unpack. It’s another energetic dynamic to unpack. It’s like, “Well, that’s affecting the way that you believe and relate to money and your own prices.” And if we can all do that work collectively, then we can all become more powerful in the world, which is again it’s going to crumble. It’s going to crumble the systems that are currently in place, which is really are just different.

Melinda Wittstock:

I think they too. I think they are crumbling right now.

Amanda Bucci:

Yes, they are.

Melinda Wittstock:

There’s this kind of reaction, which is always a sign that massive change is coming. I think women though who are on this conscious plane have the ability to completely remake business. You even look at it’s already really happening where that whole command control team management system really doesn’t work.

Amanda Bucci:


Melinda Wittstock:

You look at all the quiet quitting or all the great resignation, all these things. That’s because those old command control models don’t work. They’re just not going to be accepted by anyone who’s a millennial or Gen Z.

Amanda Bucci:

Right. Absolutely.

Melinda Wittstock:

So it’s a new way of leading, which is much more consensual, much more intuitive, much more empathetic. And again, these are all the archetypal feminine power qualities.

Amanda Bucci:

Yes. Yeah. It’s really beautiful and really exciting and definitely requires a lot of intentionality and strength and inner strength. That’s again going back to doing your own inner work and unpacking all these things. It’s like there’s so many things to unpack. It’s going to take time, it’s going to take support. It’s not going to be something you do in isolation. It’s going to be something that if you have other people doing it with you and you have mentorship or people that you follow, or friends that are doing something similar to you or on a similar timeline to you, that’s going to be where we really get to all do this together.

I think that entrepreneurs, specifically women entrepreneurs or people that are trying to support this specific evolution of consciousness happening, this is where we start to build businesses that help solve that problem. We’re like, “Cool, let’s bring people together. Let’s do retreats. Let’s have community. Let’s help make this easier for you. Let’s help…” Something that I’m really passionate about and what I’m trying to do in both of my businesses really is to help people really see that there’s a place for them in business and to not feel like if they do business differently than the norm or the traditional way or just the way that anybody else is doing it, that it doesn’t mean that they’re not a good enough entrepreneur or that aren’t welcome.

I think that when people can feel like they can do it in a way that really is authentic to them and honors their own natural ebbs and flows, especially again we’re cyclical beings with different hormones and different schedules, there’s so many different ways that you can do business. I’m really passionate about showing people like, “Hey, the way that you are is perfect and there’s going to be a really authentic way that you can use and share your gifts that also honors your energetic template.”

Melinda Wittstock:

Mm-hmm. 100%. So I want to ask you, well, we still have some time, because Amanda, I could probably talk to you forever about all this stuff. I love all this stuff. But you have an entrepreneurial archetype quiz. Tell me about entrepreneurial archetypes. What are some of the archetypes and how are you measuring what your archetype is?

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, that’s a great question. So I came up with the entrepreneurial archetype system a couple years ago. It started because in my own experience of business and coaching, lots and lots of people being in different masterminds, that same conversation I just had, I felt as though I was trying to follow a business template that other people that were successful were doing.

I’m a very empathetic, energetically sensitive person. I am a projector on the human design if you know anything about that. I really am a guide that can see how to do things really efficiently. But I’m not meant to work all day every day. I’m not supposed to be hustling and grinding. The way that my brain works is very creative and really less systematic. There were so many times where I felt as though I had to be a certain style of person and do certain things that kind of fit this mold of CEO or entrepreneur that runs this size of business or whatever to be respected. Part of that was my own stuff, but part of it was really minimal conversation in the space about different styles of business for different styles of people.

There was a few people that I had in mind at the time where I was like, “Okay, why are they successful at that thing specifically? And then why do they choose this kind of business model? And what is it about them that led them in that direction versus this other direction? Why do we pick the things that we do essentially?” So what I really saw within myself, within my clients, with my colleagues and mentors was really these four different energetic templates. The way that it really downloaded to me in my body and my system resonates with so many people. We’ve had 20,000 people take this quiz. It has infiltrated the online business and coaching world anyway in a really great way where people just kind of understand that about themselves just like any other personality tests like human design or the Enneagram or any of those. It’s just another piece of information for you to really understand yourself on a deeper level.

So the four types are the creator, the coach, the teacher, and the architect. The creator and the coach are more of the feminine side of entrepreneurship and ways of thinking. The teacher and the architect are more of the structured masculine style of brain and what is driving you and how you think and the things that you have most natural desire to function as and the roles that you feel most drawn to. So the creator is really the innovator. It is the part of you that is not just having lots of ideas but wants to innovate and create on whether it’s a business or just an idea or you want to bring new things forth and you’re really connected to your thoughts, you’re really connected to yourself. You often need a lot of space to allow that creativity to foster. You see beauty and magic in things where other people don’t. It’s really you see this a lot in content creators. Obviously the typical creative endeavors like content creation, videography, influencering, stuff like that.

But you also see it with people that run creative businesses or have a creative route to their business where your ideal role is to be in a creative role. It doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t be a CEO, but your style of running your business really should honor your free flowing thought and emotional connection to yourself and connection to source as something that is your core focus in your business. The coach archetype is the part of you that is relational and the emotionally intelligent part of you. So it’s the person and style of person that really focuses on other people and likes to go deep with people whether that is, “I want to have a really beautiful customer onboarding system that allows people to feel seen and heard in their experience.” And often people with coach archetype high up on their chart tend to get referrals and their clients get a lot of satisfaction and they have multiple tools in their tool belt for emotional relating and relational connection because that is at really the core of how they exist in the world.

The teacher archetype is really the informational, structured, research, down to earth person that is well studied and honors their mentors and they know that information is out there for them to consume and then to digest and then to disseminate out to other people in their own way, in their own version. They’re really focused on legacy and they want to learn all the things and they want to share information like a one to many kind of format, whether that’s on a podcast or with an educational company or even just the way that they show up in their role. For example, my assistant writer for my book I’m writing right now, she’s a creator teacher. Where I have the gap of the teacher, I’m a creator coach, she can go and gather as much research as possible and see, “Okay, this needs to be structured in this way. This could be better organized or we need to back this up with a story.” It’s really honoring the delivery of information.

The architect is kind of in the name, it’s the architect, the engineer, the systems thinker. In business you typically think of this as your operating officer or the online business manager or any person, it could be the CEO, it could be the founder as well, obviously, but any person that really sees and thinks and systems and sees business as, “All right, this is the system for me to master and a game for me to learn. There’s lots of different configurations of this system, but I know that I need capital. I know that I need key partners. I might need to structure this business in this way to bring this idea to life, but I’m going to do it through the lens of a system and architecting and engineering.” So those are the four. Do you have any immediate thoughts about that? I think so.

Melinda Wittstock:

Well, that’s amazing. I mean, that’s so helpful because again, we’ve been talking about the consciousness, which is really self-awareness. There’s so many different ways to approach business. I believe that when you’re doubled down on your unique abilities, like in your genius zone as opposed to your good zone or even your excellence zone, I mean, that’s where you’re going to make the biggest impact. And hire the rest. I think a lot of women fall into this idea that they have to be all things to all people. I guess it’s part of the people pleasing thing. It’s like this idea that we have to do everything to have it all. We’re control freaks, that kind of a manifestation of perfectionism.

Amanda Bucci:


Melinda Wittstock:

Tools like this I think are great because it helps people just get clarity about what they’re doing and who they’re being, where that provides the most leverage. In other words, “I’m going to be this and it’s going to give me a multiplicity of outcomes” as opposed to, “I’m going to be this. Yeah, I’ll get it 50% done or half the way done and I maybe not going to enjoy it or whatever.” So this is super, super helpful. I want to make sure people know how to get this. How do you take the quiz? You just go to your website and sign up?

Amanda Bucci:

The website is eauniverse.io. So E-A-U, universe.io/quiz. When you take the quiz, there’s a lot more layers to how the system works. Just like any personality system, whether it’s astrology or human designer or Myers-Briggs, there’s a whole kind of unpacking to do in just how the system works and how to use it. It’s not necessarily just that you’re one or the other. It’s really that you embody all of these archetypes within you somewhere, but it’s really just how do they naturally sit within your energetic field and your system.

Melinda Wittstock:

Oh, that’s cool. I’m going to go take the quiz. [inaudible 00:38:23].

Amanda Bucci:

I’m excited. You got to tell me what you get.

Melinda Wittstock:

It’s really interesting too, because I think of it from the perspective also of hiring people.

Amanda Bucci:

Yes. All right.

Melinda Wittstock:

Like Podopolo, my podcasting platform. We were just closing around. We got a lot of people to hire. All these kinds of tools can conceivably help with that, especially if you run the type of company where you really want your team members, not just about you, you want all your team members to be fully conscious and self-actualized and in alignment with their zone of genius and all of that. That’s a major priority for me as we grow and scale Podopolo for that reason.

Amanda Bucci:


Melinda Wittstock:

That’s super cool. So I’m going to check it out. Also, everyone should check out your podcast. What you got? With 7 million downloads and counting. Tell me about this podcast. That’s amazing.

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, I love the podcast. I actually paused my podcast a year and a half ago so I can write my book, but it’s coming back, which is exciting. It’s called Bucci Radio. I talk all these kind of conversations, all things business and self-development and understanding how to really actualize yourself as a person and a human being in your business and your relationships. Like I said, I’m going to be bringing it back kind of more full force once my book edits are really complete. When you have lots of different projects going on and sometimes you have to put one in the parking lot for a little while, it was a hard decision because I love my podcast so much, but I’m excited to come back to it, but [inaudible 00:39:50].

Melinda Wittstock:

That’s great. Well, when you come back, you’ll automatically be on Podopolo with all the other 5 million audio and video podcasts we have and all the social inter-activity and creator tools to monetize your podcast and much, much more.

Amanda Bucci:


Melinda Wittstock:

And when is your book out? What’s your book called?

Amanda Bucci:

My book is called Followed: The Content Creator’s Guide to Being Seen, Facing Judgment, and Building a Magnetic Online Presence. So it’s basically about the journey of being an online content creator and what it means to be followed and have so many eyeballs watching you for yourself development journey and understanding how to find your voice, how to actualize yourself not just as a content creator or a business owner, but as the person behind a brand who is growing and changing and evolving. And there’s really nothing out there like it to help content creators navigate all of the things.

Melinda Wittstock:

No, I’ve never heard of such a book. That’s such a great topic.

Amanda Bucci:

Yeah, I’m very excited about it.

Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, especially interesting for women too because I think a lot of women, especially in our kind of cancel culture or however you want to term all the stuff that goes on social media, are still afraid of stepping in, right?

Amanda Bucci:

All of that. Yes. Yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:

And so how you navigate that, like your personal brand and how you see yourself, it’s almost… I’m a recovering television news anchor and I remember I had to go through this way, way back in my 20s and early 30s. I had to go through this whole process of seeing myself, my on camera kind of almost like an avatar or an alter ego to be able to separate me from that performer, if you get it though, you know?

Amanda Bucci:

Right. Yeah, I have a whole chapter about that. It’s such a thing where as a person, it often feels like you have to perform this persona of yourself rather than actually be yourself. And really the whole intention of the book is to help content creators and people that are in the online space feel more and more safe to be more and more authentically themselves and how to break down those barriers of feeling like you have to perform or put on a show or offer other people what they think you should be doing based on how you look and what they’re projecting onto you and really how to claim your own power and how to be in your own truth and how to be honest and how to be vulnerably yourself.

Melinda Wittstock:

I love that. Well, look, as soon as your book is out, you got to come back on this podcast ASAP because we can really dig into all those topics. I can hardly wait to read it.

Amanda Bucci:

Very exciting.

Melinda Wittstock:

What’s the best place to find you and work with you?

Amanda Bucci:

Awesome, thank you. Yeah, my Instagram is definitely the core place that you can find me and work with me. It is @amandabucci on Instagram. And then you can check out stuff on my website, amandabucci.com.

Melinda Wittstock:

Yes. Well, thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us today.

Amanda Bucci:

Thank you so much. I’m glad to be here.


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