251 Baeth Davis: Seeing Your Future

Baeth Davis is an entrepreneur and coach known as the Palm Pilot for the Soul of Your Business™. An expert in scientific hand analysis and human design, Baeth draws on her intuition and extensive shamanic experience, as well as her 20 years as an entrepreneur, to help entrepreneurs and leaders of all kinds unleash and align with their life purpose, so they can get paid for their passions. Listen today to learn how to step into alignment so you can profit from your purpose.

Melinda Wittstock:         Baeth, welcome to Wings.

Baeth Davis:                      Awe, thanks, Melinda, I’m so happy to be here.

Melinda Wittstock:         I’m excited to talk to you and I’m particularly interested in learning about hand analysis. What is hand analysis?

Baeth Davis:                      Hand analysis is a scientific study of the markings in the palms of your hands. Essentially your hands are a map of your brain. When I’m looking at someone’s hands I am given a blueprint to how they operate the world emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Melinda Wittstock:         Is this like palm reading? What’s the diff … Is this part of it?

Baeth Davis:                      It absolutely is palm reading, however it’s not palm reading like you would find, say at Venice Beach where someone’s holding your hand and essentially doing a cold reading. I say cold reading because I do read hands and I have met these people and I say to them, “Well, where exactly in my hands are you seeing that?” Then, they’re a little flustered, because they don’t have a place to point to. They’ll say general things to me such as, “Well, you’ve seen it all, you’ve been there and done that.” I’m like, “Well, is it my gray root showing or what the …” There’s a lot of tales that people can read. Hence, it’s gotten a shifty, shaky reputation. What I deal in is using it as a biometric tool for people to understand their core personality, their behavioral patterns, and the way they approach problem solving. It’s very, very specific to the individual, because essentially is a map of the major activity of the brain.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, wow. That’s so interesting. Are you looking at the lines of the hand or the way the fingers are placed? Are there any particular indicators?

Baeth Davis:                      All of it. All of it. I look at the fingerprints. The fingerprints form in utero and don’t change. They form between the 14th and 16the week. The fingerprints are vital to understanding life purpose, because it’s for life. The prints don’t change. Your purpose doesn’t change. It’s the same purpose your whole life. The shape of the hand, the length of the fingers, the positioning of the fingers, the shape of the palm itself, all the lines and markings. Some hands have a lot, some hands have just a few. There are also gift markings in there and challenge markings and so on and so forth. People are typically quite fascinated by hand analysis and what is in their own hands. I’ve been doing this 20 years, so I can be at an event and someone says, “Hey, look at my hands.” I will quickly tell them something and their eyes are wide open and their mouth is hanging open. They say something like, “You got me. You nailed it. That is absolutely true. How do you know that?” I’ll show them. I’ll say, “Oh, it’s this thing right here and it means this. It’s connected to this and …” The main thing people get from it, I feel, number one is permission to be who you really are.

Two, is validation that you’re not crazy. Three, it’s this permission and clarity to go forth with what it is you want to do. The person feels profoundly seen and acknowledged and there’s such empowerment that occurs in that. If someone takes the information to heart and begins to consciously be mindful of it, because awareness is everything. The whole point of life is to be aware of your life and without awareness we wouldn’t be human. It’s our awareness that brings us joy that brings us transformation. That brings us love and friendship and all those wonderful things. It’s the ability to show up in the moment knowing who we are and also knowing who we’re not. That’s my main mission if we were to dig under all the various things that I do in my business and the services our company provides, ultimately I’m here to help people figure out who they really are.

Because a lot of people think they know who they are and my attitude is if you’re not getting the results in your life that you know you ought to be getting, that you deeply and truly desire there’s only one reason is because you don’t know who you are.

You just don’t know who you are because when you know who you are your life it works, it just works. It doesn’t mean you don’t have challenges but there’s not a lot of drama, there’s not a lot of pain, there’s not much suffering.

Melinda Wittstock:         This is so interesting, so a lot of people go through their lives in this long kind of journey and perhaps they don’t even find out who they are. I think entrepreneurs have a better chance than most in figuring it out because entrepreneurism brings up so many challenges and so many things along the way that either you’re going to grow as a person and get that awareness to succeed or you’re not and you’ll fail.

It’s almost that simple.

Baeth Davis:                      Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:         Is this hand analysis is just essentially short circuits a lot of the process in the sense that you get there faster. If you were to know this really, really early in life would it affect the type of business you launch or how you go about it, what are some of the practical implications of hand analysis in terms of how it relates to businesses we pursue and strategies we pursue?

Baeth Davis:                      It’s massive.  One of my goals in my lifetime is to bring this knowledge to more children because the sooner you know the easier your life will be. First of all you’ll stop wasting your time on things that other people have told you, you should be doing.

You’ll start doing what you want to be doing in fact …

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah, I totally get it, I mean if it’s a shortcut to getting to where years of meditation or self analysis or whatever might get you, I’m all down for that. How does it manifest though practically? Say you’re doing a hand reading with somebody and you see some things and you tell them, can you give us some examples of some say folks whose lives have just really changed.

Like they’re oh, my God I can see now, I was in the wrong business and now I’m going to go do this.

Baeth Davis:                      Sure.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah, I’d love to hear some examples.

Baeth Davis:                      I’ll use someone that might be known to many of your listeners and then I’ll use someone that totally isn’t. Ellie Brown is a good friend of mine and she’s become quite a successful entrepreneur, I would say. I met her in maybe 2007, there about, 2006, somewhere in there.

She heard me speak and I heard her speak and finally, she thought I was a kook when she first met me, many people do, they just write it off but I don’t care.

Melinda Wittstock:         You know you’re not a kook and I know you’re not a kook.

Baeth Davis:                      I just met her.

Melinda Wittstock:         Baeth Davis is not a kook.

Baeth Davis:                      It doesn’t matter; I mean I’m a little kookie but I’m not a kook. A little wild but not totally a weirdo. Anyway, she pulled me aside at one of these conferences we were at, she said, “Okay, I’m ready to do the reading.” We went to her room and we ordered some steak and some wine and she paid me and we sat down and I did the reading.

She said, “Oh, my God, this is unreal.” I had I think maybe thereafter or it was before, I don’t remember the sequence we were sitting out by the pool and I looked at her hands again and I said something along the lines of, “You’re here to be a global ambassador for women’s entrepreneurship and particularly to empower women in the western world to help women in more impoverished parts of the world to get into entrepreneurship.”

She started tearing up and she looked at me a little bit stunned and she later told the story about that experience how she had been calling herself the “EZing queen” because she taught people how to use their email to send out a newsletter, the EZ, right, the email magazine.

She became known as the EZing queen and soon there after she realized oh I’ve got to rebrand and reposition how I’m showing up in the world if I’m going to be this global leader and entrepreneurship. I said to here, I said, “Just you wait you’ll be working with the UN and you’ll be on boards of these different organizations.”

Sure enough she’s worked for the UN on entrepreneurship for women around the world and she’s won the Ernst and Young entrepreneurial award and it’s been mentioned in Forbes, all these different magazines that focus on entrepreneurship. Has completely repositioned, rebranded herself in alignment with the massive power that her hands revealed.

She has incredibly strong hands physically and not a lot of lines, so she’s also incredibly focused and her life purpose is about global service and shifting consciousness globally particularly around leadership and entrepreneurship. She’s now doing that.

That’s how massive that hour can be for someone and I’ve asked her, “What’s been one of the greatest in your life?” She said, “Oh, definitely meeting you and realizing the profundity and depth of who I’m supposed to be in this world and not writing it off but taking it seriously.”

That was a pretty amazing experience and I’ve since gone many of the entrepreneurs in our space, they’ve been clients of mine of or I’ve helped them with their purpose and I won’t start name dropping but you know them. Then on the other side there’s the person who’s maybe working as, I’m thinking of several of them, who’s a bookkeeper and they really like the bookkeeping work.

However, when I look at their hands they’re supposed to be an author and a speaker and a teacher and they’ve got some gift for making money in business. One of the people I’m thinking of really needed to create a training company to train people in the ways that she approached money.

It was a much bigger vision than she herself had thought of and I said to her, I said, “There’s a cap on how much money you can make doing people’s taxes. However, there’s a pretty unlimited possibility if you start teaching people how to handle their money better. Even have another training program where you train other people to do what you do so that you’re a leverage, so you have system redundancy.”

That’s how specific the hands are and I have 20 years in sales and marketing. I’ve done cold calling, I’ve done collections, I’m a copywriter, I’m a trained speaker. All those different aspects of business I’m also experienced in and therefore when someone spends an hour with me they’re also getting that 20 years of business experience and I happen to be mega intuitive.

I can sit with someone and I’ll get a very clear picture in my third eye of what I see them doing and the majority of clients that I’ve worked with who have resonated, and most resonate with what I say. They have taken to heart and  taken action on it, they report back to me within 18 months to three years that they have indeed stepped into their purpose and that those things that I saw have happened.

Whether it’s a best selling book or working for the UN. That was a conversation that I actually had with Ellie, I remember I was in vacation, I was on vacation in Canada, it was late at night, it was a full moon, I was sitting out on the deck, it was summertime in Canada.

Sitting on my friends deck on this beautiful lake, talking to her on my mobile phone and it just came through. She said, “What do you see for this?”

“You’re going to work for the UN, soon.” Then it was a couple months later, she said, “Baeth, I got invited I’m working with the UN around entrepreneurship.” I’m like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” There’s also this magical aspect to what I’m able to do now and I don’t like to call it predictions because it really, even if I see something that wonderful, oh, you’re going to work with the UN or oh, you’re going to start a training company.

The person has to be lined up with it and then take action to make it happen, right. Otherwise it’s just a vision, it’s just a just a pretty dream, but I see very pretty dreams for people. People sometimes ask me do you see anything bad in the hands?

The one thing in the hand that’s really challenging for people is their blind spot or their life lesson. I say to them, “Well, isn’t your life lesson enough, do you really need more challenges than that?”

Melinda Wittstock:         The life lesson is always, everyone has one, right?

Baeth Davis:                      Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Melinda Wittstock:         It’s one of those things that if you listen to it early and are open to learning fast enough you can sort of minimize what could be the devastating impacts of that life lesson. I find that when you don’t listen or where you willfully try and push past it or ignore it, that it just gets louder and louder and louder, but you have to deal with it at some point, right.

Baeth Davis:                      Oh, absolutely, well it’s genetic, I mean your life lesson is encoded in your actual fingerprints everyone has a very specific lesson.

Melinda Wittstock:         If you know your life lesson before you really are experiencing it or before it comes to a head in some sort of dramatic way, is there a real difference. I imagine that you have clients that come to you before they’ve had some kind of massive kind of challenge in their lives.

There are people who come to you after they’ve been humbled in some sort of entrepreneurial misadventure or something in their personal life or something like that. What’s the difference, I mean are you able to navigate those things better I guess knowing?

Baeth Davis:                      No not necessarily, I don’t need to talk with a person to see what’s there, I mean I do talk with the person and report to them what’s in their hands but I don’t need any preamble information at all other than the hands about the individual. What I can tell you is that most people show up when they’re in spiritual crisis of meaning.

Because they haven’t been listening to their intuition, they have been more attached to what’s in their mind than what’s in reality. This is a majority of humans, the majority of humans do not listen to their body. They give their authority to other people, to the government, to religions, all these other things that will never steer you straight.

I mean you might get some information but you’re not going to navigate your life correctly, you would be led astray. The only real authority is within the individual because you’re the actual captain of your ship, who else is going to live your life better than you, than you, nobody.

If someone gets to me before hand they’re usually rare and they’re very, very wise and Ellie Brown is one of those people. She’s just an anti-drama individual and she’s very proactive. She knows when something is coming to an end before it hits crisis point.

She knows when she’s getting bored, she knows when it’s time for a change and she’s very in tune with her own rhythm. That’s what I wish really for everyone. Understanding what’s in your hands can at least support you in having less crises. Or soften the crises as you go forward because there’ll always be challenges.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah, because that’s what I was asking is really does it soften the crisis.

Baeth Davis:                      Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:         We have these life lessons, we have these things that are perhaps epigenetic, or the legacy type things we’re here to solve. I remember having a very profound understanding of that but it took me … I had to go all the way to the Amazon rain forest, right.

Baeth Davis:                      Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Melinda Wittstock:         To really have those epiphanies where it all became clear. It’s like wow, well that would have been kind of cool if I’d know Baeth like way back in my 20’s, there’s probably a lot of ups and downs that, yes I might have not eliminated those but just they would have been more navigable, less dramatic.

Baeth Davis:                      Absolutely, here’s the thing, a large majority of people never get to their life purpose because they get so much crap and conditioning from their childhood. I mean many people spend most of their adult life trying to clean up their childhood so imagine when you come in and you don’t have all that baggage.

You’re miles ahead of other people, there’s a reason Richard Branson is where he is. It isn’t because he’s Richard Branson it’s because he was born into a family that empowered him; we are so sadly mistaken if we think environment doesn’t affect us.

Environment and diet, what you eat and who you’re surrounded, what you’re surrounded by is 95% of whether or not you’ll succeed in life. We put so much emphasis on the individual. It’s a very interesting paradox where you need to know who you are as an individual to individuate.

However, in order to successfully individuate and become an actualized person, you need the correct diet, you need the correct people, places and things. If you’re born into destitution and your role models aren’t there and you’re going to some crappy school because you live in the wrong zip code, your life is about 85 to 95% harder.

There’s slim to none chance that you’ll rise above that, that’s just a statistical fact. One of the missions I’m on is to create better environments for kids. Kids who are foster kids, they come from abuse, they come from drug addiction they’re so much more screwed than someone that doesn’t come from that.

I want to see our society start to actually address that the kids who come from the rich zip codes make way more money, have a much better life than people that come from the ghetto. There’s just absolutely no if’s, and’s or but’s about it an until our society makes education and particularly self-awareness a priority we’re just going to see this pattern repeat.

It’s actually very disappointing to me so one of the things I feel can help mitigate it is when I’m working with my clients I encourage them to find a service mission that’s bigger than themselves. It is truly through serving others with our gifts, which is doing the inner work.

I need to know who I am to share my gifts, then from the place of gifts it’s about moving into service and uplifting humanity and actually cleaning up that neighborhood and not dumping your trash in the street and not being an irresponsible person.

Frankly, I just see people really, really self-centered, they’re focused about me and my family and I got to pay my bills and me, me, me, my, my, my. I’m like wow.

Melinda Wittstock:         Wow.

Baeth Davis:                      That’s the bigger issue to all of this that I see is that people need to get their heads out of their butts and recognize that if you’re middle class or above you’re pretty entitled, you really don’t have any problems, not really, not really and the question then becomes, what are you doing to become fully actualized to being service to humanity?

You can tell I have very little patience when someone says to me, “I just can’t get my news letter out.” Or, “I can’t get my web sight up.” Oh, my God, then just go to the Congo for half a year and volunteer your services and then come back to me and tell me how you can’t get your damn web site up, I don’t want to hear it.

That’s kind of where my rant comes from is I look at society and people are like make it happen and pull yourself up by your boot straps. I’m like, easy for you to say, upper middle class person that has never had to worry about where your next meal is coming for, like shut up.

This is where I get really, really frustrated with our entrepreneurial community is that I don’t see enough people being of service, they’re all fixated on your lifestyle, your house and your car, like none of that crap is going to make you happy and I’ve had it all.

[crosstalk 00:37:25] Anyway that’s why it’s so urgent for all the sensitive, empathic, motivated, ambitious people listening to this. If you’re not having a good day go help somebody, go get a client and help them, go help your elderly neighbor, start a charity, join a charity, be of service it’s the only thing that ever frees anyone.

I’ve never seen anything else work like service to make people’s lives magic. It’s that contribution to others that will turn everything around. Some people say, “Oh, I don’t have anything to give.” I’m like go give 10 bucks and give an hour of your time. Go give an afternoon of your time, it will change your whole life.

You’ll meet people you never would have met, you’ll meet the real philanthropists because the only way you meet them is if you go give your time to charity. That’s kind of the mission I’m on now is like I’m blazing a trail for all the entitled people of America to get with it, figure out their purpose and go serve.

I agree that there’s no better way than entrepreneurship because as much as I rail against the entrepreneurs they’re also my favorite people. Because like you said it’s one of the best ways to grow as a person is to be an entrepreneur and entrepreneurs typically are good at taking risks, they’re not completely controlled by fear.

Even if they have fear they’re going to take that risk and that kind of courage to innovate, to move through obstacles, to create jobs for other people, I really believe this world, the world is fine, there’s no problem with the world. The people in the world will have their suffering reduced the more of us succeed in our businesses creating jobs for others and holding this service mindset.

Here’s the thing why my business keeps growing and growing, whenever I’m up against a wall I say to my team how can we better serve our clients? It does the trick every time. How can we provide a better experience for them? Oh, they need more customer support, oh let’s get a better software in and let’s get more people actually answering the questions directly.

Oh, they need more coaching support, okay, let’s hire another coach. Let’s keep providing that support and it’s been remarkable, Melinda, what’s happened. My own coaching clients in my yearlong program and my one to one clients have said to me I’m 60 years old, some of them are … I’m 55 years old, I’m 60 years old, I’m 62 years old.

I’ve been a business owner for 25, 30 years, I have never gotten this kind of support in a mentorship program, ever, from any coach until now. I didn’t know what support was. My family didn’t support me, society didn’t support me, everyone told me I was crazy but I get support in this group.

That’s been for me one of the biggest, biggest takeaways of being of service shows up everywhere. From how you treat the person in the parking lot, might be best not to get into a fight with them because they took your parking space. To how are you serving those who are paying you their hard-earned money.

How are you serving them, that’s my broader mission is to activate as many people as possible into their own internal depth of wealth, their own unique purpose, such that they can give their gifts, such as they can serve.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, it’s very true but I think entrepreneurship at it’s best is service. Because the whole [crosstalk 00:41:05] because the whole point of entrepreneurship is that you discover a problem that you’re uniquely able to solve.

Baeth Davis:                      That’s right.

Melinda Wittstock:         Right so, your purpose and you’re able to go and create value for other people, so it’s a massive give forward right there. I mean you’re in it for the right reason, you may be in it for a very mission driven purpose but even not you can’t succeed unless you’re creating value for someone else.

By definition that’s being in service. I mean the interesting thing about women in business, so Baeth you have clients who are both men and women, right?

Baeth Davis:                      Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:         Right so do you notice a difference in the way they approach entrepreneurship from that kind of purpose point of view. Because one of the things that comes up on this podcast, I don’t know a year into this kind of three hundred interviews in and you start to see the markers of success. For women, one of the things that’s the toughest for them is understanding leverage, understanding how to ask for help. They tend to get into overwhelm, they try and do it all. They confuse doing it all with having it all. These sorts of things end up in overwhelm and in burnout. Are these all things in their hands or is this just the way we’ve been conditioned? Do you notice any difference really between the men and the women in terms of how they approach business and service and purpose?

Baeth Davis:                      Absolutely and lot of it’s the way the brain is structured. So I’ll just break it down really, really simple. The majority of men are single focus. Their eyes are actually different than women’s eyes. They’re designed to look forward and hit a target. If you think about that in terms of business, it’s very helpful. When you’re not distracted and you’re able to focus on one thing, you finish it to the exclusion of everything else. My guy, my partner is a man and it’s very interesting the way he gets work done because when he’s working on something he’s not answering calls, he’s not answering email and he’s not hanging out with me. He’s not even checking in with me as much as I like for him to. He just forgets about me. He forgets about everything. I might cross his mind, but not enough for him to stop what he’s doing, text me a hello and then get back to it. So when he does actually text me a hello, I’m like, ooh, I feel very special because he stopped what he was doing.

For the most part men are very, very focused and as a result of this being able to shut things out, they just don’t attend to the things around them, often, that need to be done. Like I cleaned the toilet, or filed the bills and people will often step in and clean it up for them especially if they’re running a business. They just have to ask, like oh, hey we need another secretary or we need another janitor and yeah [inaudible 00:43:57], but they’re not going to do it, because it’s going to interrupt their flow. Now women’s brains for the most part, release oxytocin when we’re in a group and oxytocin makes us feel good, so women feel good when chitchatting with other women, when we’re laughing we’re usually quite loud. We’re brainstorming with each other we feel very safe in a collective for the most part, provided that collective is one that has good leadership and there’s transparency and not a lot of gossip. People can get into some low level behavior, but we’re talking the ideal group.

Women’s brains have that corpus callosum that branches the right and left hemispheres. We also have many more sensors for emotions than men. When it comes to business, the downside of this is when women are in isolation, they tend to fail because they need a group. They need to be with other women, physically. I don’t just mean in a Facebook group. I mean, you need to go to the networking meeting twice a week. Most women’s businesses take off once I just get them out to networking meetings to get them sponsoring at events almost without fail. Oh Baeth, I just need to go be with people. I’m like, uh huh. So, yes, women for the most part … Now there’s always exceptions but this is pretty much scientifically shown because men, their bodies, aren’t that much bigger than ours on average compared to certain primates where there’s a huge differential between the male and female. Men and women, homo sapiens, our body sizes aren’t dramatically different. The men have way more muscle mass and they have these eyes that focus forward so they’re designed to be rather immune to pain. They don’t do well with emotional pain. It actually causes them physical pain. That’s why when you ask a guy what is he feeling, even if he knew he doesn’t want to talk about it, because it’s going to cause him physical pain.

They’re always trying to get away from their emotions and go do stuff. The male brain wants to do stuff. That’s how they know life is working properly. That’s why I’m with my partner, his happiest time with me is when we’re doing stuff together. We’re playing games, we volunteer, we’re going there. We’re doing activities. For women, we get a lot of satisfaction through talking, through socializing, through community. So, for a women entrepreneur she is very well supported by meeting people in person, being in collectives, running groups, being a member of multiple groups and always having an accountability buddy and a mentor to help the woman focus. Women’s brains don’t naturally move towards excluding everything else. Our brains want to include everything because our eyes rove and we have great peripheral vision and this so the child doesn’t run into the fire. When we’re trying to run a business, our brains sees everything all at once that isn’t done. It’s like all these children running towards the fire and as a result we naturally feel responsible because that’s how our brain is designed, is to be hyper empathetic, hyper responsible, and hyper responsive to a myriad of distractions which really sucks if you’re trying to run a business.

I have a shiny object women’s brain like anyone. I learned oh my goodness, I need to do a couple of things as a women. I need to set up a lot of support so I’m in a bunch of women’s groups. I probably go to three meetings a week. Most of them are business, some are social, but I go to at least three meetings a week. I get out of the house and I go do social things like our dance class or a painting class. I really try to stimulate that oxytocin. Not negotiable. The more I do that the more money I make. I always have a mentor. The few times in my life I did not have mentorship, my life really cratered and burned. I said I’m not making that mistake again. So, I’ve got accountability there and I’m in a group as a member that’s a coaching group as well. So I’ve got social groups, business groups, my coaching group and my mentor. Add to that, recognizing I want to foster a bit more of that masculine energy in terms of focus, which means I have to be very conscious of activating my male brain, because I don’t have a lot of it. Activating my male brain, saying to myself out loud, okay Baeth, what are the three things today that need to get done and I write them down. Those are the three things.

I have post it notes everywhere to remind me and I’d stay focused. I actually talk to myself though. Stay focused, stay focused don’t go to Facebook, don’t answer that call, you’ve got to finish this project. I’ll talk out loud to myself like that. Nope, no, you can socialize later, just focus and I put these people in place who bug me. So my whole team has permission to say to me, hey, where’s the thing? You’re supposed to get me the thing. Where’s the thing? I need the thing, whatever the thing is. I need that email, I need that paperwork, that whatever the heck it is. So I’ve given them permission to help me stay on task and I’m the kind of business owner where I don’t mind feedback, I take it from my clients, from everyone. I don’t have a lot of ego. Even my own clients will call me out and yell at me. I’m like, fine, what do you want? I’ve become very, very open to improvements and that’s what the difference is.

So male clients are a dream to coach because they’re single focus. I give them an assignment, next week it’s done. They’ve let nothing interfere, but in the meantime their wife is angry because they keep forgetting to take out the trash and they never remember what you’ve told them to do. You have to write it all down. Those are those clashes between male and female. But in business, men tend to excel at a much faster speed because of single focus. Once I started to recognize that, I thought, this doesn’t make women any less able to succeed in business, but we have to go about it differently. We have to go about it as a woman, which means we’re going to need a lot of support from other women. Think red tents, think dance party, think knitting circle, book club. Those things exist for a reason because they make a woman happy. When we’re happy and relaxed, we’re much more able to trust others and let go of some of our responsibilities. That’s my long-winded answer to your question.

Melinda Wittstock:         So I love the answer to that question and I want to turn it though, to people who already know they’re entrepreneurs, have that kind of entrepreneurial genome if you will. They feel a calling, they know that they’re unique; they want to do things kind of on their own terms. They want a life of freedom, all of these sorts of things and they’re on this journey and more likely than not, they have a special gift. They have something. I think we all do but they have something, at least they’re aware of enough, that gives them the confidence to say yes, I’m going to go out there and I’m going to go out on my on and like do something, create something from whole cloth. Is that something that you can see in people’s hands, how entrepreneurial they are or, that they have some sort of special gift?

Baeth Davis:                      Absolutely.

Melinda Wittstock:         How does that manifest? How can you tell? What’s the difference a non-entrepreneurial hand and a entrepreneurial hand? Or can you even … It’s difficult in an audio interview, but is there anything that’s different?

Baeth Davis:                      Well, there are many different markings. It depends on how they show up. For example, strong thumbs, thick long thumbs help with entrepreneurship. There’s something called the fate line that tends to run from the wrist up towards the middle finger. Ideally, most people don’t have it do that, but that indicates beginning, middle and end and being able to complete things. There are actually money markings in the hand and money purpose or business purpose in the hand. That helps a lot. A leadership purpose also will tend towards entrepreneurship. So leadership and money, that’s what I’m looking for in terms of marking. I’d say the vast majority of people that have those markings, they either running their own business or they’re about to start. Or if they’re working for a company, they’re in a pretty high-level leadership role.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yeah, oh gosh. That’s so, so interesting. So, one of the things that’s curious though too … Sorry, I’m just trying to get into this question about gifted people that you had, about why they struggle so much. I didn’t know they did. Let me just ask you, just trying to find a way to ask you that better. One of the things Baeth … One of the things that’s interesting though, for people who have very special gifts, they can tend to struggle a little bit and maybe it’s because when you have a special gift as a child and if you get positive reinforcement that your gift is great, well that’s wonderful. But if you’re told that you’re a freak or that the thing that makes you different is a huge asset, but if you’re told that somehow it makes you wrong or bad or different in a way that makes you feel left out, that gift is not brought to the world or people struggle with it or they have some sort of mindset issue around it. Is that one of the reasons that people you find that are uniquely gifted, can sometimes struggle in business?

Baeth Davis:                      Oh absolutely. If you don’t have confidence it’s a big challenge because what people buy is your authority. You can’t stand … I’m a genius at this, I’m expert at this, I can help you solve that problem whether it’s weight loss or money or relationships, whatever the problem is. If you can’t stand in the authority in that, it’s going to mean you’re not going to be very successful. A lot of times people are unaware of their gifts because they buried them. They might have been aware of them when they were a child, but as you said, there was conditioning. So for a lot of us, it’s looking at the ways in which our life isn’t working. I meet people, for example, that have the Midas touch. It’s actually another marking in the hand, where what they touch turns to gold and they themselves are broke.

Part of the reason is that they don’t understand that they’re here to teach people about money and they keep saying, well I can’t teach people about money until I have money and I say, ooh, that’s a Catch-22, because you won’t have money until you teach people about money. That’s a lot of the gifted people I meet. Until they use the gift, they won’t get the thing. They won’t get the payoff.

Melinda Wittstock:         Right.

Baeth Davis:                      That’s quite a conundrum.

Melinda Wittstock:         It is quite a conundrum. But this is magnificent. I could talk to you for hours about this. So you’ll have to come back on again and because we never really got to your own entrepreneurial journey, or your own story. I do have to ask you one question before you go, which is what was it that had you discover your gift for reading people’s hands? I mean, wow. Like what led you there?

Baeth Davis:                      Just to clarify, reading hands, I suppose I’m gifted at it. It’s really a tool in my toolbox. Really what I do is I help people make money doing their purpose. That is my life purpose is monetizing what you’re here to do. First you have to figure out exactly what it is. How I figured it out was I was in a spiritual crisis of career. I did not like my job and I was going home from work and crying myself to sleep thinking there’s got to be more to life than paying the bills. Around that time a friend bugged me and repeatedly bugged me to get my hands read and finally just to get her off my back, I said okay and I had this hand reading. Completely blew my mind. It was one of those moments in life that you remember as one of those moments in life that changed everything and that was the moment. Like the first really memorable moment. Everything up until then, I was like it was okay. But that moment, I went wow, I am destined for something greater and since this is the best thing I’ve ever heard about myself from anyone, anywhere at any time,

I’m just going to believe what she says because why not. It feels great and I know good feeling is good and I’m going to follow this good feeling and I’m just going to do what she said is there. I’m going to test it out and if it doesn’t work I can always go back to the other crappy way I was living. I think I’m going to give this a shot. I devoted myself to learning about everything in my hands and applying it to the best of my ability and then learning how to read hands and helping other people. My business started doing hand readings and then I built a coaching business and I built an online business now I have an online school where I teach people how to read hands and then I have a mentoring component of my business where I help entrepreneurs get on purpose and monetize their purpose. Here it is 20 years later and I’m still on that same track and it’s one of the most amazing moments in my life. One of the best decisions I ever made was to trust my own design.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, how beautiful. That’s wonderful Baeth. How can people find you and work with you?

Baeth Davis:                      You can go to baeth.com. That’s B-A-E-T-H-.com and if you want to chat with me, just click on the link to schedule a break through session and it’ll go right into my Google calendar and we can get on the phone and have a chat about what you want to achieve. The main people I help are individuals who want to speak on more stages and leverage their gifts from stage. That could be a live stage or it could be a webinar, could be a podcast. Leverage those gifts in such a way that they can sell high ticket instead of 197 here and a free eBook there, but rather bring their gift to the world at the right price so that their clients really get transformation. A lot of people don’t offer the full course of penicillin and what happens is that if you only take two of the seven pills that virus or bacteria is going to come back. Bacteria is going to come back bigger and badder than ever and probably mutated so that’s one of my challenges, overcoming conditions in businesses that you can just do two pills in a seven pill course. You’ve got to do the whole course. That costs people money because if people aren’t invested, they won’t do the work.

So my preference is high ticket. And people say they well, oh, people don’t have money. I’m like they all have money. Almost every person I’ve ever talked to comes up with the money if they want it bad enough. It’s quite remarkable how creative people will get when they want something. They have to really want it so I don’t even worry about that anymore. If they want to do it, they’ll come up with money. They always do. It’s amazing. They always seem to come up with the money. So that’s really my focus now is to help people have businesses that are scalable and that are profitable and you can’t have that if you’re undercharging and just giving out a couple of pills when you need to give out the whole course.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, gosh. That’s great advice.

Baeth Davis:                      Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:         That is awesome. Baeth, thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us.

Baeth Davis:                      Oh, thank you Melinda. This was a joy.

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