654 Christy Whitman:
What is your heart’s desire? If you could manifest your perfect life, what would it be? We all have desire. And we all have minds that play tricks on us to stop us from receiving our desires. Perhaps we think we don’t deserve what we desire, and we have that closed fist my guest today Christy Whitman talks about. Christy is a transformational coach who shares today how we can be open to receiving what we desire.
Hi, welcome back to Wings and I hope you’re ready to soar. I’m Melinda Wittstock and here on Wings of Inspired Busines we share the inspiring entrepreneurial journeys, epiphanies, and practical advice from successful female founders, including all I’ve learned as a 5 time serial entrepreneur … so you have everything you need at your fingertips to build the business and life of your dreams.
Today I’ve opened the Wings vault to reintroduce you to an inspiring energy healer, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author who has made it her mission to help you manifest your true desires in alignment with your soul’s purpose.
You might know Christy Whitman from her books, the Art of Having It All or Quantum Success, and most recently her book The Desire Factor … Or from her transformational coaching programs, or her appearances on The Today Show, The Morning Show, and The Hallmark Channel, or her previous conversations with me here on Wings. Today we talk about desire, why desire is a good thing, and how to manifest your perfect life.
I can’t wait to share this groundbreaking conversation with Christy! First…
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Christy Whitman has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, coaching sessions and products. Christy’s life-changing message now reaches over 200,000 people a month and her work has been promoted by and featured with esteemed authors and luminaries such as Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks, and Louise Hay. Christy teaches the Law of Attraction, energy mastery, and personal development classes, meditations, and private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with the Divine Design of wellbeing, abundance, and success.
Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy & Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program.
Today we go deep into energy healing, the Council of Light, and how to change your mind so you are open to receiving what’s in your hearts desire.
Let’s put on our wings with the inspiring Christy Whitman.
Melinda Wittstock: Christy, welcome to Wings.
Christy Whitman: Thank you so much for having me back, Melinda.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s great that you’ve come back. I’ve loved all our interviews and you have pride of place as being on this podcast three times now.
Christy Whitman: Woo-hoo.
Melinda Wittstock: You have a lot of value to provide. I’m so excited about your new book. I want you to tell everybody about it.
Christy Whitman: I’m so proud of it. Obviously, you know that I channel the Council, and so all of my books have been channeled through me. They just come down as a block of information and my hand becomes completely independent of my own consciousness.
But this book is super special, because it’s with the Council, and now I know who I’m channeling. And so, the wisdom in this book is just … I mean, first of all, the energy in this book. I’ve been doing some Facebook Lives, and Marie Diamond, who is just amazing. [crosstalk 00:01:09].
Melinda Wittstock: Oh, I love her. Ages ago, she was on this podcast.
Christy Whitman: Yeah. She’s amazing. I mean, she was saying that just by holding, and I feel it too, just by holding the book, the energy is so infused with the wisdom, that it’s like every word is infused by the Council’s energy.
So, just by even holding it, putting it by your bedside, you feel the shift and the energy. And then the wisdom that’s in the book, the words, the meaning, the message. It’s amazing. And so, I’m just really proud of it, because it’s really a time that people need to hear that they need to allow in their desires. Because desires come from the deeper part of us. They come from a place that’s going to move us in a direction that a lot of times, us the human being, the personality, doesn’t even understand at the time.
And, well sometimes we move in directions we’re asked to, given these desires as little, spiritual bread crumbs that move us on our path. And sometimes we don’t understand why we have the desire, but as long as we’re like, “Ooh.” That feeling of, “Ooh.” And we move with it, those desires lead us on a journey of becoming. And they’re so important, especially now more than ever, because that’s really, it’s life giving. Nothing gets created without having a desire.
Melinda Wittstock: So true. And I mean, the magic, of course, is opening yourself up to actually receiving this. Because I think we’re getting bombarded with inspiration all the time, but if we’re in our busy, busy, busy to-do lists and all that stuff, we miss those things. We’re disconnected from all the abundance around us. So, finding time to be present, and quiet, the mind to actually receive that inspiration is something that a lot of people don’t do.
Christy Whitman: Well, yeah. It’s one of those things that our human mind, it’s always got us figuring out the who, where, what, how. It’s always trying to look at things, and if you have a mind like most people, it’s the same mind that’s like, “Go eat ice cream. That’ll make you feel better.” And you’re like, “I don’t want to eat ice cream.”
And you have this debate inside of your own head. You could be looking at someone, they could be looking at you, and they have no idea that this debate is going on in your head. And you’re like, “But you want the ice cream.” “But no, I’m trying to lose weight. I’m trying to stay in shape. I’m trying to be in health.” “But eat the ice cream.”
And then you go eat the ice cream and it’s like, “You dummy, why did you eat the ice cream?” And it’s like this crazy mind that we have. And it’s a wonderful mind, it helps us visualize, it helps us get creative, it helps us get strategic. And yet, there are times when we’re just like a little kid, we need to go, “Okay. Calm yourself down. Move over here, so I can receive in something that’s bigger and greater than I am.”
Melinda Wittstock: I want to talk to you about channeling. For people who don’t know what the Council Of Light is, and Christy, what you do, because they may not have heard you before, or may not have seen you channel as I have. What is the Council Of Light?
Christy Whitman: Yeah. It was fun going to your event and nobody knew that I was going to be channeling. And so, I did it and everyone was just like, “What just happened?”
Melinda Wittstock: What just happened? Exactly.
Christy Whitman: It was like, “What?” I mean, I came out and they were all looking at me like, “Did this just happen?” It’s pretty trippy, but it’s amazing at the same time.
Melinda Wittstock: We heard this amazing Indian male voice all of a sudden, and what was interesting is watching you as you were slumped in your seat. Like, when you were there and you were dressed to the nines, like just Christy. And you walk in, it’s this amazing presence, and you sit down, but when you started channeling it was sort of like you had … You were not connected to your body anymore in a really weird way.
And there was this Indian accented man that was coming out of your mouth with these amazing things that were really moving people. People had major breakthroughs listening to you.
Christy Whitman: Yeah. It’s remarkable, it still continues too. Yeah. The Council Of Light is a collection of very high ascended masters, and when their wisdom, it’s like the frequency of their energy moves into my body and it’s by invitation, obviously. It’s not all of a sudden, I’m just going to start channeling. They are invited in and when that happens, my consciousness, as we know the woman to be Christy, goes out and they come in.
So it’s like their consciousness, their blocks of information, their energy for sure, comes in and they speak through me. And it’s amazing what they can see. I mean, Melinda, it is like as things move and progress, obviously it’s going on three years that I’ve been doing this, they have more permission and they’re more comfortable.
And when they’re with someone, they can see holographically. They’ll pin point an exact time someone got an energy block. And they’ll say, “When you were seven and a half there’s a block right here.” They don’t want to know the story, they don’t want to know what your thoughts are around it. They literally can go to that, “Okay, you’re seven and a half.” And they tell you exactly where it is and then how you could process it out.
And everybody, whether it’s, “This happened when you’re 20. This happened when you were four. You got the energy block here.” People are amazed, because you’re like, “Oh my gosh.” They always pin point exactly when it was. And people are astonished when I come back in. They’re like, “You have no idea.” And I’m like, “What?” “They pin pointed seven and a half, that’s when my parents got a divorce and my mom moved to a different country. And I was in total shock.”
Or, “Four and a half is when I got sexually abused.” Or, “21 is when I got married and had a kid.” Just all these crazy things, and the specific timing for that person, because everything’s energy, and if you have an energy block, and you haven’t processed your energy, you haven’t mastered your own energy, we’re creating from those blocks.
So, it kind of makes sense to know where they are and how to release them, so that you can be free and be in complete alignment with your love body instead of your pain body.
Melinda Wittstock: I witnessed this twice with you, and then didn’t we do this on a Facebook Live, I think as well?
Christy Whitman: We did. Yeah.
Melinda Wittstock: And I saw the transformation, the aha moments of people, “How could you possibly know that?” And having witnessed it with my own eyes, and ears, and senses, I know that this is true. I’m curious, though, how did you first connect with the Council Of Light?
Christy Whitman: Well, I have to go back and say that when I learned about meditation, when I was in that, on my knees, “God what the hell is this thing called life? Help me out here.” That moment, 25 years ago. I was led to a woman that taught me meditation and she was a channeler. And every major teacher that I have ever had has been a channel.
And so, for me, it went along with this whole awareness and consciousness of spirituality. So, for me, channeling wasn’t weird. And all of a sudden, about five years into my own spiritual practice, I started receiving messages. But literally, my first book Perfect Pictures woke me up at 1:05 in the morning and it was like I was hearing this voice and I couldn’t go back to sleep.
So, I got up and put pen to paper, and my hand just started writing, and writing, and writing. I couldn’t even keep up with reading what I was writing, it was going so fast. My hand was independent of my body. And so, that was my first experience of channeling, which led me to, literally what I’m doing today, because I got the book published, it was seven days in a row, 1:05 in the morning that happened. The book has seven chapters.
So, I started speaking in spiritual book stores and churches, and people started asking me to coach. Then when I would be in coaching sessions, following that path, all of a sudden, just this block of wisdom would come in. I would get a question to ask the person, or I would just get this complete picture of what’s going on with the person. And then I would bring that up and they would be like, “Whoa. How did you know that?”
And so, I kept leaning in to all of that, and then about six years ago, probably more than that, my hands started going up in a session. This is like even before … I didn’t use Skype at the time, and it was before Zoom. And so, I’d be on instant teleconference with a group of people, coaching and teaching classes. And all of a sudden, I’d be in Montreal. One woman was in Seattle, for example, my hands went up and I couldn’t put my hands down. And then the woman, and I could almost see this picture of this woman, so my hands were around her neck. And I was like, “Oh. Okay. Let’s do this.” And the woman goes, “Did you just put your hands around my neck?” And I’m like, “Yeah, I did.” And she’s like, “Well, my neck has been killing me.” She didn’t even tell me that. “My neck has been killing me all day.”
And I’m like, “Well, here we go.” So, my hands got like firey red, they’re like … Not red, they felt really firey, like on fire, like hot. And then all of a sudden the sensation went away, my hands just naturally dropped, and she’s like, “Oh my God. Thank you. I feel so much better.”
So, I kind of came out of the closet that I’m an energy healer, and as I was doing that, kept leaning in, kept leaning in, I kept getting assignments from what I now know to be the Council. I had to drive off the freeway one time, because I was just driving, was not on drugs, wasn’t doing [inaudible 00:11:15], smoking weed. Nothing like that. Just driving on the freeway. And all of a sudden, I got this huge vision of who the Council is, and this just enormous, almost like the … If there’s a thing called heaven, almost like stairway to heaven with this opening of this Council, of these high beings in this circle. And they started talking to me about creating this sacred circle of light. And I’m like, “Okay. Let me pull over, because I am going to get in a car accident.”
And I started just writing down what I was seeing, what they were telling me. So I created this program, Sacred Circle of Light. People come in, it’s a year-long program. They literally come every week, and we release their traumas, and their imprints, or if they just had an argument with their husband, help them process the emotions.
And there was seven women in the group, and the last woman of this one particular day, I could usually hear them so clear and I could see them, and get the messages so clear. For her, it was like nine voices. You know like when your kids talk to you all at one time and you’re like, “Wait, wait. I can’t hear anything?”
Melinda Wittstock: Yeah.
Christy Whitman: That’s what was happening. I was just like, “Wait, I can’t hear anything.” And that’s when my consciousness went out and their consciousness came in. And I could have sworn, Melinda, that my body was flung over the chair. And when I got the recording back a couple things surprised me.
I was straight up, I had this Indian/Australian/British/ … I don’t know. We don’t know what the actual accent is. I have this accent, the tonality, the cadence, everything was different. It was clear it was not me. And thank God it was recorded, because in the time stamp it was September 17th, and that was my son’s birthday. So, the Council came through on Maxim’s birthday, and we’ve been together ever since. And everything in my business has now pivoted to Christy and the Council.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s amazing. I’ve been on this spiritual journey for some time now, and I find that I get inspiration at really odd times, but never when I’m working, per se. never when I’m in a doing mode.
But really trusting the inspiration, sometimes it doesn’t even make sense, but when I act on it, miraculous things happen.
And it’s happened gradually for me, but it’s how I run my business now. I don’t have a to-do list. It’s entirely based on the inspirations that come to me in meditation, or when I’m walking the dog, or whatever it is. And just being really open to it, and vibrating, and creating in a place of joy.
Christy Whitman: Well, what you’re talking about is literally the first principle that we talk about in the desire factor, which is alignment. I mean, you’re in alignment. And how do you know if you’re in alignment? Well, you feel good, if you don’t feel good you’re out of alignment.
Melinda Wittstock: Exactly. That’s so true. I mean, I’ve learned a lot of that from Abraham Hicks too, which also is a channeling piece. Over the years, listening to her or him.
Christy Whitman: They, they. Yeah. It’s like, when you’re out of alignment, when we feel any type of doubt or any type of negative emotion. Frustration, whether it’s in our business relationships with money, whatever it is. Whenever we’re feeling those kind of lower level emotions we’re in lack. And when we’re in lack, because lack always feels bad, is how you know.
When we’re in lack, we’re not in alignment, because our divine self doesn’t ever vibrate in lack. But when we’re feeling excited, joyful, just even content. You don’t have to be like, “Why?” Just even feeling that sense of peace and fulfillment. Now that’s alignment, because we’re in the mindset, we’re in the energy field of abundance, which abundance always feels good.
Melinda Wittstock: Exactly. It’s how you know you’re in alignment, because if you try and say you have a business goal or something, that you’re trying to manifest or make happen. And you’re in this kind of doing, and you’re in the sense of lack, and fear, and all that stuff. It almost chases it away, rather than allows it to manifest.
So this whole feeling good, like for a while, it was just like, “Okay, well, how am I feeling in my life when things are going well? So, how can I have that feeling more, and more, and more, and more, and just be in that place all the time?”
Christy Whitman: Exactly. Well, when you really think about it, it’s like everything’s energy, and we have access to whatever energy we want to experience. So we can tap into the feeling of success, joy, abundance, peace, whenever we want, all we have to do is ask and let that literally move into our body. And it’s a feeling that comes from within, but it’s also an energy that’s given to us by the divine, our co-creative partner, the one that’s beating our heart, and the one that’s breathing us.
So, we have the source of energy to call it a treasure chest above our heads, it’s always filled up, never runs out, can’t be stolen from, can’t compete for each other’s. We have our own individual energetic chatter treasure chest that all energy leads to forms, anyway. So, if we’re literally allowing ourselves to be filled with higher energy, and if we’re not, we’re probably picking up other people’s energy. And that’s why empaths are so, like, “I can’t be around people, because of always picking up people’s energy.”
When you’re deliberately coming into your own energy, and filling yourself up, it’s like all those little cells that we have, if they’re being filled up, you can’t fill them up anymore. So it’s up to us to … And it doesn’t have to be like meditation that we’re doing for three hours a day, it’s literally an asking of, “I’d like to be filled up with success today.” And you just feel yourself like all the cells just being filled up with success.
Well, now you’re receiving in and you’re vibrating from this higher energy. And then to understand that, the combination of that energy plus what we’re sending out, gives us the results in our lives. And what we send out is our consciousness, and what’s our consciousness? It’s the words that we say, the thoughts that we think, the perspective, belief, expectations that we have, the emotions that we either feel, or don’t feel, that’s where most people get caught up, and the actions that we take.
And if you understand from that simplicity, that’s how we are sending out energy to the universe. And then receiving situations, circumstances, events, relationships, all those things coming back based on what we’re sending out. And a lot of times what we’re sending out, we’re not even aware of.
Melinda Wittstock: We’re not aware of, like say for instance, someone who’s worried about something is creating things to worry about. Or fearful of things, or creating fearful situations. So get into the point to ask, first of all, for what it is you truly want, what your soul actually wants. Not what you’ve been told you should want, but what you actually want, then the next big shift is being able to actually receive it.
Christy Whitman: Yes. And that’s one of the principles I talk about. And we talk about, I should say, in the desire factor, because it’s literally a step by step approach to how do you get in alignment? And then how do you get into that receiving mode? Because we need to be in it, and if we’re not, then closed fist can’t take anything.
It’s like, if you have a closed fist, someone’s trying to give you a gift, you can’t receive it. But it’s always our choice, we are the ones that have free will and choice. And when you start to understand how you can turn it on getting in receiving mode, how you can literally vibrate in a different place energetically, how you could be aware of, “Wait I have a block, I’m creating this.” Well, then you’re the energy master of your life, and then you get to decide when you’re turning on the receiving mode, or keep it on.
And what you said is absolutely true. I mean, most people have been coaching people for 20 years, and the biggest thing that most people do is they come to a place in their life where like, “I don’t want this.” And it’s like, “But what do you want?” And then you ask them what they do want, and then they revert back to, “Well, I don’t want to get a divorce.” “Okay, what do you want?” “I want to save my marriage, because I don’t want our divorce to fail.” And like, “You just went back to what you don’t want.”
I mean, just even in what people say, and how they think, the focus. That’s one of the principles in the book, the principle of focus. Where are you focused? Because if your free will and choice is focused on what you do not want, which most people do, and they’re not even aware they do it.
Melinda Wittstock: They’re not even aware of it, exactly.
Christy Whitman: Yeah. And then you’re speaking what you don’t want, you are creator of your own life experience. So where’s your focus? If you’re worried about your marriage, worried about your business, you’re freaking out that you’re going to lose something, then your focus is on what you don’t want instead of what you do want. Because when you’re focused on what you do want, you actually feel good, you feel excited, you feel expanded. Focus on what you don’t want, you feel bad.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s so funny, Christy, in writing the Vivid Vision for Podopolo, my podcasting app and player, three years out, as if it’s already happened, and really feeling the joy, and the gratitude for all of that. I found myself writing, “We’re succeeding because of who we’re being, more than what we’re doing.”
Christy Whitman: I love that.
Melinda Wittstock: And there’s a lot written about conscious leadership, so in terms of creating a culture in a company, where your team members and your employees are all kind of vibrating at this, imagine the multiplier effect of what that means for a company.
And I found that happening more and more with my team, infusing it with this consciousness. And it’s so uplifting to see it actually happen.
Christy Whitman: Well, here’s what the Council says about that. So your business is an extension of you, and your business’s energy is also an extension of your energy. And so, when you are super clear about what you’re wanting in a project, a business, whatever it may be, and you’re flowing that energy in there, it’s like law of attraction. If you’ve got a deliberate energy, and you’ve got this vision of what you want for this business, those that are not in resonance with this business will not be attracted.
That’s why creating deliberately and on purpose, being a conscious creator of anything, a business, a home, family, whatever it may be, when you are doing this and you have this deep, very deep desire, and you’re flowing the energy to this desire, those that are a match to it, they find your ad, they get introduced to you. They’re the people that literally are allowed to come through the doors of the business, because that’s the high vibration.
Those that are not there would be like, “Oh, no.” They would feel repelled for whatever reason, because they’re not a vibrational match to it.
Melinda Wittstock: There are so many women, when they’re growing their business at an early stage, or just getting through the scaling stage and whatnot, who tend to hire team members based on, “I need someone to do something, they’re just going to come and do it.” Rather than, “What’s the result?” Or “Who is the person? How is that person in alignment?” Again, what you said is exactly right. If the founder or founders are really conscious, and they’re consciously going on this journey, you’re more likely to attract people like that.
But you can be really mindful about it from the get go, so your team is aligned, you don’t have team problems, you don’t have drama, you don’t have any of that stuff, because everybody is aligned together on this journey.
Christy Whitman: Yes. And what the council calls it, if you look at everything is a spectrum, and it’s like in the center is the satisfaction kind of place. And then on one side is abundance, and the other side is lack. And it’s like a spectrum. If you are feeling good in your energy, and you’re excited about your business, and you’re excited about what’s happening in life. And you have someone that works with you, that is constantly pulling down your energy or doing something wrong, they’re not a match. The council calls it like a J hook, because you’re literally being brought back to a negative place, and now you as the business owner have to find yourself neutral, back to that place, you have to find your footing.
And it’s taking a lot of your creative energy, instead of just being … Now, things happen in businesses, contrast has happened, and things like this. But if there’s a certain person, and I had this in my business, and I watched my business flail because of this. This person, no matter how directive, no matter how descriptive, no matter how many times I would … In writing, in a conversation, kept making mistakes, and I would even talk to her, “Listen, what’s going on with you? It’s like you’re sabotaging your ears.” We go through that, and we had those kind of discussions.
She would try to do her inner work, and it was constant like J hook. It was like, mess up. And then I’d have to get back to center, mess up. And it kept happening. And they weren’t little mistakes, they were big things. And that came to me is like, “This is draining my energy.” And every time it’s draining my energy, she’s making these mistakes, then it upsets me, that kind of thing.
And so, when I let her go, and that was my thing, it’s like, “Oh, I’m so loyal, I’m so Scorpio.” I’m so loyal, I’m committed. And yet, I was like, “I had to let her go.” The business started increasing, because my energy was able to be more stable. And now the people that are in her place, doing what she does, I have full faith in them. Are they human? Do they make little mistakes here and there? Yeah. But they’re not big mistakes that cost the company money, or put me in a place where now I’m vulnerable to something happening.
So it’s like I’m now stable, I’m in full faith. And it’s like, now as a team, let’s move up in a different direction. Let’s rise up together. Because if you have one that’s like the anchor and pulling the energy down, or two, or five, or how many. It’s a lot on the owner.
Melinda Wittstock: So true.
I think there’s going to be a really interesting time ahead where businesses will become more and more like conscious businesses, as entrepreneurs go on this journey, businesses so too will go on this journey.
And entrepreneurship too It’s become a spiritual journey. We joke here all the time, that if you want therapy, just become an entrepreneur, because all this stuff is going to come up. And the objective is to continue to learn and grow.
I want to talk to you about desire, though. Because there’s so many stories, I guess we could say, that desire is inherently evil, or wrong, or the root of suffering. That desire is a bad thing. But this isn’t really the case. Let’s go into this whole concept of desire and why desire is actually a good thing.
Christy Whitman: Yeah, I mean, when you have a desire, and you believe that you can’t have or attain a desire, that is suffering. But the desire itself is not what causes the suffering, it’s our own consciousness that says, “Well, I can’t have it. I don’t know how to do it, other people are doing it. I can’t …” The way that we become our own obstacles to the desire.
There’s three obstacles, it’s us, talking ourselves out of it, or feeling blocked, that we can’t achieve it. There’s other people that say, “Oh, you shouldn’t do that. That’s so risky. You’re too old, you’re too young,” that type of thing. Or there’s the, “I don’t know how.” And then the mind goes, “I don’t know how to do it, so because I don’t know how to do it, therefore, I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to follow that desire.”
But what we have to understand is that desires, once they’re realized, meaning we realize we have them, they’re in us, we already have a relationship with it. And if we allow it to, that’s what allows us to become more than we are right today. I mean, desires really are not about the end result, although the personality gets to benefit from it. It’s like you get the bigger business, you get the more money, you get the bigger house, you get the relationship. You have the children you start the podcast, whatever the desire is. The personality gets the benefit of going along for the ride. But what the divines agenda really is, is who you become in the process of it.
And how can that be wrong? I mean, the subtitle for the desire factor is how to embrace your materialistic nature, to reclaim your full spiritual power. Because there’s a lot of people that would say, “Well, some desires are good, but other desires are bad.” One of the first things that I write about in the desire factor is that many, many years ago, before I even started my conscious spiritual journey. I remember I was living in Chicago, and I wanted to buy my first high-end purse.
And at that time, my high-end purse was a Coach purse. And I remember thinking, “Oh, I want to buy this purse.” But I was a smoker. And I literally created a story inside of my head, I had this desire for this Coach purse. But I felt like the person that would be wearing that Coach purse wouldn’t be smoking. Now, I understand that there’s people that smoke and wear Coach purses, but for me, in my mind, it was kind of like the carrot at the end of the stick.
I told myself, “When I become a nonsmoker, I’m going to go buy that purse.” And so that was like my motivation. That desire for that purse literally led me on a journey where after, I don’t know, 15 years of being a heavy smoker, a pack and a half a day, can you believe it? I quit smoking. And then I went and awarded myself that Coach purse.
Now, I don’t have that Coach purse anymore. I have no idea what I do with it, but I gave it away or something. But I became a nonsmoker in the process of attaining that, and I still am a nonsmoker. It’s been 27 years.
Melinda Wittstock: That’s amazing. You see, that’s the thing, where sometimes a desire like that leads us to the actual true desire. It’s like what you were saying earlier in the podcast about the breadcrumbs.
Christy Whitman: Yes. Yeah. I mean-
Melinda Wittstock: And that’s a really, really powerful story.
Christy Whitman: I could go on and on. I mean, I remember when I was in seventh and eighth grade, I would try out for the school stuff. I wanted to be a cheerleader and I would try out and I didn’t make it. And I remember my eighth grade year, I was like, “Okay, I’m trying not for everything. I tried for tennis, I didn’t make it. I tried for volleyball, I didn’t make it. I tried for softball, I didn’t make it. I tried for cheerleader, I didn’t make it.”
And so, I became a burnout. I was like, “Oh,” I was a total stoner. I hung out with the girls and the guys that didn’t care about school, and we cut classes. And that was my trajectory at that point. And when I got into my freshman year, I’ll never forget this. We had freshman orientation for the high school. And at this orientation, the palm girls, they were the dance team, and they were amazing. They came out, and I was like, “Oh, I want to do that.” And I turned to my mom, I’m like, “I want to be a palm girl.” And she’s like, “Just don’t be disappointed if you don’t make it.” And that was always her thing, that was her encouraging words.
And I just felt this like, “Oh, my God,” I was so enthralled. One of the friends that I knew from when I was in seventh grade, and she was an eighth grade, still one of my best friends today, she was on the palm line, and I was watching her dance. And I was just so excited about this. And found out, though, that freshman’s can’t become palm girls, it’s only sophomores, juniors, and seniors. So I had my whole freshman year.
And it was literally like … Again, headed in a trajectory. My two friends that I hung out, I’ll tell you what happened to them. I found out that the palm girls, they all had B averages and above. I had a C average, I didn’t care about school. And so, when I found out that to get on the palm line, you had to have a B average, I totally shifted. I actually started doing homework, and I started coming to classes, and I stopped smoking weed. And I started doing all these things, because that’s what I wanted to be.
And so I actually tried out, I was one of two freshman’s that made it to the sophomore year, and my life took a total different trajectory. I was hanging out with the athletes, I was hanging out with the girls that were into working out and really into competing dance wise. And the two friends I was hanging out with, one of them was murdered later by a drug addict.
Melinda Wittstock: Oh, my goodness.
Christy Whitman: Another one, I’m no kidding you, became a crack whore.
Melinda Wittstock: Wow.
Christy Whitman: Talk about a big spiritual breadcrumb. I’m no longer a dancer, I mean, I didn’t follow that path of dancing. But during that time, that was the thing, I was like, “That’s what I desire.” And no matter how many times I was rejected, and tried out for something, it didn’t matter, because the desire was so big. Now that I understand what I understand about desires, I look back and go, “Wow.” Had I not listened to that desire, had I not followed that desire, I might have ended up like Michelle and Melanie.
Melinda Wittstock: Gosh, so interesting, because we’re given so many choices, along the way in our lives. If you look back, and you just think, “Oh, God, had I made that slight different decision, just like you’re talking about, where would I be?” And you get old enough, you get into your 50s and it all sort of make sense. It’s like, “Oh, I know, I can see how all these things actually built upon each other, or have converged in a way, in a beautiful way where everything suddenly makes sense.”
So, it doesn’t have to take you into your 50s to get there, or can younger people really have this consciousness earlier on? As look back, and I think, “Gosh, I wish I knew then kind of what I know now.”
Christy Whitman: Oh, yeah. I mean, again, I started becoming consciously aware at 25. And it’s been a journey, and now I’m 50. But it’s all in evolvement. But we all have the ability. That’s why no matter how conscious or not, we all have desires. And that’s how the divine gets through to us. I wasn’t conscious when I was a freshman in high school, wanting to be on the palm line, who knew what I had, with that trajectory that it would take me on, and the difference that it would make in my life. But the desire is what got me.
And that’s what desires do, is it breaks through the unconsciousness and wakes us up. I mean, 25 years ago, when I was living in Chicago, when I was like, “Okay, I’ve manifested everything,” I didn’t have that language. “I’ve achieved everything,” is language I had. I’ve achieved everything that I want, I’m not happy. It was like a desire in me to understand this connection to life, which I did not have at the time. That desire led me on this journey, to literally learn how to meditate, and attracted to me the information that I now teach on the universal laws. And always is a desire that birth something new.
Melinda Wittstock: One of the things you talk about in your book is hard work, and why that’s not necessarily the path.
I want you to explain why hard work is not the answer.
Christy Whitman: Well, just like you said, we know lots of people that work really hard, but they’re not creating the success that they desire. I literally witnessed my father who retired at 85, he was the hardest working person. He was an entrepreneur, he was a mechanical engineer, had his own business. He was the hardest working person I’ve ever met, but he had a really negative, pessimistic attitude. He expected things to fail, he expected things to go wrong.
I remember, as a kid, he would have Murphy’s law posters in his office. And I remember going in his office with my mom when I was little, and I would read these things. And I was like, “That’s so depressing.” [inaudible 00:40:54], things are going to go wrong, like you’re expecting it to go wrong. But so he was working against himself, he didn’t understand the first principle of creating your desires, and that’s alignment with your desires.
So, if you’re going to work hard at something, you might as well get in alignment with it, or you’re going to work really, really hard. Because action, action is the seventh step in the desire factor. And action is very important. But it’s a lot of the other energetic steps that we need to take to make the action be that much more powerful. And action alone, there’s a lot of people that are just going through the motions, they’re taking a lot of actions. But action taken from a place of alignment brings the full presence, like having a partner, a co-creative partner in your business, to your family, your finances, your body, whatever it is. It’s literally having that powerful connection, that literally is our life force.
So, when we take an action, we’ve got the fullness of who we are involved in that action. And so, that action alone produces far more results than if someone was just kind of like, “I’m tired, I got to do this thing. Okay, I got to send this email, I got to do …” It’s like if the person is not aligned, they don’t have the full force of energy that is like the thrust of creation with them. And so, they can take a lot of action, and that’s why people are overwhelmed, and not getting the results that they want. So, if hard work were the answer, then all these hard working people would be successful.
Melinda Wittstock: Exactly. So, so true. So, Christy, I could talk to you for hours, and hours, and hours. I want to make sure that everybody goes out and gets your amazing book. And I set this intention, altogether that it will be a New York Times bestseller just like your others.
Christy Whitman: Thank you.
Melinda Wittstock: What is the best way for people to go out and get it, and also work with you?
Christy Whitman: Yeah, so here’s the great thing, is that if you go to the desirefactor.com, or any other place where you can get books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble. When you get the book, when you go back to the desirefactor.com, you could just enter in your information. You actually get a four week class, a group class with the Council starting in May.
Melinda Wittstock: Wow, May?
Christy Whitman: Yeah, so you buy the book, $15 book, May 4099, and then you get a $700 program. Plus, there’s other meditations that you get in the membership site like a hologram meditation, success meditation, a peace and harmony meditation. But these meditations are not just guided meditations, they’re literally activations, they’re so powerful.
So really, when you think about it, it’s like $900 worth of bonuses that you get for a book, which this book will … It’s just amazing. People that are reading, they’re like, “Oh my god, it’s the best book I’ve ever read on manifestation,” which is really cool to hear people’s reaction to it. So yeah, go to the desirefactor.com and you’ll be able to get all those bonuses, and take whatever your desire is through to fruition, to the next level. And be able to really receive the benefits of that desire in the first place.
Melinda Wittstock: Oh, I love it. Well, thank you so much, Christy, for putting on your wings and flying with us today again.
Christy Whitman: I Love you so much. I’m so grateful for your friendship. Thank you so much for all you do, Melinda.

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