760 Ciara Stockeland : Living B.I.G. with Gratitude

The Secrets of a Successful Retail and Franchising Business

The best entrepreneurs are not afraid to fail. Failure is part of the growth plan, and the sooner we accept and welcome it as our friend, as vital feedback, and the fastest path to learning and success, the further and faster we’ll reach our goals.

Some of us may be born with that instinctive knowing, and the acceptance of our inevitable failures as we take the entrepreneurial path can also be learned.

It’s all part of the journey, yet it can be hard to really understand the entrepreneurial roller coaster until you’re on it. There will be joyous highs, unbearable lows, challenges seemingly out of left field, things you can’t control, pressures you can’t foresee, and all along the ups and downs, and twists and turns, of the ride, you’ll be learning and growing every moment – and over time, as you learn to accept failure as an inevitable and helpful part of your journey, you’ll find the highs and lows level out, and your business will grow as you overcome your fears, and dare to be true to yourself, with love and acceptance.

I know this to be true from my own journey and wish I could have shared this hard-fought wisdom with my younger self as I began my own entrepreneurial journey some 30 years ago.

So, today what a pleasure to share the crazy serial entrepreneur journey with Ciara Stockeland, who like me has owned and operated businesses since her early teens.  Ciara’s business mindset and tenacity – and a declared intention to live BIG – that is, Bold, Intentional, Grateful – plus her vast experience in both retail, wholesale, and franchise industries, led her to launch the first ever to market wholesale subscription box for boutique retailers, which she built and sold within 18 months.

These days Ciara runs the Boutique Workshop, a coaching program for retailers with a mission to motivate boutique owners to dream big and build simply. Also host of The Boutique Workshop podcast, Ciara is all about helping entrepreneurs and small business owners, twice testifying before two U.S. Senate Committees regarding the “joint employer” standard for businesses and its effect on small businesses and franchises.  Additionally, in 2015 she represented small businesses at a White House Summit on Worker Voice and again in 2018 for a Summit on Economics. Ciara has been recognized as a Small Business Champion through SCORE, has held a seat on the United States Chamber of Commerce Small Business Council and is a Profit First Certified Coach.

  • What it means to Live B.I.G. (bold, intentional, and grateful)
  • Why failure is a vital part of the entrepreneurial growth process, and how to learn to accept it and not take it personally
  • How to be authentically you, and dare to break the molds others carve for you
  • Secrets of building a scalable retail business
  • The ins and outs of franchising
  • And much more!

Be sure to join the conversation with Ciara and me over on the interactive podcast app Podopolo, where you can share your perspectives and she’ll take your questions. Download Podopolo here and invite your friends.

More about Ciara Stockeland at www.ciarastockeland.com

Ciara Stockeland

More about Ciara at Ciara Stockeland

Ciara Stockeland is the founder of the Boutique Workshop, a coaching program for retailers. A serial entrepreneur who has owned and operated retail and franchising businesses since her early teens, Ciara also launched the first ever wholesale subscription box for boutique retailers, which she built and sold within 18 months. She also hosts the Boutique Workshop podcast.

Join Ciara’s FREE Profit First Masterclass

Listen to Ciara’s podcast at The Boutique Workshop

Get the Transcript HERE

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