895 Danielle Hayden: Financial Fluency

Money Stories and How to Overcome ‘Fear of Numbers’ and other Mindset Blocks

Numbers tell the story of your business – it’s growth, it’s challenges, it’s opportunities. Yet so many founders fear their numbers, even ignore their numbers.

Today we talk about the importance of financial fluency for entrepreneurs, how to be on top of your numbers, and understanding how these manifest and align with your true intentions for growing your business. For women entrepreneurs this means no more excuses like “I’m not good at math” – it means confronting fears, asking for help, boosting your financial fluency, and bringing in the right team members and experts.

It also means understanding your “money personality”. Maybe you’re a free spender, a keeper, perfectionist, or a balance seeker. And here’s why you should care about your usually unconscious money stories: This is the often-unseen hand that drives our success in business.

Danielle Hayden is a former corporate CFO on a mission to help rule-breaking female entrepreneurs understand their numbers so they can gain the confidence needed to create sustainable profits. The CEO and founder of Kickstart Accounting, Danielle says our success as entrepreneurs all comes down to our money mindset, and today she shares must-listen tips for money mastery.

🔑Key Takeaways🔑

🌱 💰 Understand your Money Personality: Learn if you’re a free spender, keeper, perfectionist, or balance seeker, and why this is crucial for aligning with your business goals.

🛠️ 📈Know Your Numbers: Your P&L and Balance Sheet tell the story, so take responsibility for understanding and analyzing your financial statements, even if you have a professional team in place.

🤟 👩‍🔬 Face Fears Head-on: Growing a business involves making brave decisions, even in the face of fear, so learn how to change your money mindset and embrace an iterative learning process.

✨ 💡 Set Clear Intentions: Align your spending with specific, measurable goals to achieving business growth and personal satisfaction. Learn how to embrace a visionary founder mindset.

🚀 🔥Take Ownership Of Your Entrepreneurial Success: Ask for help, embrace failures as opportunities for growth and learning, and grow your financial fluency.

More about Danielle Hayden at kickstartaccountinginc.com/danielle-hayden

Danielle Hayden

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More about Danielle at Kickstart Accounting

Danielle Hayden is a reformed corporate CFO (chief financial officer) who is on a mission to help rule-breaking female entrepreneurs understand their numbers so they can gain the confidence needed to create sustainable profits. After spending 10+ years in the boardroom as a corporate finance officer, Danielle is now in her sweet spot as the CEO of Kickstart Accounting, Inc. where she helps business owners with bookkeeping, financial analysis, and education. She is the author of the Profit Planner book series. When Danielle isn’t in her money mindset you can find her hiking or spending time with her family.

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