853 Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: Forgiving Forward
The Five Money Mindset Blocks and How to Overcome Them
What’s keeping so many women entrepreneurs stuck in the 6-figures?
Beyond having a scalable business model with recurring revenue and productized offerings, could the answer be as simple as overcoming any subconscious beliefs we have about our own value or deserving, or perhaps a fear that financial success brings undue obligation, possibly even abandonment?
Yes, yes, and yes.
It turns out one of the first steps in letting go of these money blocks you may not even know you have … is simply to forgive. Forgive others, and forgive yourself.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, CEO of Inc 5000 company Incredible One Enterprises, swears by her Forgiveness Protocol. She says self-forgiveness was key to helping her build her own multimillion dollar business as well as helping many other business owners to scale to the multimillions. In fact, her Move to Millions® coaching and consulting method has collectively generated more than a half a billion dollars in sales for her clients.
- Why self-forgiveness is key to allowing money to flow into your business, and how to follow the 10-step “forgiveness protocol”.
- The five money blocks and how to overcome them.
- Why your core values must drive your business and how to operationalize them.
- Why you “can’t have a booming business if you have a busted life”.
- How to reset your “deserve level” so you can scale into the multi-millions.
- Why business growth comes with spiritual growth.
- And much more.
More about Darnyelle Jervey Harmon at www.drdarnyelle.com

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More about Darnyelle at Dr. Darnyelle
Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon is the award-winning CEO of Inc. 5000 company Incredible One Enterprises, a multi-million-dollar coaching and consulting brand that’s helped her CEO clients generate more than a half a billion dollars in sales while scaling in a way that serves them spiritually as well as financially. Her award-winning Move to Millions® Method takes business owners from six figure years to six figure quarters, six figure months, six figure weeks, and ultimately six figure days. Darnyelle is also a 7-time bestselling author, keynote speaker, and host of the Move to Millions podcast.
More at Incredible One Enterprises
Listen to Darnyelle’s podcast, Move to Millions
Get her book, Move to Millions
Affiliate: https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com/ambassador-portal
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