524 Erika Flint:
Ever felt blocked? In overwhelm? Spinning your wheels … without the results you want? Are you stuck in negative self-talk or sabotaging behaviors? Are there recurring patterns in your life?
I’m Melinda Wittstock and today on Wings of Inspired Business we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who left the world of high-tech as a software developer to become an award-winning hypnotherapist.
Erika Flint is the founder and CEO of Cascade Hypnosis Center – a three-time best-selling author, speaker and co-host of the popular podcast series Hypnosis, Etc.
Erika shares her journey, the inside skinny on hypnotherapy and how successful entrepreneurs leverage it for success in business and life. First…
Erika Flint was a software designer in high-tech for a decade before she realized she was more interested in the most powerful computing device available – the human mind.
She became an award-winning hypnotist and now combines her analytical expertise with streamlined hypnosis techniques to train some of the best minds in the world with a powerful system of modern hypnosis specifically designed for entrepreneurs to use to grow their businesses.
Founder of Cascade Hypnosis Center for Training & Services in Washington State, Erika focuses on high-achievers wanting to become the full expression of who they are in every area of their life – starting with how they show up in their own business.
We’re going to get into all that and much more – and we want you to join the conversation.
And you’ll want to take out your phone and download the Podopolo app too as you listen to this episode, so you can join the conversation with me and Erika. Please share what beliefs or behaviors you’d like to “hypnotize” away… and what you have done to release limiting beliefs.
We’re going to hear Erika’s entrepreneurial journey, how she left tech development for hypnosis, plus what most entrepreneurs want to address with hypnosis.
Let’s put on our wings with the inspiring Erika Flint.
Melinda Wittstock: Erika, welcome to Wings.
Erika Flint: Thank you, Melinda. It’s great to be here today.
Melinda Wittstock: Well, it’s great to have you. I’m so intrigued. You work with entrepreneurs a lot using hypnosis. What are some of the practical applications? Where is it being used best to help entrepreneurs on their journeys?
Erika Flint: Well, there’s a couple of ways. One, I would say, first of all, is maybe some of the standard things that all of us humans go through, but they say that entrepreneurship is one of the best personal development tools you could ever step into because it’s going to push you to the limits. And so I help a lot of entrepreneurs with standard issues like they want to lose weight so that they can look great up on stage and sharing their message. They want to have big visions and mental clarity so that they can write a book, or complete a program. Maybe they’re too stressed because they have a lot of projects, or a launch, or they need to hire, something like that. And so helping them stay calm and focused. And then part of it really has to do with just the business development and helping them vision the next version of their practice and how they integrate, and the personalities that come into play as entrepreneurs. And so some of it really is the workings of being an entrepreneur as well.
Melinda Wittstock: Well, we’re all driven by our subconscious and these things come up. I think all humans, but especially entrepreneurs because we’re in often challenging circumstances we get triggered, things happen, or you see patterns recurring in your life over and over again. So for entrepreneurs working with you what’s the process that helps them identify, I guess, those things and overcome them?
Erika Flint: The process is we use hypnotic techniques to associate entrepreneurs to their subconscious, basically, so that we can understand what’s really driving their behavior, or the outcomes that they don’t want. And so just like you said with the pattern certain things just keep showing up over and over and over again. And at some point people realize if I don’t address this or fix it, it’s just going to keep on happening over and over and over again.
And so what we do in hypnosis is we basically give people access to a different set of information because in any one day you’re mostly operating from your conscious mind and your conscious mind is analytical, it’s procedural. It’s helping you to balance the checkbook and do a spreadsheet and write email, those types of things, but it’s not always what we want from our day. We really need to be focused on the things that are going to be driving our business. So a lot of entrepreneurs get hung up on certain things and in order to break free from that they need new sets of information that is going to help them make better decisions and basically clear away some of the crap that’s been holding them back.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s interesting with entrepreneurs, particularly women. Women tend to fall into overwhelm very easily really thinking we have to do it all to have it all. What’s the root belief in that that holds us there?
Erika Flint: I think women are much more nurturing and we definitely can see connections and want harmony. And so there is a natural tendency to facilitate that. And as a business leader, if you do too much of that, what happens is you get too busy and you’re not focused. And it just doesn’t make for a very good business relationship with your employees, or with what you’re trying to create and develop. And so there is definitely a tendency for females, for women to stay in this place where we’re not delivering as much material for people because we are working on the connections and those other types of things. So we really need to shift our mindset to think about what needs to be released and what needs to be developed for the goal that we’re trying to create.
Melinda Wittstock: I find with female entrepreneurs that part of the overwhelm and this sense of having to do everything is tied into a deeper issue of I’m not worthy. I have to prove myself. I have to be super competent. I have to get everything done. Whereas, men are out creating the relationships that really grease the wheels of business, and it’s ironic because women actually tend to be more relationship focused. And yet we’re not using that muscle. Are there any clients, or stories where you’ve been able to using hypnosis really change that course for women?
Erika Flint: I think part of it has to do with as females we can really see a big picture and how everything fits together and it’s hard to deliver a subset of that dream for us because we can see the full vision and know everything that we want. And part of that is really determining I’m going to deliver something that I know isn’t perfect yet. So you’re right. There is this sense of not being good enough, not belonging, having to prove ourselves. That’s not entirely exclusive to women, but it’s definitely part of it. I mean, there are certainly plenty of male entrepreneurs that have had to overcome their own issues like that, and it usually comes up something in our childhood where we have a parent who is too strict. We have a teacher who doesn’t believe in us. We’ve been bullied, that type of a thing.
I think it does happen more for women because that’s just the role that we’ve played integrating and bringing things together, but for females, one thing for my female entrepreneurs getting them to take the action and decide on what the first version of their thing looks like knowing that it’s not going to include everything, but it will still deliver a result. That’s really the key for a lot of female entrepreneurs is making that decision. Putting something out there and know it’s not done.
Melinda Wittstock: Perfectionism.
Erika Flint: Yes, exactly.
Melinda Wittstock: I’ve just come to realize that perfect is definitely the enemy of the good, I mean, I think Reid Hoffman who was one of the founders of PayPal, and then LinkedIn said, “If you’re not a little bit embarrassed about your product, you’ve launched too late.”
Erika Flint: I love that. I haven’t heard that before. That’s true. We have to be able to submit our work less than perfect and just get it out there into the market so that we get that feedback we need to know if people are going to buy this or not, and if it works for them or not.
Melinda Wittstock: Well, I’m a big believer in co-creating with your customers, but then that, of course, assumes that you’re going to be able to handle that feedback without taking it personally.
Erika Flint: Right. And that’s always difficult because a lot of times we’re pouring our heart and soul into our work and it becomes like me, my business is my baby. This is where I put all my time and effort and creativity, what I love so much, and just love to see it flourish and grow. And some people get hung up on that because they take it personally if the result, or if what they’re developing they get feedback that isn’t exactly what they want to hear.
Melinda Wittstock: Or when you’re blocked, I mean, because the other tricky thing as well for a lot of female founders is finding the capital to execute on all the things they want to do at an early stage of a business if you’re a tech entrepreneur like me, or just being able to have the funds to hire quickly enough. I think one of the big mistakes that a lot of women make is not hiring early enough because we tend to view that as an expense rather than as an investment. Does that come up for your clients as well because this double-edged thing about women wanting to do it all themselves, but at the same time being slow to hire so they don’t have to do it all themselves?
Erika Flint: Absolutely. It’s one of the hardest things. And I can tell you, personally, in my experience, it’s not just the expense. It’s the difficulty of finding the right person because I’ve had experiences, and a lot of my clients have had experiences where we are in that place, and maybe we haven’t hired before so we try to do the best job to hire the right person, but then there’s so much work once you hire somebody. The work doesn’t go away immediately. It’s actually a little bit more work.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s more work. It’s actually more work. It’s different work because you’ve got to set that person up for success. You have to know what are their results. They have to know their results. I mean, there’s a whole series of things that you have to do in that, and it’s actually one of the more painful periods of business growth going through that transition. So what are some of the subconscious things that are getting in the way there? What are some of the things that can be cleared, released, or let go of that hypnosis helps with?
Erika Flint: It’s a lot about what we talked about before, not feeling good enough, and being fearful of money, and cash flow, basically. When entrepreneurs come to me, they’re usually doing really well, but they’re overwhelmed. And so they’re excited about their business, but their business is starting to take off, and they’re overwhelmed and they’re worried really about losing their handle. So things might get out of control, or they might do something where the business slows down, something like that. And so really getting people to clear some of their lifelong blocks. This is not really something like, hey, help me with what happened last week, or the last two years. Although, that could be an issue if somebody had a traumatic event. It’s really usually about doing the really deep self-development work that probably should have been done all along.
Melinda Wittstock: Absolutely so, so true. What are the circumstances that most entrepreneurs tend to come to you? What’s the triggering event that makes them say, okay, I’ve got to do something about this?
Erika Flint: Right. So the presenting issues that usually show up are what I would call the standard issues all of our clients come to see us for except there’s this entrepreneurial spin on it. So some of them are coming to me because they’re getting too stressed, and they’re starting to have some bad habits. They’re drinking too much. They might be smoking too much. They might be shopping too much. They might be doing some type of what we would call a too much behavior. So they’re doing that because of the stress in their business. And they can see down the road that this is going to cause a problem later on.
The other thing is stress, just massive levels of stress, a lot of negative self-talk. It’s a big issue. It’s especially a big issue for females. And most people don’t check this because what happens is all of this is in your head. And so if you don’t say it out loud, you could have a serious level of negative self-talk that’s damaging you internally, but if you don’t say it out loud, nobody knows that it’s happening. I can tell when I talk with people just based on some of the ways they talk about themselves, I can usually tell if there’s negative self-talk, and I usually will call people out on it, too, because it’s so damaging. So that’s another thing, stress, negative self-talk, and then not sleeping well. So those types of I can’t deal with this anymore are why people are coming to me. And then what happens is we clear all of that out and their business starts functioning and rolling, and it seems easy. Everything that used to seem hard seems easy.
Melinda Wittstock: Yes. It’s like a flow state when you do clear out. I’ve been on this long personal growth journey really all my life, but accelerated really in the last decade using all sorts of different modalities, and, of course, entrepreneurship has been a propelling factor in that, but along the way, for instance, I’ve learned that whenever I’m triggered that’s a wonderful opportunity because it’s showing me something that I can clear some underlying belief that is not serving me, and I can simply let it go. And I find that I get triggered less and less and less and less. And the more that happens, the more my business just seems to be in flow. So there’s lots of serendipities, and synchronicities. My morning meditation often I’ll get a download almost like channeling. And if I put that into action immediately miracles happen. Things are just in flow. It doesn’t seem like a grind. It doesn’t seem like a hustle, any of that, whereas, my previous businesses felt that way, this one doesn’t.
Erika Flint: You’re absolutely right. And one thing that I like to tell my clients is to be really grateful for the teachers in their life. And I’m not talking about a human teacher necessarily. It could be a person, it could be a difficult person in your life. So this is a really good way to think about things. Your triggers are your teachers. And when you learn the lesson, they go away. And so I really want my clients and everybody really to consider the teachers that are showing up in your life. The difficulties that are showing up in your life really are there to teach you something, and when you realize that.
For example, you said your meditation. First thing in the morning, what you could do is you could say bring me my teachers today, and help me find gratitude for them for what they have to teach me. And so we’re flipping the triggers around and saying bring it, right? Bring me some of this so that I can continue working on myself. And when we look at anything can be a teacher, it could be you’re watching the news and somebody says something, it could be you’re driving into work, or you’re driving somewhere and somebody cuts you off. And your ability to thoughtfully respond is going to help you in every area of your life in that moment. So we’re in a training ground all day long if you look at it that way.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s interesting with driving and road rage, I think back to that. It used to really irritate me when someone did something like cut me off, or things like that. And then after a while, I started to think, well, I don’t know what’s going on in their life. Maybe they have to get to the hospital really, really quickly. Do you know what I mean? And after a while I find that doesn’t even happen to me. I don’t get cut off anymore.
Erika Flint: Interesting. Right. And there’s a lot of things for us to be thinking about there, too. So somebody could be late for the hospital. They could have had a really terrible morning. Someone in their life could have just passed away, or something like that. And it really is a good opportunity for us to continue practicing staying present because, really, we go to the gym and work our body. We read books and we work our mind by doing work all day, but the real test of us being able to be successful and excellent entrepreneurs is every moment throughout the day are you able to keep your head and have clear thoughts because what happens is when we get nervous blood rushes from your brain into your large muscles, and now you’re not thinking clearly.
Well, do you want that to happen during the middle of your day when you’re trying to develop a new program, or talk with a new client? Of course not. So all day long we get opportunities to stay present, stay focused, and bring our best self with us everywhere we go. And we should always be taking opportunity of that learning throughout the day.
Melinda Wittstock: I’m curious what you think of this pattern when a certain type of person is showing up in your life. Perhaps we’re say in my case married to a narcissist. And it took me a long time to understand what was actually going on in that, right? Because I was gas lit, an otherwise really confident, successful woman, over time my confidence really taken away, and it took me a while to recover from it. And as I was recovering from it, I would see echoes of that in other people coming into my life. And I started to see that it was almost like the universe saying are you sure you’re over this, right? Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? And it was interesting to see that.
And I find that that happens less and less, but every now and again, there is somebody that has that and I can recognize it really almost instantaneously. And there are choices like, no, I don’t want to work with this particular vendor, or, no, this is not the right person to hire. This is somebody who is like that. Do you find that your clients have those kinds of patterns in terms of the types of people they attract into their lives?
Erika Flint: Oh, absolutely. Part of this, there’s part of the brain it’s called the reticular activating system and the reticular activating system you can think of it like a filter. And so a filter, we have millions of bits of information that is coming into our brain at any one moment. However, we’re really only consciously aware of seven to eight bits. And then we’re loosely consciously aware of about 32. So we’re missing a lot of data. Now how does the brain decide which data is important to us? Well, the number one thing is safety and security. So we’re going to be paying attention to someone yelling fire, a gunshot, something like that, but after that, a lot of it is determined by us, and what we’re thinking about.
And this is why intention setting is so important because when we set an intention what we’re really doing, and I know a lot of people think this is woo-woo, or spiritual, but there’s brain science behind it, too, because what’s important when you set intention is you’re basically telling your brain, these are the things I want you to show me today. Now what happens with a situation like that it was so traumatic for you. And I’m really glad you made it through that. That’s a difficult one.
Melinda Wittstock: I was really, oh, my God, it was, and it was combined with someone who is an alcoholic with it as well. So it was like being with a Jekyll and Hyde being gas lit all the time. It took so long to actually understand what was happening, especially if you’re very reasonable and you’re very empathetic, right?
Erika Flint: Well, you start wondering what’s true, right?
Melinda Wittstock: Yeah.
Erika Flint: In that situation, and you’ve been in, I don’t know how long you were married for, but you’ve been in that situation for years, and so our brain learns certain things by being in that situation for years. So coming out the other side it’s like, what do I believe anymore?
Melinda Wittstock: Absolutely. I mean, but I look back on it now with immense gratitude because like you said when the lesson is learned the experience is no longer necessary.
Erika Flint: Right. And so what happens is when the lesson is learned it’s not our intention anymore. It does not float up as being something that is important to us anymore, so guess what? Those people are still in your life, but you’re just not always recognizing it. And when you are recognizing it and you’re noticing it, be grateful for that because that’s a lesson and maybe the universe is showing it in your life to like you said for are you sure? But the other way to think about it, too, especially, as time goes on is it’s just a clue. It’s a piece of information that makes you question whether you really want to work with that person, or not, because there’s an expected type of outcome.
Melinda Wittstock: So in that case where you do have recurring people that come into your life and you’re aware of it now, like you’ve recovered enough that you can spot it a mile away then it comes down, I guess, to just having good boundaries about what you’re going to do with that information. And as you say, be grateful for the teacher, but is there any extra work where hypnosis can come in and just help you not even attract those people at all?
Erika Flint: Yeah, absolutely. You have to do the work internally because what happens it sounds like you’ve already done your work. And by doing that work, what I mean by doing the work is we have emotional residue that’s left inside of us from traumatic experiences, and the brain does this on purpose to protect us. So it gets separated from our normal way of being so a trigger really in a large sense is a piece of information inside of you that has not been completely dealt with. So if you want to think about it, it’s like a bruise. It’s like you banged your knee, and because the bruise isn’t going to heal on its own, basically, in this case, you start avoiding using it because it’s painful and then you never want to touch it. Well, guess what? It will get worse, it will get worse, and it will get worse.
The reality is that when you’re doing hypnosis with somebody we’re helping people in maybe five sessions. And so the reason that people really love coming to a hypnotist is that we get to tap into the subconscious mind, and we get to do it repeatedly. We get to do it on purpose. So we get to take people into that hypnotic state on purpose, and they’re only there they’re getting results in a single session, but the work is done in five sessions rather than it taking six months or a year. And that’s really important.
Melinda Wittstock: Yeah. I did actually go to a hypnotist in New York at the worst part of this just as the marriage was ending, all that verbal abuse. It was so funny we turned my ex-husband into a tiny little mouse squeaking, and it just never had the impact on me again. It was really helpful.
Erika Flint: And that’s a really good way to think about it. And quite frankly, I use that technique as well, because there’s a lot of humans who are grown up as an adult, but inside they still have painful experiences, and they have not matured in certain elements of their life. So they’re behaving like a five-year-old. They’re behaving like an eight-year-old. They’re behaving like a 15-year-old. And when I noticed that in people, one of the best things to do is imagine that that person coming to you with their own drama is five years old, is eight years old because we might be tall and big and grown up. We might be 30, 40, 50 years old, but we’re not all 100% grown up in every aspect of our life, and we have to remember that when we’re interfacing with people.
Melinda Wittstock: Oh, my goodness. It’s so true. So how, Erika, did you get into hypnosis?
Erika Flint: I was a software engineer. I was working in Silicon Valley. The job was remarkably good. And the reason I say that is because just because we have a really excellent job, it doesn’t mean it’s going to fulfill all of our life goals. And so I was doing great work, but something was missing. And I went through a really low point in my life. Basically, I started drinking too much and alcohol became a big issue, and hypnosis saved my life is really what happened.
I woke up in the emergency room one day and I had a choice. My choice was either continue doing what I was doing and I would be dead probably in a month, or I had to stop and get a new life. And what I did was I found hypnosis. And it’s like what you were saying before about how some things just come to you, or being led, you were talking about your download, and I found hypnosis. I understood what I needed to do to find the peace and love in my own life, and then I became a hypnotist. I needed to give that level of peace, understanding, and life to other people, so I quit that job, and I became a full-time hypnotist.
Melinda Wittstock: And did you discover what the underlying attraction, I guess, to alcohol at that time of your life was? Was it just a self-medication, or was there something deeper to that that you discovered through the hypnosis that allowed you to recover?
Erika Flint: It was a reconnection to my own spirituality is really what had happened. And this is another thing. I’m glad we’re bringing this up. This is another thing that most of, well, all of the entrepreneurs that I work with are more soulpreneurs, right? So there’s really a soul element to the work that they’re doing. And that was missing from my life. I had done everything that Western society says we need, job, marriage, kids, house, career, all of that. And it didn’t give me the happiness that I was promised. And so one of the pieces of work that I went through I remember this clearly because I shout it out loud. You lied to me, the collective you, right? You, society, lied to me about the fact that I will be happy if I do all these things and I’m not happy.
Melinda Wittstock: Oh, yeah. What a bill of goods that we’ve all been sold. And I think it’s so interesting that the coronavirus has a real message for all of us in this time because it’s shining a light on all of that.
Erika Flint: Absolutely.
Melinda Wittstock: I see a lot of people, I mean, there’s a lot of people, obviously, in fear and doubling down, and all the fear and hatred and whatnot, largely I think being manipulated into that, right? Lower vibration.
Erika Flint: Right.
Melinda Wittstock: But on the flip side of that, though, you see a tremendous number of people just waking up like, wait a minute, why do we have to do it this way? Why? These things aren’t working in our own lives, in our institutions, I mean, it’s so many different things. So it’s such a great opportunity, actually. I know there’s a lot of suffering. There’s a lot of economic pain. There’s a lot of fear, but it’s also a tremendous opportunity overall.
Erika Flint: And there’s a lot of corona blessings is what I call them and I’ve experienced them as well. I’ve definitely shifted my business and things are slowing down a little bit. It goes back to what we were talking about before you feel like you have to do everything. So it’s hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, and corona has really slowed me down in a very productive way. I know that sounds counterintuitive.
Melinda Wittstock: No. It makes sense to me. I find I get more done if I’m going a little bit slower.
Erika Flint: Exactly. And there’s a lot of reasons for that, but as we are going slower, guess what? Our heart rate drops down. We’re in parasympathetic so we are really focused, we’re present. And so we’re getting more work done. Whereas, the flip side of that is go, go, go, go, go, so we’re in a sympathetic response, which means our heart rate is up, and we’re always just hustling. And so we miss the opportunities. We miss the synchronicity. We miss that serendipity. We don’t see those magical connections that are always there if we slow down and pay attention.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s funny. I had a couple of experiences in this recently. I rarely do a to-do list anymore. It’s mostly an intentions list, or it’s guided specifically from the inspiration, or the downloads I get in the morning meditation. I work on those activities and that’s been a transformational shift for me in my life and my business, but there was one day where I had these five priorities. I have this list, right? Like, okay, do this, this, this, this, that. Some of it guided by the meditation priority, number one, definitely was, but for whatever reason, I was not working on priority one. I was doing two, three, four, five, and nothing was moving, nothing was moving. I was banging my head against a wall. And suddenly I got up, I stretched, or whatever. I was like, wait a minute. Well, I guess I haven’t worked on one. So I’m going to work on one. I worked on one and two, three, four, and five solved themselves without any effort by me.
Erika Flint: Absolutely right. Great story. I love that. And I see that in hypnosis all the time people are when they get quiet and tap into subconscious, they are able to see the landscape of their entire business at one time and clearly see the pathway to success without all the drama and without all the stuff. And so that’s one of the critical things that hypnosis is so helpful with. It helps you to rise above the noise and see a clear path to what you really need to be doing. This is heart-centered work. This is not brain work. The brain helps, but the heart is the strongest electromagnetic field in the body. And when we drop into the heart and we combine it with the brain, so this is a really important technique that I do. You drop into the heart, you loop in the brain, and then you’re able to see this landscape clearly. And I teach my clients how to do that on their own. So they float above the noise and are able to see that clear path every single day.
Melinda Wittstock: Are you helping a lot of people right now, business owners cope with all the fear and uncertainty around coronavirus, what it’s going to mean for them, and the transition, I suppose, because people find change very difficult generally.
Erika Flint: Right, and a lot of it right now what I’m seeing is a lot of people are just coming to me for standard things like stress, and stress of being at home, and stress of spouse, stress of kids at home, that type of thing. So there is a lot of help me deal with the realities of coronavirus, right? But there’s also other issues like I need to pivot my business. I need to make a shift here, and I’m not sure how to do that. So a lot of real critical thinking where clients are coming to me wanting big answers because there’s a couple of different ways that we grow, and I like to talk about a plant.
If you put a seed in the ground for the first couple of days or weeks you might not notice that anything is happening, but all of a sudden, you’ll see the green pop up, the head of the plant pop up under the ground. That’s incremental growth. So we can expect some level of incremental growth if we water and give it sunshine every single day, but what most entrepreneurs really want, the incremental growth is great, they want the leap.
They want the huge catalyst that takes them this level to the next level. And that’s really where hypnosis can be helpful because when we get that insight, and we get quiet we can make huge leaps in our business because we can make those connections and see, whereas, before, if we’re too busy and hustling we can’t see that we’re just daily putting out fires, right? And so the ability to see that landscape, and do it every single day is so helpful for business owners right now because there’s so many of them that need, or at least they feel they need, do I need to pivot my business, or am I going to double down on what we’ve already got going and shift the messaging?
Melinda Wittstock: Absolutely. So what’s next for you? What’s the big? Sorry. Let me ask that again. So, Erika, where do you see your business going?
Erika Flint: What I’m working on right now is a new program that’s going to help people enter into the state of hypnosis consistently and regularly for the purposes of basically self-actualization. I’m really interested in human potential and being the best that we can be. Abraham Maslow has a quote that I really like. “What a man can be, he must be. What a woman can be, she must be.” And I just really want everybody to understand that we really do have an innate drive to continually be successful, and continually grow, and continually get better, but understanding how that looks. It’s not your daily little wins, it’s the big things. And so when we’re going for those really big things in our life that’s where we get fulfillment. That’s where we get the desire and want to give back to the community, and create these really harmonious, loving practices and businesses that really make our hearts sing, but also deliver such great value into the world. So the next program that I’m working on will be released in a month is the plan, but it’s really about business owners on the path of self-actualization.
Melinda Wittstock: I love it. And so how do people find you and work with you? Do you do virtual sessions, or do you have to be there in person?
Erika Flint: We do virtual sessions. I’ve been doing virtual sessions for years. I have three bestselling books. And so people have been contacting me from all around the world to do sessions. Right now because of COVID, we are doing remote only, but I also teach hypnosis certification courses. As a matter of fact, I have one coming up pretty soon. So most of my work is split between teaching and helping to create new hypnotists, and then launching their practices and seeing clients. So you can find me at cascadehypnosistraining.com is the best way to get in touch.
Melinda Wittstock: That’s wonderful. And you have a podcast as well.
Erika Flint: I do. I’m a cohost on Hypnosis Etc. Cal Banyan’s Hypnosis Etc. We have about 560 or 70 videos. I’m in, I think, 90 of them, something like that, and we’re helping new hypnotists. And we have advanced material, too, for hypnotists on working with clients and growing your practice.
Melinda Wittstock: That’s fantastic. And so what’s the best way for people to find you?
Erika Flint: The best way is probably cascadehypnosistraining.com, or you can find me on Facebook, or Instagram as well under Erika Flint.
Melinda Wittstock: Fantastic. Erika, thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us today.
Erika Flint: Thanks for having me, Melinda. This has been great talking with you.
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