893 Gemma Galdon Clavell: AI Safety Auditing

Small Language Models, Specific AI Use Cases, and Innovation Barriers

When it comes to AI, there’s hype, there’s fear mongering, and then there’s reality.

Artificial Intelligence promises to change how we live and work, though it’s far from clear how much and how fast, what’s real and what’s ‘Sci-Fi’, or how it will be implemented to combat the bias inherent in historic training data so everyone can benefit from ethical innovation.

Today we dig deep into the true potential and vulnerabilities of AI, how to eliminate biases, the pace and limitations of innovation, and why diverse and women’s voices are vital to ensuring AI serves society best.

Dr. Gemma Galdon-Clavell is a pioneer AI safety and auditing, on a mission as the CEO and Founder of Eticas.ai to ensure that large language models (LLMs) and unsupervised machine learning tools truly serve society and that AI systems are high performing and safe, explainable, fair and trustworthy. She shares the limitations of current technology, why small and high-quality contextual models have the most upside potential for a range of applications from travel to entertainment, plus the promise of Blockchain and decentralized approaches to solve for disinformation, content ownership and other AI risks. We also talk about what it means to be a woman innovating in technology, plus how VC must change to enable diverse founders, ethical use of AI and social impact, and the role entrepreneurs can play in ensuring fair regulation that advances business while protecting consumers.

🔑Key Takeaways🔑

🚀What’s Sci Fi and What’s Real: Learn the limitations of AI innovation, as well as opportunities.

🔍 AI and Humans Must Work Hand-in-Hand: While AI excels in identifying patterns in medical imaging and policing dynamics, it’s crucial to remember that human expertise and decision-making are irreplaceable. AI should complement rather than replace human judgment.

💡 Bias and Innovation in Venture Capital: AI has the potential to both perpetuate and mitigate biases in venture capital funding. Learn the importance of creating a venture fund that prioritizes social impact and leverages diverse perspectives.

🛠️ The Importance of Tailored AI Models: One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to AI. Small, tailored models can be more effective for specific applications, ensuring better performance and minimizing biases and hallucinations.

More about Gemma Galdon Clavell at www.eticas.ai

Gemma Galdon Clavell

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More about Gemma at Eticas.ai

Dr. Gemma Galdon-Clavell is a pioneer and global force in AI safety and auditing, on a mission to ensure that AI large language models and unsupervised machine learning tools truly serve society. She is the founder and CEO of Eticas.ai, a venture-backed organization that identifies, measures and corrects algorithmic vulnerabilities, bias and inefficiencies in predictive and LLM tools. Eticas’ software, the ITACA platform, is the first solution to automate impact analysis and monitoring, ensuring that AI systems are high performing and safe, explainable, fair and trustworthy. Gemma was acknowledged by the BBC as one of the “people changing the world” and this year honored by Forbes Women as one of the “35 Leading Spanish Women in Technology” and praised as “a pioneer in algorithmic auditing software”. She also advises international and regional institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and the European Commission, among others.

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