489 Isabelle Tierney:
We all have a choice … right now. We can choose to react to the challenge of Coronavirus in fear, anxiety and panic … or we can choose to use this opportunity to act with love, in joy and gratitude. What we choose will have an impact on your life and the lives of all of us.
I’m Melinda Wittstock and today on Wings of Inspired Business we meet an inspiring entrepreneur, behavioral scientist and inspirational speaker who shares what it means to choose love.
Isabelle Tierney is transforming lives and businesses with her ability to infuse the science of mindfulness, psychology, and spirituality into simple-to-apply systems – and today she shares how we can move from the reactive “red zone” of fear into the proactive “green zone” of love and manifest inspiring changes in our lives right now.
Isabelle Tierney is the CEO and founder of Choice Point, with an array of products and services that help people recover the power of choice and live a life of less stress and more joy. Isabelle’s Stress Reset program helps individuals and corporations, big and small, revive engagement and productivity by equipping employees with a proven set of tools for effective stress management.
I know it’s time to make our voices heard and connect in new ways with this new normal.
Melinda Wittstock: Isabel, welcome to Wings.
Isabelle Tierney: Thank you so much, Melinda. I am so happy to be here.
Melinda Wittstock: I am excited to talk to you. Right now, your daughter, this very moment, is about to give birth. Oh my goodness, what a metaphor for the rebirth, I think, that coronavirus actually is giving us the opportunity to step into… What are your feelings right now?
Isabelle Tierney: Well, first of all, joy that you brought back in to begin the podcast. It is really astounding. She’s a little bit early, so we weren’t expecting her to give birth now and so it’s really exciting. And even that is a metaphor, right? I don’t know how many of us were thinking, sometime in 2020 this thing is going to happen that’s actually going to create a momentum for our planet to make a choice, to pivot into fear or love, into a whole new world.
Isabelle Tierney: And so yeah, I really feel this inspiration and this deep commitment and passion to speak about the fact that we are at a choice point in our planet right now where we get to decide the future of this planet and not in a foofy way, but actually even using quantum science and all kinds of other science to back up this hypothesis that many of us are holding right now.
Melinda Wittstock: I love this whole idea of creating in love and not fear. And this has been something that we’ve all been hearing more and more and more in the lead up to coronavirus. And you’re right, it does present us with a choice and it can trigger us into fear or we can choose instead to come at it from love. What does that look like in practice?
Isabelle Tierney: Love your question. A whole bunch of years ago, I was given a map. I trust my intuition and I listen to spirit a lot. And so I feel like I downloaded, it if we were to use that term, a map that helps people come from fear to love, navigate from fear to love. And what’s fascinating about this map and about fear in general, Melinda, is that fear is really driven by a biological response. That’s the stress response, right?
Isabelle Tierney: And love can only occur when we feel safe, when we feel that we can relax. And so for me, the work that I teach, and that so many of us are teaching with our own maps, I just have one specific one, is that when we track, when we notice we are in fear with our thoughts, with our emotions, in our body, our invitation is to choose again and again to come back to relaxation, to gratitude, to open to us, to trust, to faith, whatever the different qualities of love are that are the easiest for you to access, that’s the invitation.
Isabelle Tierney: And the thing that I want to say really clearly, it’s not that fear is bad. It has this beautiful evolutionary reason for being there. It’s just outdated, that’s one of its biggest problems. We are not in as much danger as we were millions of years ago and yet our brain still reacts like that. And then number two, fear literally creates us to see the world in a distorted way. It literally only allows us to see the other as the enemy, right? You’re the bear out there. You are the lion out there. And so it distorts our view of the present. And Dr. Bruce Lipton, I was just listening to an interview with him today, he says the exact same thing, fear distorts who we are. So it is so important right now that we commit ourselves, that we take the responsibility to return back to love, to return back to love, to return back to love, every single time we notice fear or disconnection or reactivity and we each then change the world one person at a time. And it’s so powerful.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s a beautiful message. I think with coronavirus though, it’s an interesting thing. Just like any other adverse circumstance, it can trigger us and it can unearth all those subconscious icebergs, you know those things under the surface that are driving us without us even knowing it.
Isabelle Tierney: Yes.
Melinda Wittstock: And so, when we get triggered, and perhaps we get triggered by going into old behaviors or I can manifest in so many different ways, I see those as opportunities to really bring to the surface and then just let go of those things. And I think right now is a very powerful opportunity for everybody to do that.
Isabelle Tierney: I was literally sharing the same thing in a Facebook live yesterday. My story, my hypothesis is that literally, it’s not just each of us individually that have been forced to slow down, but it’s actually, if you could imagine a total global slowdown. And so imagine this energy of the planet slowdown where all the things that we were not allowing ourselves to access, that we had pushed away, that we had rejected that we had numbed, that we had frozen and that we could keep rejected and frozen by speeding up, now that it’s slowed down, we’re all being faced with it. And there’s some people who haven’t done a lot of personal work and there’s a lot showing up.
Isabelle Tierney: But what I’ve noticed in myself and actually want to check with you, Melinda, I’m having more subtle unhealed events happening, right? The little ways that I still judge. The little ways that I still put negative stories onto the world. And so yes, it’s showing up rising to the surface. The shadow is rising into the light for us to heal it so we don’t have to keep holding it in our physical and energetic bodies. So I invite people, trust that if you have a lot of turbulence, if you’re getting triggered a lot, trust that and slow down and allow it to move through you.
Melinda Wittstock: I think one of the things that I’m seeing a lot, like when I go to the supermarket, say in the context of coronavirus, or a number of other circumstances, you see judgment in people, a lot of judgment.
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah.
Melinda Wittstock: And I’ve learned over the years that if you’re tempted to judge someone else, it’s really that you’re in self-judgment yourself, right?
Isabelle Tierney: Yes.
Melinda Wittstock: And so, this is also about accepting ourselves as we are, I think, as well. And radical self-acceptance is a difficult thing for people because we all have that inner bully voice that tells us all the ways and all the things we should be or could have done better or where we’re not enough, all that kind of stuff. It’s really an opportunity to let go of all of those things as well.
Melinda Wittstock: Just look within and accept because I think right now one of the messages of the virus, and there are many, is not only about being in love and not fear but it’s also alignment. It’s about getting into alignment with our true purpose because we’re all here in “earth suits” for a reason, with something specific to do. So what is that thing and how can we use that time to find that?
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah, I love that. There’s a couple of different points you brought in. One is about judgment and then alignment, so let me address both. I can address both because they actually come from the same place. Again, when we are in the stress response, I call it the red zone, we literally, as I said, we are overreacting, we see the world in a distorted way. And the most amazing thing, Melinda, is actually the two hemispheres of our brains are disconnected from each other, the right and left side of the brain. So we literally can only see the world as separate. So I can only see you as separate from me, the person at the supermarket who’s not wearing the mask as separate from me and as the enemy. So, judgment arises from that red zone. So again, when we learn to use this map to come back to what I call the green zone or the relaxation response, two sides of our brains come back together into unity and we can experience ourselves as one.
Isabelle Tierney: Now, it’s not just experiencing me and you as one, it’s also experiencing different aspects of myself as one, as love. Like here’s judgment arising in me. That person is judging me. Yeah, let me hold them in love. So everything, the foundation of the way we behave in the world, becomes informed by love.
Isabelle Tierney: And so then, going to your second point, when I access that place, that is when I find my purpose. When I’m in the green zone, that is when I get the information for what I am meant to do today. When I’m in the red zone, I’m going to take reactive, impulsive, fight, flight or freeze action. That is not going to be action that’s going to guide my life purpose. And so believe it or not, what I keep talking about as the answer is teaching ourselves, practicing, coming back to Andrew Weil called it the God response, because it is everything we long for, love, acceptance, wisdom, gratitude, generosity, compassion all live there, including the discovery of our life purpose.
Melinda Wittstock: It’s interesting. Isabel, I love this differentiation that you have between the red zone and the green zone because it simplifies it. We can become really good observers of ourselves in terms of how we’re reacting because when we are reacting in fear, we’re making bad decisions. As you say, we’re reacting. We’re not in control in that moment. We’re letting events, external things drive us rather than really operating in our own power and our own free will.
Isabelle Tierney: Yes.
Melinda Wittstock: I know Jack Welch once said, act, don’t react, right?
Isabelle Tierney: Yes.
Melinda Wittstock: Because when we’re acting and we’re acting on inspiration and we’re in alignment, that’s where we get into that zone of flow where we can manifest things in our lives, in what we truly want, what’s truly aligned, in what’s right for us. But when we’re in uncertainty, we can be frozen.
Isabelle Tierney: Yes.
Melinda Wittstock: Or when we’re in fear, we can make really bad decisions. And so this comes back to this choice that we have right now. Coronavirus seems like it’s very much a binary choice, right?
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah.
Melinda Wittstock: Either this or that. And you see society even dividing in that way right now.
Isabelle Tierney: Yes. I really love what you said. One of my favorite sentences that actually saved my life when I was struggling with my eating disorder very severely as Geneen Roth said, what if there’s a perfectly good reason for everything we do? And I remember when I read that sentence, it changed my whole life because I started asking myself, well, why am I behaving that way?
Isabelle Tierney: So, to that fear and uncertainty, and Joe Dispenza talks about this, when we are in the stress response, all our attention is oriented into time and environment and space, we are not supposed to be looking inside. Our rational brain is kidnapped because we’re not supposed to be thinking, wait a minute, is this a golden retriever coming my way or is this a lion? We’re just supposed to react and act later and think later.
Isabelle Tierney: So, I want to keep telling you and your listeners, that red zone is not your fault. I always say it’s not your fault, your wanting to react in reactive ways when you’re in fear is appropriate but it is your responsibility. It is your responsibility to note it, wow, I’m in the red zone. And then step number two in my work is, okay, let me slow down, take a breath, tell my body I’m safe. And then step number three, you actually take what I call a feelgood action, and you do something that is counter to a red zone action. You do something like you call a friend in that moment or you find a way to express gratitude, whatever it is, you counter the red zone reactivity. But I want to make sure this is appropriate. When we are in fear, we are supposed to be only oriented outward but none of the answers we all long for can be found anywhere but within, and that’s what we are all being asked to go, is within.
Melinda Wittstock: Well, we’re all being forced into looking within because you think of all the people who are sheltering in place alone. They’re single, there’s just them. That is really hard and a big challenge. I used to live in New York city, in Manhattan and I had a small apartment. Because so much of the city is… And London, same thing, so much based on being able to interact with other people.
Melinda Wittstock: And as a society, I think we have all been taught that somehow happiness is external to us. That when we get that, I don’t know, pay raise or when we hit that milestone in our business, when we achieve seven figures or when we get that car, when we have this thing or when we lose that weight or when we do this or this or that, we will then be happy. That it’s some sort of destination. It’s not true. It’s from within. So the coronavirus, in making us sit still by ourselves, even if you’re with your family or whatever, it’s making us do it. If we didn’t do it, it’s like, I don’t know, mother earth just said, okay, “Well, if you can’t do it by herself, here we go. I’m just going to assist you a little bit here now.”
Isabelle Tierney: I completely agree. And it’s, I call them the difference between false good habits, like false gods, and feel good habits, right? My brand is the feel good life. So a false good habit is one that presents, I’m feeling really, really good short-term and then hurts us long-term. That’s exactly what you were talking about. Like how many of us, you finally get the money, you finally get the partner, you finally get the this, the best this, this, there’s the car, the apartment. And then a few months later you’re like, okay, I need something else now to fill me up. A feel good habit is actually one that maybe at the beginning doesn’t feel good as quickly but actually then sustainably feels good.
Isabelle Tierney: So, if you meditate or you journal or you pray or whatever it is you do, you do therapy, at first, it doesn’t feel so good, but then it sustains you for the rest of your life. And so this demand really that we all slow down and go inside is extraordinary. I mean, it’s extraordinary. And like you were saying, for some people brand new and I imagine incredibly turbulent, and then for others of us who have been waiting to be given permission to slow down, we’re really excited. And if you think about most spiritual teachers and yogis, they go into caves, they go into retreat, they go into silence in order to discover the core truth of the world. And so we are all given a chance to do that right now.
Melinda Wittstock: What I think is hilarious is that so many people on this spiritual journey would pay big money to go sit in a place for two weeks in total silence, right?
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah.
Melinda Wittstock: That was something that we used to have to pay for and here we are. Everybody is at a different stage I guess in this personal growth, but coronavirus I like to the kind of thing that goes on in most people’s lives. If you’re getting a nudge from the universe that you’re going on the wrong direction, it starts off pretty gently, softly. If you don’t pay attention to it, gets a little bit louder. It gets louder and louder and louder until if you’re really headstrong and you’re really willful and you’re not going to accept it, not going to hear it, it knocks you on your ass. It really does.
Melinda Wittstock: And sometimes things have to get really, really awkward for people. They have to have a major problem in their life before they can take that step, let go all the stuff that wasn’t serving them and step into it. I see as a society, as a whole, it’s the same thing. We’ve been getting all kinds of nudges about all the different ways that our society is not structured properly or institutions are broken or all these different things. Now we’re seeing very, very clearly where things are broken, where there are inequities in society, where different modalities or different ways businesses are organized or the government is organized or all these sort of things aren’t working. It’s fascinating that it had to get this loud and I believe that when the lesson is learned, the experience is no longer necessary.
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah, I love that. [crosstalk 00:18:34].
Melinda Wittstock: Meaning there’s such an opportunity right now to create a new normal that if we rush back to just the way things were before, we will not have learned the lesson and the nudge will be even greater next time. So I think it’s a really, really important time for anybody with a voice like you, Isabelle, in the work that you’re doing and all of us to really be heard because it’s an important opportunity right now, I think in our history and in our world.
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah. The sense, for many of us, is we’ve been training for a lifetime for this moment. And what’s interesting is if we look at different spiritual teachings or even religions, what I’m hearing around me, including with myself, it’s like this is the second coming of Christ. This is like there’s a new awakening, a new earth, like Eckhart Tolle used to talk about. We are in front of that choice.
Isabelle Tierney: When you talk about the nudge, again, we are wired to look for the negative. It’s called the negativity bias. We’re wired to look for what’s wrong to make sure we don’t get killed. So to actually start wiring ourselves to look for what’s right, to behave in pleasurable feel good ways, it’s actually we haven’t been evolutionarily wired for that. So it’s actually requiring a whole new rewiring of our brain. And so when you talk about this one-time thing, I certainly hope so. I certainly hope that this, as you said, it’s like we’ve been hit with a stick.
Melinda Wittstock: Right.
Isabelle Tierney: It’s loud enough. And that’s why, like you said, the more we can pass this message of it’s up to you and it’s up to me. It’s up to you. It’s up to me. Let’s choose love. And it’s important, Melinda, that people know this. When I say choose love, not fear, never am I speaking about rejecting fear. I’m talking about when fear shows up, you bring your curious observer in there, your compassionate witness, and you say, “Fear, here you are, love you. I understand why you’re here and I’m not going to take action from the words and the stories you’re telling me.” So there’s no rejection of anything. For me, this whole world is God experiencing itself. And so this is not God, while this is God. It’s all God and we get to be responsible how we embody this God, what I call God in motion.
Melinda Wittstock: I love the curious observer, because when we’re feeling these feelings being quiet enough in our minds to be able to say, “How interesting! What’s that showing me?” And then that fear becomes an opportunity for illumination rather than something that’s going to make us miserable.
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah. Make us take impulsive actions, make us turn towards food, alcohol, drugs, yell at our partner, yell at our children. When our bodies think we’re in danger, which is what happens when we go into fear, they do all kinds of crazy, powerful things to make sure we survive. So for us to counter that and to actually say, “No, I’m safe.”
Isabelle Tierney: I always talk about like if it was 2:00 o’clock in the morning and we were in a tent all by ourselves and we were to hear rustling leaves, I’m not going to want to meditate and be like, I’m okay. And yet that’s what often our brain does. It looks at things in the world and says you are in mortal danger and you have to behave a certain way. Now, what’s interesting with the virus is there has been, and there still is, the possibility of that much danger. And so asking ourselves to stay calm and to come back to love when actually real danger is out there is even more challenging than ever, which is fabulous because then our feel good muscles get stronger and stronger.
Melinda Wittstock: It is a big challenge. I find when I go to the grocery store right now, which is the only time I’m out there other than walking the dog, just the sense of fear like in the Bethesda, Maryland, Whole Foods, is extreme and everybody’s wearing the mask, doing the physical distancing and that’s all great. But what’s really weird about it is nobody speaks to each other. And so I have started to do two things, I’ve started to very loudly thank the people who are working there, right?
Isabelle Tierney: I love the loudly.
Melinda Wittstock: I mean, really loudly thank them. And say hello to people, smile at people because I’ve got a mask on. It’s actually a bandana because they can’t find a mask. But anyway, I got my bandana on and I’ll smile because you can see that I’m smiling with my eyes and people are like, what? But trying to see where I’m triggered by that and let go of that within myself. And it seems to flip the energy a little bit. It’s small but it’s something. The other thing I do is Hoʻoponopono, I don’t know if you know that.
Isabelle Tierney: Of course.
Melinda Wittstock: But the ancient Hawaiian wisdom, which is a wonderful, a very simple mantra when you’re feeling triggered, it’s simple. It’s like, “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” And so, so simple. You’re seeing this in effect to your own inner child, but as you do that, I find that the energy clear. So now I’m constantly, it’s like a macro in my brain. It’s like constantly doing Hoʻoponopono in those sorts of situations. And then I suddenly see changes in other people. I see them start to smile. It’s amazing. It sounds so, so woo, so out there, but it actually works.
Isabelle Tierney: So I was just listening to Dr. Bruce Lipton and he talks about quantum physics and the brain and thoughts, and he said, “Our thoughts are actually like tuning forks. They’re not contained in our heads. They broadcast all the time.” And what he says is that the more we have a common thought, the more power that vibration gives, the more amplitude then it has to change the electromagnetic field of the earth. So literally when we come together with a common thought, core belief, like fear or love, we are changing the electromagnetic field of the earth. So when you say, when I’m choosing thoughts of love and not of fear, or of gratitude instead of scarcity, you are actually impacting everyone around you. And then when we all come together and do this together, we are literally impacting the planet.
Isabelle Tierney: I want us to stop, we’ve all been so careful about, I don’t want to sound too “foofy” or this or that. Actually, quantum physics has backed “foofooness” up and we can actually trust now that what you think, what you feel, how you react actually changes everything. So that’s why we go back to the core message, it is up to each and every one of us to change this world right now.
Melinda Wittstock: Yeah. There’s a tipping point.
Isabelle Tierney: Yes, that’s what I talk about too. Exactly.
Melinda Wittstock: There’s a tipping point because if everybody does this, it really changes. Love always beats fear in the end. I mean, there’ve even been studies. There was a famous one sometime back where they had a whole bunch of people on either sides of a room and one group was told to be feeling hate and fear and the other side was told to be feeling love and gratitude and joy and higher emotions. And they were supposed to walk towards each other. The love group overpowered the hate group every time. I’ve heard of muscle testing and that kind of thing as well, right?
Isabelle Tierney: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Melinda Wittstock: But really, our thoughts have power, the virus is energy, just like money is an energy. All of this is an energy, so there’s so much we can do. So I want to get into your seven day reset because it’s so, so important. Can you take us through it?
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah, I love that. Yeah, I have been asking spirit, how do I serve during this time? And what I was told is to offer the seven day stress reset. So again, my work basically is a roadmap from fear to love. And I’m calling it right now from fear to empowerment. So it’s called the seven day stress reset. Your roadmap from fear to empowerment. So over seven days, every day we’re going to get on zoom and you’re going to first learn the map and the three steps to get yourself back to love. And they work whether you’ve never done work before or you’ve done 30 years of cell development work, I use it still every day. It’s unbelievable, the gifting of this map, how it just never stops healing. And then what we’re going to do is we’re going to spend a few days and we’re going to slow it down to go to focus on health and wellness.
Isabelle Tierney: We’re going to focus on relationships, we’re going to focus on career and finances, and we’re going to focus on spirituality and faith. So we’re going to look at all these life areas and how do we shift them from fear or reactivity to love or harmony, right? So in our health, how do we choose feel good habits and not false good ones? In relationships, how do we learn to live with these people in this quarantine time or with this new work environment? With career and money, how do we find a life purpose? How do we live financially in such a different way for many of us than we were three months ago? And then spirituality and faith, how do we create this new world?
Isabelle Tierney: And so even though it’s just seven days, we do about 30 to 45 minutes every day as a community. Once again, it’s the power of when more than one of us, when we come together in the name of love, I imagine we are each going to shift so powerfully that we will not just heal ourselves but actually create a wider healing environment and yeah, I didn’t even know I was going to do that until about last week when I woke up one morning and spirit, I call it God, said to me, “This is the way you’re going to serve,” and I realized that by committing to that seven day initiative, the trick that spirit did with me is that it’s making me do exactly what you and I are doing today.
Isabelle Tierney: It’s making me speak up every day and spread this message. And that’s really what I was meant to do. So, join me. And if you go to thefeelgoodlife.com/melinda, you’ll find all the information there. It starts Saturday morning, April 25th and I think it’s going to be extraordinary because we’re all so ready for the shift and we’re also ready to have a map, a simple map that helps us get back to love.
Melinda Wittstock: I love that. I love that so much.
Isabelle Tierney: Thank you.
Melinda Wittstock: I encourage everybody to do it because wherever you are in your spiritual growth, there’s always more. We never arrive, again, at the destination. There’s always more to let go of, to surrender, to clear, to embrace. And I love that this came to you, Isabelle, as a kind of divine download, if you will, an inspiration because that’s the other benefit. This is a business podcast and the benefit of this in business, as in all areas of life, is when we quiet our mind and we open ourselves up to those downloads, it means that we’re taking action is not only in alignment with what we’re supposed to be doing here, but we radically multiply our chances of success because we end up focusing on the activities and the tasks that are the highest leverage, Right? That will get us more for less, if you will.
Isabelle Tierney: Yes.
Melinda Wittstock: And when you operate a business that way, God, it’s so much easier. I’ve done it both ways, so I know. I know what it’s like to feel like I’m pushing a boulder up a mountain and for every two steps forward, getting kicked back. And I know the difference just with my podcasting network right now, that is so much from source. It’s so much divine inspiration every day. And the thing is just aligned and is just manifesting. So-
Isabelle Tierney: Again, why would we function from the red zone? Which is what a lot of businesses are doing. They are functioning from the stress response using adrenaline, using push, using stress and there’s no flow. When we run our businesses from the green zone, it’s a completely different experience because first of all, we have so much more information at our disposal, right? Whether we call it the quantum field and be scientific or the divine field and be spiritual, we have so many more resources and information at our disposal, and I want to say one more thing that I don’t even know if you know that because of your retreats, Melinda, I am now starting, in two weeks, a pilot program, to three companies to actually bring my work into the corporate world and actually create a certification where businesses are running themselves using green zone qualities instead of red zone.
Isabelle Tierney: So I am actually scaling into the corporate world to bring this work there because again, I think that after this virus completes itself, I think the business world is going to need, more than ever, a way to actually do business differently. I don’t think people are going to watch businesses that operate from the red zone. I think we are going to want businesses that are based in compassion, in generosity, in truth, in fairness. And I am stunned once again about the timing on when I’ve been told to do this, but my training corporations now to do this work realizing is pretty darn…
Melinda Wittstock: [crosstalk 00:32:56] … I don’t know.
Isabelle Tierney: Asynchronicity. Yeah, [crosstalk 00:33:03] asynchronicity.
Melinda Wittstock: Yeah, it is asynchronicity. I actually believe that businesses that don’t adapt in that way will not exist.
Isabelle Tierney: I agree. I feel the same way. Do you hear that I’m almost whispering when I say that? Because I think that, I feel like such a heretic saying that, but actually that’s true.
Melinda Wittstock: Yeah, it’s true. It’s true. I also think that businesses that don’t have a social impact mission as well will also be extinct.
Isabelle Tierney: Yes.
Melinda Wittstock: And I think the two things go hand in hand.
Isabelle Tierney: Exactly. Exactly. Because it’s green zone, right?
Melinda Wittstock: Yeah. It’s conscious leadership. And I think entrepreneurs, and particularly women entrepreneurs in this moment in time, have the ability with just our inherent feminine power and everything that that needs, our intuitive abilities, our empathetic abilities and our collaborative abilities to really use business as a force for social good to fix a lot of the things that are broken in our institutional structures and the very masculine energy with which business and government and societies or whatever has been set up. I think the coronavirus is blowing that out as well. My hope is that we come into much more of a balance between the masculine and the feminine in that archetypal sense.
Isabelle Tierney: Yeah, I really love it. We could call it inspired action, the balance of the feminine and the masculine and yeah, I think that what you describe as the intuition and collaboration, this is exactly to me what green zone is, is we’re more able to access intuition in the red zone where we’re not supposed to collaborate. We’re just supposed to fend for ourselves because in the red zone there isn’t enough. So I have to make sure that I could get my thing and that you don’t get as much as I get. And so collaboration, intuition will be key.
Isabelle Tierney: And I actually really love that you talk about balancing because you and I know this, that sometimes it’s easy. I think there was this wave where suddenly the masculine was bad and the feminine was good and actually-
Melinda Wittstock: No, they’re both good.
Isabelle Tierney: … Exactly.
Melinda Wittstock: But they’re both best when they’re at their highest purpose and they’re combined within us all, whether we’re men leveraging the feminine or women leveraging some of the masculine to be able to go into action with that inspiration and collaboration.
Isabelle Tierney: Yes, exactly. That’s it.
Melinda Wittstock: So I think this is a really whole new energy and to me it seems like there’s this blank canvas almost. I mean, there’s so much that’s possible and it’s an amazing time for entrepreneurs. It’s funny that I see all entrepreneurs right now being super, super busy, busiest they’ve ever been, and other people are like, God, what should I do with my time? But then within the entrepreneurial community, there is definitely a bifurcation too between those who are coming at it from this more evolved spiritual or green zone attitude and those that are in scarcity of, oh my God, I’ve got to pivot or what scarcity, scarcity, fear, all of that. And I also believe that the businesses that are vibrating from that green zone as opposed to red zone are going to be the ones that emerge successfully.
Isabelle Tierney: I completely agree. I completely agree. And how exciting is that? Once again, I heard from my intuition to actually pivot towards businesses and that was five months ago, right after your retreat. So how fascinating, again, the timing is? I realized once I started doing research that businesses are the biggest entities able to effect change. Governments take too slow, right? They’re too slow. They’re like gigantic ships that take too slow to turn. And when I realized that, that if I brought this work into businesses, they could be the best effectors of change, I got really excited and it is actually true. They’re responsible for so much of our physical health, our mental health, and I don’t know if I would say spiritual health, but of this planet of every individual on this planet. So we need to change business too. And I love that we pivoted to that. I don’t think we even knew we were going to pivot there, but it makes me really excited to talk about this as well.
Melinda Wittstock: Well, Isabel, I am so, so excited for what you’re doing here and I want to invite everybody again, it’s thefeelgoodlife.com/melinda, please sign up, thefeelgoodlife.com/melinda. And I want to congratulate you on being a grandmother.
Isabelle Tierney: Almost. Almost. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. I know, I feel so young for that at 57 but it’s really exciting. Thank you.
Melinda Wittstock: Isabelle, you’re a shining light. Thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us.
Isabelle Tierney: I’m so, so grateful that I was here. I had such an amazing time.
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