857 Karen Cheong:

When you can change things at the frequency level, the physical reorganizes around it, because in our culture we have this belief that what we do on the physical realm affects the spirit, it’s actually the inverse. Everything happens at the higher right of vibration first and then the physical reorganizes around it, which is why frequency work is so spectacular. Because when you change things at the vibrational root of the problem, what your life looks like, can shift radically around you at a speed that is kind of mind-blowing in a way.

If we want to change our external circumstances, we must first change what is within, our subconscious thoughts, our energy, the frequency at which we vibrate. Today transformational healer and entrepreneur Karen Cheong demystifies the mystical with practical tips about how we can all raise our vibration in the New Year to remove blocks to success and align us with our purest essence and purpose.


Hi, I’m Melinda Wittstock and welcome to Wings of Inspired Business, where we share the inspiring entrepreneurial journeys, epiphanies, and practical advice from successful female founders … so you have everything you need at your fingertips to build the business and life of your dreams. I’m a 5-time serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of Podopolo, the AI-powered interactive app revolutionizing podcast discovery and discussion and making podcasting profitable for creators. I’d like to invite you to take a minute, download Podopolo from either app store, listen to the rest of this episode there, create and share your favorite moment with our viral clip sharing tool across social media, by text, or any messaging app, and join the conversation with your questions, perspectives, experiences, and advice … Because together we’re stronger, and we all soar higher when we fly together.

Today we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who built a successful 8-figure annual real estate business before a health crisis in her 20s took her on a different spiritual path.

Karen Cheong made it her life’s work to explore the mystical and energetic systems that govern our experience – of ourselves, of others, and of life itself – and today we talk about frequency healing and her company Spherical Luminosity.

Karen will be here in a moment, and first,

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As we race towards the end of another year, it’s always a good time as we look to the new to take stock of where we’re at in life and where we’re going. What might be standing between us and the success, happiness, and fulfilment of which we dream?

It’s been said that if we want to know what we believe deep down subconsciously, just look at your life – your business, your relationships, your health. Because so much of what we create for ourselves is manifested for good and bad from what lies within ourselves, those deeply embedded beliefs that in turn dictate our energy and the frequency with which we vibrate.

Why is our frequency important? Listen on because transformational healer Karen Cheong of Spherical Luminosity lays it on us and you won’t want to miss a second if next year is finally the year you attract what your heart desires into your life in alignment with your true essence and purpose.

Let’s put on our wings with the inspiring Karen Cheong and be sure to download the podcast app Podopolo so we can keep the conversation going after the episode.

Melinda Wittstock:

Karen, welcome to Wings.

Karen Cheong:

Thank you. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you for having me.

Melinda Wittstock:

Well, people who listen to this podcast often know how much I geek out about all things mindset and releasing blocks, because I know from my own entrepreneurial journey and so many others that if you want therapy, just become an entrepreneur because it’s going to reveal all of your blocks to you. So what made you interested in this and digging in?

Karen Cheong:

Well, what I do now found me, I didn’t look for it. I used to have a very successful real estate business in San Francisco with my husband and partner, and we had a small team. And what happened for me is basically a spiritual journey. So for me, my journey was catalyzed by physical suffering basically. I had the equivalent of a mosquito bite, but basically everywhere from my chin down to my ankles. And in an effort to alleviate that kind of emotional and physical discomfort, it led me into my spiritual journey. And I’m a curious person, and because I was led to find an acupuncturist who actually was able to resolve those physical issues, and I had gone from being very unwell physically and emotionally, I mean, I was at the point where I was having very dark thoughts about taking my life, and then I went to go see this man in this sort of non-planned set of circumstances. And I went from that to amazing in five weeks with just cups and needles. It prompted the question of, what is there in the unseen which governs what we think is physical and solid?

So anyway, fast-forward and learned a ton in terms of traditional personal development, which I find fascinating, about mindset, how people work, why people do what they do, and then all the way into more woo-woo spiritual modalities. And I was implementing it in our business because I was seeing that my business got better, I felt better in the business, I physically was better, but I noticed that I kept hitting a plateau. So I really had trouble with scarcity.

So for all you out there who are entrepreneurs, you know what this feels like, it’s like I was really worried about, when is the next paycheck going to come in? When are my clients going to transact without me forcing them to? Because nobody really wants a real estate agent breathing down their neck, doesn’t really help for referrals. And so I was constantly spreadsheeting and anxious about money, even though if you looked at our bank account, we were affluent. And I was just stressing myself out and my team out because I was driving us to perform more and more and more, not necessarily getting better results but working harder. And I didn’t feel very good, and I was using all these different modalities.

So for me, what happened was that was the thing that prompted the question, what is there that I’m missing? What are the blocks that I can’t see, that I can’t release that make me feel like this? Because how it feels is crappy. And that’s when frequency work found me. And like I said, I explored a whole bunch of different modalities, I’ve been on a spiritual journey for 25 years, and I’m a curious person. And when frequency work found me, it was very subtle actually.

I didn’t know exactly what had happened, but I knew something profound had changed, I knew it was the way for me to release the blocks that I held on an unconscious level that were keeping me stuck in a very specific way. And I was determined to release those unconscious blocks that I call distortion patterns that kept me spinning in the same kind of experience over and over again, even though it may look different on the surface, the circumstance may look a little bit different or the people looked a little bit different, but I was kind of hitting repeat in terms of my experience. So that’s what catalyzed what I do now.

Melinda Wittstock:

Your journey, Karen, is so interesting because when people go on this spiritual journey, after a while you realize it’s never really over.

Karen Cheong:

Of course.

Melinda Wittstock:

You never get to this place where you’re like, “Oh my goodness, I’ve done everything. I’ve been doing the meditation, I did the therapy, I did ayahuasca, I journal, I do all these things and I’m still stuck. These patterns are still repeating.” And this is very personal to me because you hit these plateaus in a way, and there’s always more. So tell me specifically about the frequency piece of this, how it works, how you actually discovered it.

Karen Cheong:

Yeah, yeah. So from my perspective, everything is vibrating. So this is not a new concept, I mean, science has been talking about this for a while, and what governs what something appears to be has to do with the rate of vibration. So for example, if you take water, when it’s steam, the molecules are vibrating fast. And when that molecular vibration slows down, it becomes liquid water. And when that molecular vibration slows down even more, it becomes solid or ice.

So if you take that idea and you extrapolate it into consciousness or a very, very, very high rate of vibration that I’ll call the oneness, the field, the divine, the consciousness from which everything comes and to which everything returns, whatever you want to call it, that is vibrating at an extraordinary rate of vibration that we still cannot yet measure. When that consciousness wants to experience something other than the oneness, there’s a drop in vibration. And when that vibrational level drops, it creates something called frequencies. And when frequencies drop in vibration, that becomes what we generally talk about as energy. And when that slows down even more, it becomes physical form or matter.

So when you can change things at the frequency level, the physical reorganizes around it, because in our culture we have this belief that what we do on the physical realm affects the spirit, it’s actually the inverse. Everything happens at the higher right of vibration first and then the physical reorganizes around it, which is why frequency work is so spectacular. Because when you change things at the root of the problem or at the vibrational root of the problem, which is that frequency level, things, like I said on the physical, which to me means also emotionally and mentally and what your life looks like, can shift radically around you at a speed that is kind of mind-blowing in a way. And so that’s essentially what I do.

Melinda Wittstock:

You hear people talking about it and it seems so mystical because here we are on the physical plane saying, “How do you do that? What do I have to do?” Which is kind of a cutoff, right?

Karen Cheong:

Yeah. So here, I’ll bottom line it for you, you raise your vibration. Now, I realize that sounds like a bumper sticker, however, it’s true. So how high your vibration is dictates everything in your world in terms of how you feel, what your thoughts are, what your life looks like, what opportunities show up for you, what synchronicity show up.

So to your question, “Well, that’s great, I’d like to raise my vibration, but how do I do that?” The answer is to release your distortion patterns. So your distortion patterns are those unconscious blocks that I talked about or I shared in my story, it’s those things that are heavy and dense and keep us from being aware of our connection with the oneness.

So I’m going to back up a little bit more. So a distortion pattern from my perspective is very specific. So in my viewpoint of the world, you choose to come into embodiment. So I recognize for some people that feels like a stretch, like, “Well, I don’t know, it seems like what’s happening in the physical world is kind of like going to hell in a handbasket so why would I want that?” But you actually do choose to have embodiment because the embodied experience is a rare thing, 0.0000001% of the everything is form, everything else is “nothing”. So the fact that you get to experience density or form is a miracle actually. I know it doesn’t feel that way often, but it is.

So anyway, so if you choose to have an embodied experience, for me, what happens is out of the field, infinite field of pure source energy comes a sphere of pure source energy that’s vibrating at a very specific rate. That rate of vibration is what creates individuation or makes you you and me me. And when that sphere of pure source energy drops in vibration a lot in order to have an embodied experience, because if you think about consciousness, that vibration being very high and form being very dense, so much slower in vibration, what look like layers and layers and layers and layers and layers and layers and layers and layers and layers and layers and layers and layers of what look like duct tape to me form around the sphere.

So what are the layers? The layers, well, first of all, what they do is they cause the spheres to forget that it’s surrounded by pure source energy all around it infinitely and has access to infinite abundance really. And it gets really slow in its vibration because it’s bogged down by all the layers of duct tape. Okay, what the heck are the layers? Well, the layers are created by things like your lineage or what your ancestors experienced. So the field of epigenetics is exploring this, how and what your ancestors experience impact how your genes express in you today. So what your lineage experienced impacts you. Of course you have cultural conditioning, you have religious conditioning, even if you grew up in a family that wasn’t particularly religious, your lineage sure as heck did, and your past lives, and then your own response to wounding.

So these layers are what I call distortion patterns. And as you release the distortion patterns, then what happens is the vibrational rate of the sphere picks up because it’s not as bogged down by the same number of layers of duct tape. And it feels good to vibrate higher and faster, and then your life starts to change really rapidly around you. And that’s what we can do now with frequency work. So the work that I do, it’s simply that I’ve been able to rise high enough in my own vibrational level that I can work at this level and release the distortion patterns at that level so that your physical experience shifts. And I don’t know if you want me to get into how I was able to do that, but in a nutshell, that happened.

Melinda Wittstock:

Yes, absolutely, I’m also a very curious person, I think all entrepreneurs are necessarily curious to-

Karen Cheong:


Melinda Wittstock:

Be constantly seeking and evolving and such. And I understand this idea of release and there are all these modalities to release it.

Karen Cheong:


Melinda Wittstock:

And different kind of levels and stages of that. So, when you’re at this level, it’s already very conscious and you accept all of these things and you’ve been working to release things, but you find yourself with, it’s like this niggle of some sort of black box. It’s like, “Okay, come on, I’ve done everything. I am doing it, what?” Right? And one piece, accepting epigenetics, accepting all these in past lives, which is all these sorts of things. And what then? Because you do get to that kind of block. So tell me how you work with people to help them over that. I laughingly call it this final thing because it never is, but to raise their vibration even more.

Karen Cheong:

Absolutely. So I think to answer your question, I have to give a little bit of context. So how it happened for me, okay? So it’s not like it just like someone waved a wand over me because I think in our culture, there’s this odd sense that we need to be healed or saved and that we’re actually not very empowered to change things for ourselves, which as entrepreneurs, it’s hard for us to be with because we are about change, we are about making things better. That’s the very nature of what makes us entrepreneurs.

So in any case, for me, like I said, it wasn’t like I was seeking to have these abilities, I really wasn’t. I just wanted to feel better, that was my driving factor. Because like you said, I was hitting this wall that I couldn’t see and I couldn’t break down, and it was irritating and frustrating and disempowering. And I was like, “What is this? And why can’t I move it?” Because I know I should be able to, but I can’t seem to.

So anyway, for me, what I did was a lot of intensive work to release my own patterns. And one day I found myself at a retreat in Sedona that I opted not to go to, different story, but I ended up in a nine-hour meditation that I did not plan. And I didn’t realize how long it was when I was in it, but in that experience, I basically pierced through what I call the veil of forgetting into an experience of the oneness. And when I was in that experience of the oneness, and I lost the identity of Karen, I experienced everything as frequencies. And I realized you can change them, meaning you can shift them. And we think it’s really difficult, but it’s really not.

And when I came out of that meditation nine hours later, I didn’t realize how long it’d be, I could perceive the illusion like the illusion. It literally was like, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen The Matrix, but the scenes where he puts his hand through the mirror or whatever, and everything goes… It was kind of like that. And I could see the illusion as not something terrible, but as this incredibly intricate, beautiful, complex game or obstacle course or opportunity for us to grow and to remember who we truly are. And I also realized that I could perceive everything still as frequencies and that I could change them. And I was like, “Oh my God.” And then literally, Melinda, within 12 hours, by some random coincidence, a friend that I hadn’t seen in years happened to be in Sedona, and she asked me for help because we were having conversation, and then that’s how my business started. Literally, people started calling me to help them.

And so to answer your question, what does working with me look like? What does frequency work entail? Okay, so I realized for entrepreneurs, especially for us as women, we very much believe that often the way to solve a problem is to work harder, right? We’re just going to get it done. We’re going to get it handled, we’re going to prioritize, we’re going to focus, and it’s going to get done, okay? So I realize what I’m going to say is going to fly in the face of that, and, believe me, I understand it because I’m a woman entrepreneur myself. However, this has to do with putting yourself in the field of frequency work to release certain distortions. So that part seems passive because basically it sounds like you’re listening to a meditation because you are. So on the physical level, what it looks like is you put on your Air Pods, you press play, and you listen. You don’t have to be sit sitting and still, you can be doing the dishes, walking the dog, going for a run, doesn’t really matter. You don’t have to be inert in order for it to work.

But really what you’re doing is you’re putting yourself in a certain frequency resonance. And when that happens, I’m releasing the distortion patterns. It’s usually in a large group, it can be live, it can be in replay, it doesn’t really matter. And then the distortion patterns will dissolve. That’s on frequency level. But you, because you have free will, which is very important and extremely powerful, have to be active because from my perspective, you are co-creating your reality. So it requires your free will and your intention, which means that you have to be aware of the distortion within you.

Notice when it shows up for you in your life, because it will really fast, especially if you’re listening to a group frequency calibration. And then to actively choose something different to say, “This is no longer mine, it isn’t, I’m making a different choice.” Now, it’s like you’re taking or making acts of power large and small all the time in the choices that you make in response to life. So this is where triggers are helpful to you. So I realize we’re like, “Oh my God, I’m so triggered, I hate these things,” but triggers start to become these amazing things.

Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, they’re opportunities. I mean, they show you.

Karen Cheong:


Melinda Wittstock:

They show you. So if you don’t really know what your patterns are, kind of look around, right? Look at what’s triggering, right? Because I guess that’s the physical evidence of what’s going on. Yeah.

Karen Cheong:

Yeah. So to answer your first question more succinctly, to do the work, it’s to listen to a group frequency calibration, which you can do, I mean, I have a podcast myself that’s over 200 episodes where I talk about how the world works from frequency level, and then I give as my gift to the world a group frequency calibration meditation for free on that topic. So there’s a lot of work out there for free if you want to access it. And so you would listen to that or an online class or a retreat or whatever it is that you want to engage with. And that’s one way, which is in a group.

Now in our culture, we’re very conditioned to think, “I need individual attention,” right? So the fastest way for me to get out of this is to have individual attention so I can release all this crap that I don’t want and then proceed with the most momentum possible. The thing is that when you do a group frequency calibration, it’s a reflection of oneness, because I know it sounds like a Hallmark card, but it’s true, we really are one. And so when you mastermind with people and you come together with your highest selves to do this work, to release certain distortion patterns and to become more aware of your connection to pure source, what happens is a tremendous amount of momentum because the people in the mastermind have different strengths and different weaknesses from you. They overlap with you to some degree, but they’re also different. So they have momentum where you don’t, and you have momentum where they don’t. So what happens in this field is that everyone starts to give each other momentum so you can clear more of your distortion more deeply, and the amount of momentum that we can gain is amazing.

Melinda Wittstock:

A light bulb just went off for me there, because you’re right, we have a very individualized atomized kind of society yet when people really join… Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. Sorry, continue. I just was like, “Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, makes sense.”

Karen Cheong:

And it’s funny, Melinda, a lot of people will say to me, “I know there were a lot of other people on that call, but it felt like you were talking directly to me.” And I’ll just laugh and I’ll say, “Yes, because I am.” There’s overlap between you and whoever’s called to that particular thing. So it sounds and is an experience of individuality in the midst of a group. It’s really kind of amazing. And then of course, I do give individual sessions, those are becoming fewer, but I do give those as well.

Melinda Wittstock:

So this is fascinating. So what are some of the transformations that you see in people? Because. I don’t know, 850 episodes plus into this podcast and a lot of the same patterns for women entrepreneurs that they have.

Karen Cheong:

Yeah, totally, yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:

And I think we all have pattern recognition brains in many ways, mine is pretty accelerated, so I see these patterns. And for women, it’s variously not valuing ourselves enough and that expresses in things like perfectionism or not asking for a sale or underpricing, over-delivering, people pleasing, all those sorts of things. And there are also sort of fear of stepping into the light kind of things as well, really going for it, that kind of fear. It’s almost like burn at the stake kind of.

Karen Cheong:

Absolutely, totally

Melinda Wittstock:

To get opportunities, right?

Karen Cheong:


Melinda Wittstock:

And then you see also a lot of money mindset kind of things, which you’re probably talking to both of those things. So give me a sense of when you’re working, especially with female entrepreneurs, I imagine those things come up often, what are some of your epiphanies? What are some of the ‘before and afters’ that you see and the transformations?

Karen Cheong:

First of all, I just want to say I don’t actually see people. So it’s not like we get on a Zoom call and I look at you. So I don’t know a lot of my clients’ stories until I meet them physically later at a retreat or something. It’s kind of an odd thing, I don’t need to see you physically in order to do the work that I do, because what I’m doing is I’m scanning the field of the infinite to find the frequency resonance that is you, and then I’m in response to and in collaboration with your higher self to release what is priority for you. So Karen, the individual, doesn’t have an outcome for you, I’m very much in service to your highest you. So I just wanted to say that.

But the transformation, it’s funny. So a lot of my clients are women entrepreneurs, and a lot of them will come in for things around their business. And I’m thinking of two in particular. And it’s never too late. So this woman is an attorney in her seventies, a total powerhouse, has a very niche knowledge base and had semi-retired but she was like, “I don’t want to chase the contracts anymore. I’m tired and I don’t get paid enough to make it worth my while.” And so she came to frequency work, not necessarily for her business, she was like, “I’m semi-retired, what do I want next for myself? Who am I really? What do I want to give to the world?” Now as women, as we get older, we’re often told that we become more useless or more valueless, and I believe that women get more powerful as we age. We just need to not buy into that whole cultural mindset.

But anyway, so she comes for a retreat on something totally unrelated, it was about being more in the present moment and expanding into the eternal, okay? Totally unrelated to business. But what happens in that retreat, she releases a whole crap ton of distortion around what it is that she can bring to the world, her value, and whether or not she has to prove her value all the time. So this is all in group work, I don’t know any of this, right? She’s just part of the group.

When she gets home six days later, because she’s released this distortion, literally, she all of a sudden is getting phone calls from past clients that she hasn’t heard from in a while. She’s like, “Okay, I can’t handle all this work. It’s actually too much. I don’t actually want to do this much at this point in my career.” She’s like, “Okay, I’m just going to triple my rate, and it’s just going to clear the wheat from the chaff,” so to speak. She triples her rate, no change, still the same amount of demand. She’s like, “I can’t believe this. This is not what was happening to me before.” So now she made this declaration where she’s like, “Well, I’m just not getting out of bed unless it’s for this amount, and I get to choose the clients that I want to work with.”

So my point is, did she go to that retreat with the outcome of this? No, she didn’t, not at all. But because she released her distortion patterns and because her vibrational level rose enough, her physical reality reorganized in a way that she didn’t expect, and she was very delighted by it. And then I had another client, and she’s an acupuncturist and she’s an entrepreneur, and what she does is wellness. And you never know with wellness, like most things entrepreneurial, who’s going to walk in your door. And she attended an online workshop I gave on chaos, how to have more stability, opportunity and leadership amidst chaos.

So she came to that because she was feeling wobbly. I mean, you can see what’s happening in the world today, so understandably that was an experience she was having. And she wrote in actually later, two weeks later, she’s like, “Okay, this is really weird, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence, but all of a sudden I’m getting three to four new clients a week and I’m not doing anything different,” right? And her practice wasn’t huge because she just moved so three to four clients per week for her was a 10% increase weekly that kept growing over time. And I said, “Okay, well can you tell me what happens in the next three months? I’m just curious what the effect is.” And so she did. She was actually very sweet, and she had a couple of individual sessions, I think, and she would say to me, “Yep, still going.”

And instead of three to four, she was like, “All right, if I can surrender here in terms of my expectation, what happens? Can I be playful around it and not hold it so tightly?” And we worked on that, and literally her client base has increased by, I don’t know what the end amount was, but she was getting at the end about four to six new clients a week. So now for her, that’s huge because she’s a solo practitioner. For some people, that doesn’t sound like very much, but my point is for her, instead of having to chase the client and network and do all the things that you’re supposed to do, that everyone tells you’re supposed to do, she just shifted who she is or was, because she’s still growing obviously, and her world reorganized around her.

So again, this flies in the face of what we’ve been taught of we have to work hard, we have to work hard, we have to effort. And if we’re doing something and the result isn’t there, well, obviously we’re doing something wrong or we’re not working hard enough. But my point is, when you change the vibrational rate of who you are, your physical reality not only reorganizes around you, but who is attracted to you, the opportunities that open for you, the synchronicities that happen totally shift up, and it’s infinite because that’s the world that I work in, right? Spirit is infinite, we are infinite beings, so there’s no cap on it. So the question becomes kind of playful. It’s like, “Okay, well, if I can do this, well, what else is possible?” Right? As opposed to, “I’ve got to grind harder, I’ve got to try harder, I’ve got to do whatever it is that I’m supposed to do more.”

Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, because that’s the whole, gosh, that whole entrepreneurial thing, got to hustle, got to do all that kind of stuff. And when women do that too, just for women, most women end up, I don’t know how many times, and this is your experience, physical ailment, right?

Karen Cheong:

Oh, for sure.

Melinda Wittstock:

Or just straight out burnout ultimately becomes disease, right?

Karen Cheong:


Melinda Wittstock:

And so that it doesn’t really work for kind of feminine energy.

Karen Cheong:

Yes, agreed.

Melinda Wittstock:

It works more for men, but then does it really, because you get a lot of men with heart attacks and stress and all this sort of stuff as well.

Karen Cheong:


Melinda Wittstock:

And so say in the context of being a technology founder, especially in the early stages of your company, in this case in my company, an AI-based podcast company where you’re dependent on closing and financing and women get 2% of the venture money, and that’s just kind of not changing. So what is it in the field of women, what kind of happens on that level? Because you can feel dependent on other people, like waiting on other people or persuading other people or whatever, are they the right people? Are you attracting the right people? Are you attracting the right investors? Talk to me about this on that plane as well. I mean, I suppose you described it with clients, I imagine it’s a similar thing.

Karen Cheong:

Yeah, absolutely. So I think you mentioned something that was really critical, which is a lot of us as women entrepreneurs will often fall into our masculine because that’s what we’re taught.

Melinda Wittstock:

Totally, because you think your only role models are men for the most part.

Karen Cheong:

Yes, yes. And often the feminine is portrayed as weak. So if you’re going to be successful as a woman, you better man up. No, seriously, or you’re kind of seen as this bubble head kind of and not taken seriously. So we’re taught that we have to be a certain way in order to not only be successful but to compete. And it’s interesting because to me, the feminine is very different, obviously, than the masculine, and there is something in the feminine that can be very difficult to do because, to me, it requires more courage, and that is to change the internal world. Instead of controlling the external, to shift internally, to move into a deeper sense of surrender from strength. Now, a lot of people will think of surrender as being passive, like, “I’m just going to roll over and take whatever crappy situation is happening to me,” I don’t mean it like that.

What I mean by surrender from strength is that your vibration gets high enough that you realize that you can surrender because you can transcend whatever comes your way, and everything is an opportunity. So once we start to be able to do this, it allows us to pivot faster, to collaborate more, to be able to receive and trust in our intuition, and be more in flow. Now, I realize all of those things can be derided or looked down upon like, “Oh, that’s not really that successful,” but it actually takes a lot of courage to be able to do that because it means you have to be at a higher degree of adaptability, it means that you have to trust yourself.

Melinda Wittstock:

In my experience, whenever I’ve been in that zone, amazing things have happened, but then I fall out of it. One of the things that I’m working on is get more of a consistency with that. If I look back in all the five businesses that I’ve built, every single mistake was not following my intuition.

Karen Cheong:


Melinda Wittstock:

Honestly, seriously, I look back honestly, and I think, “I knew I shouldn’t have hired that person,” but it was such a soft whisper. And in your analytic mind, especially if you have a powerful analytic mind, you let that go over. So whether it’s the wrong hiring or the wrong investor or something like that, or whatever, where you’re ignoring that is profound. And so having to allow yourself to just listen to that, and I love what you said, courage, because often it means going in the exact opposite direction of what your advisors or maybe your board is telling you, or maybe yourself, you know what I mean? Yeah. And people look at you like, “What?”

Karen Cheong:

Yes. So that’s the awesomeness of frequency work, because it’s not a singular thing, it’s many things because everything is interrelated. That’s my viewpoint. So as you clear your distortion, just like in those two stories, it’s not like those women had that particular outcome. But what happens is as you clear your distortion, you get clear and clearer around who you truly are. And as you become more aware of who you truly are, meaning not just you as a human having a human experience, which is amazing and painful and glorious and all of those things, it’s also there’s an aspect of you that I call the Big S Self that is aware of you as infinite indestructible consciousness.

Now, I know it’s a little bit out there, but that’s the part of you that informs your intuition, the one that gives you that nudge, like, “No, it’s not the right way. I know they’re telling you this, but your gut is this,” the thing that calls you into trying this new thing that everyone’s like, “Yeah, I don’t know that’s going to work.” And you’re like, “I just know it. I know it in my gut. I can’t prove it to you, I can’t tell you why, but I’m telling you, I know.” Okay, how do you justify “I just know”? You don’t. But when you clarify it, you recognize that there is something beyond the vibrational level of the mind, which is all about logic and analytics, which is a powerful thing. I’m not saying to discard the mind, but right now it’s very dominant. It’s not a tool like it’s meant to be, it’s like end all and be all. But the thing is, if you can clarify yourself and rise in your frequency resonance, your intuition gets much clearer, and then your mind can serve your intuition. Does that make sense?

I’m not saying you should go out there and just be irresponsible and do things willy-nilly, I don’t think women entrepreneurs are like that, but it’s to have that knowingness or the confidence in your intuition, that knowingness of this person to collaborate with or not now. “I know we have all this geared up to start today, but my gut is we got to wait two weeks,” and you don’t bloody know why until two weeks later and you’re like, “Oh, that’s why.” But it’s better that I did wait, for example. Do you see what I’m saying? So I’m not suggesting you just chuck the mind, I mean, that’s ridiculous, but that it becomes more of a tool rather than the dominant driving force.

So to me, that’s the thing to do. And as we clarify, our sense of who we are in our feminine shifts. So we’re all different, right? We all have different proportions of feminine and masculine within us, that’s what makes us individual and how we express that is different. So it’s interesting to have this clarity because sometimes you can use the feminine, meaning to be vulnerable and transparent I n your vulnerability with your client base, for example, at the right time, or be very focused and directed and know exactly where it is that you’re going in the masculine sometimes, right? But the more you clarify, the more you become aware of what’s in alignment with you as opposed to what someone tells you what you should be doing. That’s the thing that we can get caught in.

Melinda Wittstock:

100%. I could talk to you for hours and hours and hours. I want to make sure, Karen, that people know how to find you and work with you. And you mentioned you had a podcast, we’ll have all of that in the show notes. And so listening to your podcast, does your podcast help people through this specifically, or should they just go to your website as well and do some of those meditations?

Karen Cheong:

Yeah, so if you’re just checking me out, the podcast is the very easy way to do that, because it’s free, right? It’s on my website, it’s on YouTube, it’s on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, so you can find it there. It’s called Mastering Your World through Frequencies. Also for you who are like, “No, I just want to get into this,” I’m kind of like this myself, I’m like, “Okay, this resonates with me. Check. Let’s move forward,” right?

Melinda Wittstock:

That’s the point. That’s like me.

Karen Cheong:

What do I got to do?

Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, exactly.

Karen Cheong:

Exactly. Okay, so you can go to sphericalluminosity.com and then you can see from there what it is that we offer. What I would suggest is that for your listeners, I’m offering two things so they can begin. The first thing is a free Quiet Your Mind workshop and meditation, because who doesn’t need more of that right now? I feel like that’s a really important thing, especially because the more chattier your mind is, the harder it is to make good decisions because you’re being pulled in all directions, and that’s a hard thing. So that is available.

The other thing that I have for your listeners is an ebook that I wrote called Creation Manifestation: What Fails and What to Do About It, which is an ebook plus audiobook, plus my most popular 15 minute morning meditation Setting the Tone of the Day. If you listen to that one meditation every morning, it will change your life because it sets your frequency at the highest resonance possible for that day. So everything following that moment will be different because your resonance is higher, okay? So is it always the same every day? No, it’s the highest resonance for that day, but it begins that process and it’s like 40 minutes and something, so it’s quite quick. And if you just do that every morning, it’ll change your life. And all of that is a value of $55 but if they enter the coupon ‘wings’, they can receive that for free.

Melinda Wittstock:

Well, that’s amazing and very generous of you. Thank you. I am going to personally take advantage of it. I just want to say from an entrepreneurial perspective of all the stages in business, as you grow a business, there are just different challenges, there are different things that hit you at different phases of the growth of that business or things you can’t control, things you don’t expect, all the things. So to be consistent, and that’s something that I’m working on, and I’m just going to go do this, Karen, and I’m going to-

Karen Cheong:

Well, thank you.

Melinda Wittstock:

Kind of tell you how it goes.

Karen Cheong:

Oh, I’d love to hear.

Melinda Wittstock:

Okay. Well, amazing. I just want to thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us today.

Karen Cheong:

Well, thank you for having me.

Melinda Wittstock:

Oh, that was…


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