705 Kim Woods:
Deep down, do you really know, like and trust yourself? On the surface, of course you do. But like the iceberg that sank the Titanic, there’s stuff hidden deep in our subconscious minds that drives most of what we actually do and achieve, so if you’ve heard that inner voice inside yourself, you know, the one that is meaner than the worst bully you could imagine, then you’re in the right place today to hear the wisdom of my guest today, Kim Woods. Kim shares her KLT Method, KLT being code for Know Like Trust, and the miraculous success that comes to those who learn to genuinely know like and trust themselves.
Hi, I’m Melinda Wittstock and welcome to Wings of Inspired Business, where we share the inspiring entrepreneurial journeys, epiphanies, and practical advice from successful female founders … so you have everything you need at your fingertips to build the business and life of your dreams. I’m a 5-time serial entrepreneur who has lived and breathed the ups and downs of starting and growing businesses, currently the game changing social podcast app Podopolo. Wherever you are listening to this, take a moment and join the Wings community over on Podopolo, where we can take the conversation further with your questions, perspectives, experiences, and advice for other female founders at whatever stage of the journey you’re at! Because together we’re stronger, and we soar higher when we fly together.
Today we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who has made it her business to help entrepreneurs leverage their inner knowing for outer success.
Kim E Woods is an intuitive business strategist and forecasting expert to high-performing entrepreneurs. She teaches leaders to know, like, and trust themselves through transformation strategy, astrology, intuition, and woo.
Kim will be here in a moment, and first,
We all know the voice… you know that voice inside yourself that tells you you’re not thin enough, smart enough, good enough, experienced enough, whatever enough. It’s the voice that cuts you down worse than any bully … the voice that tells you that you’re an imposter, that you’re not worthy, the voice that convinces you not to love yourself or trust yourself, your true self.
So what would it mean to you to truly love and trust yourself and your truth, your intuition?
My guest today Kim Woods says that business success – success in anything – requires you to truly know, like and trust yourself. Kim is an intuitive business strategist and forecasting expert, and she teaches high-performing entrepreneurs how to know, like, and trust themselves in their businesses and daily life to manifest success beyond the pre-conceived limits of our subconscious minds.
Kim has founded multiple 7 figure brick & mortar businesses and is a former business consultant at Oracle. She discovered the power of her intuition when she found out how little she knew, liked, and trusted herself when her son was born with significant health issues. She had spent all of her time building a successful career based
on someone else’s definition of success, and found that she had ultimately lost herself. The crisis with her son forced her to find herself again through relying on her knowing to defy the doctor’s predictions for her son’s mediocre quality of life, liking herself enough to marry ancient wisdom with western methods and not accept the doctor’s plan to merely work around the issues, and trusting herself to see her strategies through for eight years until she saw complete transformation.
Her revolutionary True KLT Process™ (KLT stands for know like trust) is the perfect thread that weaves intuition with success, pairing ancient wisdom of astrology, healing modalities, and sacred methods with modern techniques through practical methods. Kim turns the traditional KLT factor inside out, so instead of customers needing to know, like, and trust you, YOU need to know, like, and trust yourself. When you do, you create personal, professional, and financial success.
With countless spiritual and magic certifications paired with 25+ years of high-level business experience,
Kim has an incredibly solid depth of field for combining business with intuition, creating powerfully transformative results.
Let’s put on our wings with the inspiring Kim Woods and be sure to download the podcast app Podopolo so we can keep the conversation going after the episode.
Melinda Wittstock:
Kim, welcome to Wings.
Kim Woods:
Thanks so much for having me, Melinda. I’m really happy to be here.
Melinda Wittstock:
Well, me too, because you’re right at the intersection of what this whole podcast is about, at the intersection of business growth obviously, but personal growth. And five businesses in for me now, The two are one and the same for me. There was a certain point where you found your intuition, that spiritual side, which took you and your businesses to the next level. Tell me what happened that made you step into that kind of right brain, or intuition, or more spiritual side of yourself.
Kim Woods:
I would love to tell this story and I think a lot of people can relate in that it wasn’t a smooth transition, Melinda. It wasn’t like, oh, I know I’m so intuitive. I’ll just beautifully walk into it and just form it into my business and away we go. It was not that. It was very much, I was pursuing a successful career and was relying on my intuition, but not cognizant of it at all. And so if you would ask me back then, if I was using it, I would’ve said absolutely not. And then like a lot of women can relate to, I had my first child, and unfortunately for us he had a ton of developmental and health issues. And so I obviously stopped the career and was rushing in to help him.
And it was an eight year odyssey where I had to defy the doctor’s predictions for what they felt he was going to be able to have for quality of life, i.e, he wouldn’t be able to have a normal social life. He wouldn’t be able to throw and catch a ball. He wouldn’t be able to walk up the stairs naturally, relationship was always going to be a struggle. And that’s when I was saying absolutely not. So unknowing at the time, I was definitely following my intuition and seeing his potential as something other than what they were seeing. So I had to really dive deeply into Eastern practices and get all the formula from coming at it from a very, at the time was new age, energetic perspective. And then as well as marry that with the Western approaches. And as I was doing that and getting unbelievably transformative results for him, so much so that he is very typical now. He has no remnants of any of his developmental or health issues- [inaudible 00:02:49].
Melinda Wittstock:
How miraculous. So it seems like a miracle, but it wasn’t a miracle.
Kim Woods:
Exactly. So yes, it was a miracle, but it was literally me following my intuition, knowing that, opening up to his full potential and seeing what that could be for him, so that was the side I was doing for him, but for myself, obviously went through transformation as well, just with all that ancient wisdom and those Eastern practices, and those holistic methods, and realizing how formative they are, and how ease filled they are for life. I then brought them into my personal life and then realized, oh, I should bring this into business, because if this has had this type of miraculous result for us personally, I am sure it could have miraculous results for clients. And that’s what I found.
Melinda Wittstock:
I think we all have something that the universe throws our way, a challenge of any kind, whether it’s health or it’s a business setback, or whatever it is that we have to overcome, and you look back on it. And at the time, it was really hard, or if you’re in it, if anyone listening here is in one of those right now, whatever it may be, know that it actually is a gift. It’s an opportunity. It’s hard to feel that way when you’re in the middle of it, but it’s the impetus that allows us to grow.
Kim Woods:
Exactly. I wholeheartedly agree. I know for me, I wasn’t going to accept a decision, or a outcome that was less than. I was always going to seek that opportunity of the potential. And that’s just the way I’m wired. But I know that since stepping into that beautiful ancient wisdom, and that inner knowing, and that intuitive voice, it’s a lot easier to follow. The voices outside have much less of a… I don’t even think I hear them anymore, but they end up becoming muffled.
Melinda Wittstock:
And this is a real process as well, because I want you to talk a little bit about your journey in this respect, because it’s one thing to know this, or accept these practices, and it’s a whole other thing to integrate them into your life with consistency. So what were some of the first things you were doing, I guess, in your practice, if you will, and how did that evolve for you?
Kim Woods:
Yeah. So when it was personal, excuse me, for me to get out of my head, everybody knows what I mean when I say that. You want to have that mind, your beautiful, gorgeous mind, that’s built to protect you and will process all the information you can throw at it. And you want to woo it to quiet down, and you want to then go into your energy, go into the sensory body, go into your heart. And I’ll be honest with you, Melinda, that was a big challenge for me.
Melinda Wittstock:
Oh God, me too. It’s easier said than done.
Kim Woods:
Absolutely. Yeah.
Melinda Wittstock:
Being consistent with it.
Kim Woods:
Absolutely. So for me, this is why we’ve come up with the strategies that we’ve come up with for people, because yes, we know that meditation is just divine and we know that breath and yoga and those types of activity are pure perfection for quieting the mind and for really tapping into your intuition. And yet they’re unachievable for a lot of people. And so we’ve come up with more active, that’s why we do the, do you know, like and trust yourself method, where we’ve taken that marketing and sales, do you know, like and trust, do your customers know, like and trust you, and invert it. And again, we have active recommendations for people. And I have to tell you, high performing entrepreneurs and business leaders, they really lean in when they can take action. And then you soften it and you stretch it out a little bit. And so we’re totally dating them, like we’re dating their intuition, if you will, like stretching it out for them. And we woo them into being able to open up to it.
Melinda Wittstock:
Yeah, because it is really a process. So I remember just going back when I was first learning meditation and I swear to God, I could not do it. And being such an active doer type, an entrepreneur who’s driving results and growing and all the things, being in that, doing this. And transitioning from that into a beingness was a very long process for me. And everybody comes at it differently, I guess. But yeah, it started with yoga, because I had to be doing something to be quieting my mind. I couldn’t just sit still and meditate. I’ve gotten to the point now where I can do that. And then I find myself even a decade on, saying, “I’m too busy, I’m too busy today. I’ve got too many things to do to meditate.” And when I find myself doing that, it’s like, oh my goodness, I should add an hour to my meditation.
Kim Woods:
I will say, when I started this journey 20 years ago, because my son is now 21, I don’t think I would’ve started this journey unless it was something of a crisis. So we spoke to that. So for me, it was an absolute have to. But even with that, I still needed to take more action than not. So for me, like you, it was more moving meditation, or it was guided meditation, or it was, at the time, they didn’t really have a lot of singing bowls, but they had tuning forks. And so I’d do something like that. And so what I tell the people that I work with is that, two things. One is the results are so unbelievably miraculous that there’s the carrot. And so there’s that, we always focus on. But then also too, I tell all my people to have like an intuitive meditative activity pack.
And so what I mean by that is, that’s why we came up with the cards. So you have some cards, maybe you have a pendulum, maybe you have a journal, maybe you have a book, maybe you do have a tuning fork, we send them to most of our clients. Maybe you have a crystal, maybe you have a little singing bowl, and you go to your meditative space. So now your body awareness is like, ooh, I’m in my meditative area. It could be a chair in your kitchen. It doesn’t matter where it is, or in your living room or something. And your body already knows, ooh, okay, we’re going to quiet down a little bit. And then your mind can say, I wonder what we’re going to do right now, because opening up that mind to wonder is one of the first steps.
And then you can sit and then you can look around, see how you vibe, and then just see what appeals to you. So it’s fun, because I think meditation should be fun. And so you pick whatever it is and then you just drop in. And again, if it’s a guided meditation or if you decide you do want to move and you want to do some yoga stretching or whatever, that is creating the space for you to quiet down and to create that beautiful connection with your inner knowing, because here’s the carrot. I am connected all the time. And I have to say, it is miraculous when you see on the business side, you’re leading teams and they’re inspired, and they’re rabid for working with you, even in the current employment environment when you’re attracting your soulmate clients and your growth is astronomical, when you make decisions with certainty, when you can watch what’s going on in the world with equanimity, and you can respond and pivot on a dime.
Melinda Wittstock:
Beautifully said. It’s interesting in that process of going through this journey of connecting to yourself and you’d say that you’re always connected. It can be hard for people to know whether their voice that they’re hearing is their intuition or is a subconscious fear or block. How do you know the difference?
Kim Woods:
Yeah. So we take, and we can do it here right now, if you don’t mind taking a minute to just walking through feeling in your body, because your instinct is your gateway to intuition. That’s the doorway. Because your body is going to be able to respond to fight or flight. And it doesn’t matter what your mind is doing at the time. The body’s going to be like, whoa, Melinda, let’s go, or ooh, let’s stay. And so that’s wonderful because people can appreciate instinct. And what I don’t love is that there’s a misnomer that it’s gut instinct, because very few people feel it in their gut, from what we found. So what we do is we have people put their… Can we do this now? Do you mind?
Melinda Wittstock:
Of course.
Kim Woods:
Okay. So you can put a hand on your heart. You could put a hand on your belly, or both hands on your heart if you’d like to. You can close your eyes. You don’t have to. But what I do want you to do is I do want… We are going to make you start with a breath, but don’t worry. You’re guided. So you’re going to just take a breath. I just want you to reconnect with yourself. I just want you to feel your body. You’re sitting or you’re standing. If you’re driving, please do not do this. Do this when you get home or stop. So you’re going to take a breath. And what I want you to do is we’re going to feel a yes in your body and we’re going to feel a no in your body. We’re going to do it through your name. So what I want you to do is I want you to breathe in and I want you to say, “My name is,” and I want you to say your name.
Melinda Wittstock:
Okay. My name is Melinda.
Kim Woods:
Yep. So my name is Kim. So if everybody in the audience does this, breathe in and say my name. And a lot of times you’ll feel a little bit of something. Sometimes you won’t even feel anything. That’s okay. Because now what I want everybody to do is take another deep breath in and I want you to say, “My name is Alfred.”
Melinda Wittstock:
This is like muscle testing. My name is Alfred.
Kim Woods:
This is exactly what we’re doing. So my name is Alfred and normal… typically, you’ll feel it. So let’s do that again, my name is Alfred.
Melinda Wittstock:
My name is Alfred.
Kim Woods:
And I just want to know where you feel it in your body.
Melinda Wittstock:
Well, yeah, there’s a resistance because my name’s not Alfred.
Kim Woods:
So what we say to people, this is how you can feel a yes in your body. There’s usually this slight opening. It’s very subtle. That no will feel a little bit different. It will feel some resistance, some restrictive because your name is not that. And I tried to pick, I don’t know if you have any Alfreds in your audience. If so then we have to pick a different name, but I try to pick a somewhat rare name. And so that’s your first inclination that it’s instinctive, which is that first doorway into your intuition. So you get used to that and you might feel it like whispers on your skin, or you might feel it in the back of your neck, or a lot of people feel it in their hips, or in their jaw.
Melinda Wittstock:
Yeah. We hold a lot of tension, both as women, especially in hips and in the jaws, where you’re just holding stuff there.
Kim Woods:
And it’s almost like you’re tasting, looks like a bit like is in your mouth and you’re like, oh wait, my name is in Alfred. So knowing that, and then when you can ask questions, you can ask easy questions first like, should I take an umbrella today? Should I go down, take the highway or take the back roads, or things that you’re not attached to the outcome necessarily and get used to feeling it in your body. And now you’re opening up a conversation and that’s what intuition is. It’s a conversation. So if people are wondering if, is it my mind? This is a great first step to do. The second step though, would be is that your intuition is a whisper. It’s an inkling, it’s a nudge. So if you are having full, complete sentence thoughts, if it’s very rational, if it’s very logical, if it keeps going and keeps spinning, that’s your mind.
Melinda Wittstock:
Yes. The funny thing that I learned along the way, way, way back, Kim, I used to have to-do-lists. And the to-do-list, of course, is never done, especially as an entrepreneur. You’re always growing your business. There’s always a new challenge. There’s always something outside. There’s always something. And that to-do-list. You get to the end of the day and you’re like, oh God, I’m not done. And it starts to feel like pushing a boulder up a mountain. There was a certain point where meditation became for me as I started to get into intentions, that I would have an intention. And was the intention from my intuition, or was my intention from the mind from something external? The next big thing for me was what was the inspiration? And these days from my morning meditation, I have an inspiration list, because that’s the thing, the closer I get into consistency with my intuition, the more I’m taking inspired action, hence the name of the podcast, Wings of Inspired Business, I’m taking inspired action.
So, I’m doing the things that in the business and in my life, hopefully I have the maximum leverage and it tends to be right, if I find myself doing something that I think I should be doing, or someone’s told me that I should be doing, because this is how it’s done, as opposed to what’s truly in my heart, or what’s really coming from that intuitive place. When I take action on the inspirations, rather than the to-do-list, they have a multiplicity of effects. It acts, it’s almost like a force multiplier in a way.
Kim Woods:
Oh, absolutely. Well, think about it. You’re passionate about it. Your heart’s involved, your soul’s involved. The mind is only 10% of our entire life. And so if we’re following our mind in those to-do-lists, you’re in the 10%. So you’re in the 90% with that inspiration. I love that.
Melinda Wittstock:
Well, it’s interesting too, because of all the 700 plus interviews on this podcast, and all the women I’ve mentored over the years, all my own entrepreneurial experiences, all the entrepreneurs I know, We’re all in this constant action and women, I find in particular, have this view that, we have to do it all to have it all. That we’re so doing focused, it results in things in business like not asking for help, not being open to receive help, not hiring early enough, not hiring soon enough in your business, not really looking for opportunities to have real leverage. So the fact of the matter is you can achieve big things without doing it all. How has your spiritual growth and practice led you to this understanding of leverage, like getting out of the doing and more into being a human being in your business?
Kim Woods:
Yeah, so lucky for me, potential and leadership were always part of my experience. I was very lucky in my early career to work with a phenomenal leader who saw potential and who activated anyone who was reporting to him in that way. And so that was [magis 00:19:03] in my life. And so for me, what I’ve done is I’ve equated that potential to the intuitive space and females, what’s happening with a lot of the women, and I just had a statistic that I’m in theory about, by the way, Melinda, I just read that only 12% of female business owners make more than a hundred thousand dollars a year.
Melinda Wittstock:
Oh gosh. Yes. I know. Only 3% get to a million dollar business.
Kim Woods:
I’m infuriated over that. I knew it was a distorted percentage, but I didn’t realize it was that just, oh, I’m infuriated. I apologize for that.
Melinda Wittstock:
Yeah. A lot of female entrepreneurs just end up creating jobs for themselves.
Kim Woods:
A hundred percent. This is right. So I’m tying back to that. So, if women are playing by that old traditional leadership model and not allowing them to go with their own intuitive female gifts, then it’s just not going to work, because you’re right, you were creating a job. You’re not actually creating a business or creating a life for yourselves. So my work is all about marrying the masculine strengths with the female gifts. And so it’s-.
Melinda Wittstock:
Oh, beautiful.
Kim Woods:
… Intuition plus strategy, because you’re right. You were speaking my language when you were saying receiving support, asking for help, delegating. These sound like very traditional leadership type activities, but yet women, we do them differently and we want to be able to give ourselves permission for that.
Melinda Wittstock:
I think those are the single biggest things that hold us back. The other one, of course, is perfectionism, which is very much tied to the doing. And I think at the root of that is the fear, it’s either imposter syndrome or we don’t feel worthy, or there’s some block there, or we toil and toil and toil to perfect something rather than being out in the world, using our natural, I think very natural female relational abilities-.
Kim Woods:
Melinda Wittstock:
… because business is about relationships. So meanwhile, we’ve got our heads down, toiling, proving our competence or our skill or whatever, waiting to be noticed and business doesn’t work that way.
Kim Woods:
A hundred percent. And what I’m really, really happy about is that, because I do astrology. So the 800 year star that maybe people can vaguely remembered. It was the end of December, of 2020. And oh look, we can see the stars. They haven’t been this close for 800 years and from an astronomical perspective, you’re like, oh that’s really cool. Well, from an actual energetic perspective, that was a huge opening for us to be not just following that toil and trouble model, just not heads to the grindstone, if I work harder, I will get results. That’s not going to work any longer.
And so I am thrilled about that. Yes, it’s a learning curve for us all, but people like you, people like me, people who are in our spaces, we’re on the leading edge of being able to do things differently. Being able to do things in our natural cycles, in our natural gifts and giving ourselves, I’m going to say it again, permission to shine our brilliance, to express our gifts, to appreciate the collaborative, engaging ways that women have that men don’t, but marry that with the beautiful focus that men bring in to the table.
Melinda Wittstock:
So that’s why I love what you said about this combining the archetypal masculine and feminine energies. I think it’s true of men as much as women when we embody both, when we get rid of that duality and that we leverage both of those things within us, we can do incredible things.
Kim Woods:
Absolutely. Yes. And it is, that’s what I don’t love the, well, I’m a female, so I’m only going to be female. I’m a male, I’m only going to be male. That’s just not going to work. It really is the combination. And we’re seeing it out there. We’re starting to see more and more that the old sales models aren’t working, the paradigm of following someone else’s success model. The, I’m going to validate myself by competing with others. Those things don’t work, which is why we came up with a revolutionary method of do you know, like and trust yourself, because when you do, you’re following your own inner knowing and your awareness and you’re making decisions based on you and your satisfaction. You’re liking yourself enough to understand how power works and the gorgeous fluidity of it and the generosity of collaboration and realizing there’s no competition, and you get to trust yourself and that’s the money shot, Melinda, the trust in yourself, you can open up that receiving container and you can ask for the sale, you can receive the abundance and you can step into your worth knowing that your gifts are valued.
Melinda Wittstock:
Oh 100%. And there’s so many aspects of that, that I want to break down a little bit too, because I think there’s so many people in business who are really afraid of sales because of all the, we’ve all bought a car and had that high, high pressure sale, or high pressure sale from an insurance salesman or whatever it is, where we have this negative view of sales. And women, I think in that collaborative mode can really excel at the consultative enrollment sale at the attraction. If you are really genuinely, I don’t know, leveraging your superpowers, being uniquely who you are authentically, you are going to be attracting other people to you. You have a clear signal and you’re going to be attracting without actually doing anything, exactly the right people to you.
Kim Woods:
Melinda Wittstock:
And the sale doesn’t become like pushing a boulder up a mountain, or trying to pull something over someone, which is what I think a lot of people think of sales as being. If you have that, know, like and trust, and you really are creating a solution for people’s problems through your own unique, either lived experience, expertise, however, you’ve come to your business and the value that you provide, you’re helping people.
Kim Woods:
Exactly. Exactly. And that’s a thing, but I think you said it earlier, is that standing in your power or knowing you’re worthy enough, I can’t remember which way you said it. That’s what it is. We, as women, have most likely been taught not to ask for things. And so there is going to be an invitation. There is going to be an offer, even the most luscious conversation.
Kim Woods:
No matter what type of dialogue you’re having. So, you don’t have to be in that typical sales model, sales call, you can be in a marketing conversation with people, but it’s the conversation you will be leading that person towards a solution. So there is going to be an ask. It can be a really soft, luscious invitational ask, but there will be an ask. So, for women who have, and men too, who have had that, Ooh, it’s a sale. Ooh, I dread this. Ooh, it’s going to be obnoxious. Ooh, they’re going to think I’m shwarmy. When you stand in and you are, I always say you are wearing your gifts. You are embodying your brilliance. It is a magnet, you said it. It’s like you are attracting people to you. And you’re looking at them, if it’s online, you’re over Zoom or maybe in a networking event in-person. And you’re saying, huh, I know you, and there’s a familiarity there already. And then you can have this beautiful conversation where you’re just stirring up information and then you can, you can make that beautiful offer.
Melinda Wittstock:
So Kim, a little bit back in the conversation, you were mentioning that you had a boss, back ways in your career that activated you in a way that was very positive. Women as leaders growing, managing, inspiring a team to success, leveraging this intuition likely will have a team that are in different parts of this journey. They may or may not be conscious, or might be stepping into that consciousness. What’s the best way to really bring this into an organization as a whole.
Kim Woods:
Yeah, that’s an excellent question, because we do that when we’re in our corporate work. For us, we do require that C level, whosever bringing us in, to be incredibly open, because I had a very successful business strategy firm that I walked away from, because intuition was too important to me. So it’s front facing. So in answering your question, what we do is we, this is why I can talk about gut instincts. So readily, most likely people will be at least self-aware enough to know that, yeah, you know what? I have made decisions in the past and when I’ve gone with my gut, they’ve worked out, when I’ve gone against my gut they haven’t really worked out, because that is legitimately a hundred percent of the time. So, we can dial down the conversation for people to meet them where they are to allow their opening. But here’s the thing, Melinda, everybody likes to look at themselves and discover more about themselves, everybody.
So we just open up the awareness. We just talk about it’s about discovering you, discovering your skills, discovering your strengths, discovering your energy, your bio rhythms. And all of a sudden people are like, oh yeah, you know what? Wednesday mornings are better for me than Thursday afternoons. Huh? Maybe I’ll do my sales calls on Wednesday mornings. So they may not know that we’re doing that because we’re going with their natural flow and we’re going with the energies, but they know enough about themselves to know what their better times of the day or week are. So, we just literally talk about it as discovering yourself.
Melinda Wittstock:
Yeah. Yeah. That’s so true. In all our company documentation and onboarding, whether it’s our code of ethics or all of this, we talk a lot about, it’s who we’re being as much as what we’re doing, that’s going to lead to our success. And growing consciousness is a cornerstone of our published values at Podopolo, for instance, and people really buy into it, but how to be consistent with it in terms of the way you grow your company culture, as you’re in that rapid growth stage of the company where there’s so much to do. And there’s all these deadlines and there’s investor, you got investors, you got to hit milestones.
And so having that be part of the whole consciousness of the company, because I think as female CEOs and leaders, we have the power, I think, to really change the way business is done, to really think about it not just as results, or to expand the definition of results. What’s the human capital? What’s the result for your employees? There’s just a much better and broader way of looking at this. Did your business leave the world a better place than how you found it? When you’re working with the corporations and, or startups, or folks like this with teams, what’s the way to get a hundred percent buy-in of your team into these ideas?
Kim Woods:
So, in our own team, we literally follow the stars, we follow the sun and the moon and we do in setting every week. We do ritual before every meeting, every single thing we do is based on energy and based on intuition and based on spirituality, if you will. I require the CEO, or whoever’s, the decision maker that’s bringing us in to get an astrological reading from me, and I call it the big reveal. And I open up their full potential, not only for themselves, but for their business. And so that person has to be willing, at least, woo curious enough, I can do it without saying this planet’s there and this planet’s there. I can absolutely do that, but it’s the opening of the soul. So the soul is speaking. When you run a soul based business, Melinda, I will tell you, our business has a grow over of 378% for the last three years.
Melinda Wittstock:
Wow. That’s amazing.
Kim Woods:
Yeah. So this is the thing. So my clients have an average growth of 51% during the pandemic in 2020, I have clients come in and they may not even come in for revenue growth. Maybe they may come in for leadership advice, or they may come in because they’re working too hard and they’ve reached a certain point. They might need to be more scalable. They might come in for leadership or whatever. They know something’s different. They might not know exactly what it is. And then we have a conversation and they’re leaning in saying, Ooh, I want some of that. They will say to me, oh, my life is easier. I’m working 30% less. And my team, my nutrition has gone down and everybody’s happier and we’ll have all these beautiful, those are the goals that we have. And then I get these anecdotal and oh, by the way, we doubled our revenues.
Melinda Wittstock:
I love it. I love that it’s a by the way.
Kim Woods:
Yeah. That’s hilarious.
Melinda Wittstock:
Oh, gosh, that’s fantastic. So when you work with people, do you go and do retreats? Do you go to companies and lead everybody through this? Or-
Kim Woods:
Melinda Wittstock:
… How does that work in practice for you and all your clients?
Kim Woods:
Yeah. So for the small businesses, the micro to small businesses, we’re typically working with that CEO and maybe some of their sweet C-suite. A lot of times that’s individual work first, and then we’ll go to do small teams. And that can be, during the pandemic, it was very much Zoom, very much online. We do offer travel and we offer combined offense, but I’ll be honest with you, we’re just getting to that, because people, at least in the last few years have been very content, if you will, to not have that expense, to not have the logistical coordination. And so we’ll take them “offsite,” and we’ll gather them together, make sure that there’s no distractions when we have these big, strategic opening meetings.
And they follow our lead on, we are talking, we just, in our high level mastermind the other day, we just led them through the creative process, working with the elements, leveraging crystals. Yeah. This is for real. And married it to the sales process. And then we did this massive ritual that brought everybody this wonderful healing. Everybody is in awe. And everybody’s going to take that and roll that into their companies.
Melinda Wittstock:
Kim, I could talk to you for so much longer because there’s so much to all of this, like peeling an onion, you get deeper and deeper and deeper in. I want to make sure that everybody who’s listening knows how to reach out to you and find you and work with you, because I think what you’re doing is truly needed in the world.
Kim Woods:
Yeah. Thank you. And we have so much fun and it’s awesome. We love what we’re doing. And I have eight intuitive leaders that are now working with me. So we can handle a lot more bandwidth, which is lovely. So you can find us at kimwoods.com, our website. If you like social media and you’re on Insta, it’s Kim Woods Channel. If you like Facebook, it’s the same. If you’re on LinkedIn, it’s Kim E Woods. And we’re there. We’re there out doing tips. We’re doing star readings. We’re doing card pulls. We’re talking about power, because it’s a season of power right now. We’re going to move into the season of prosperity in the middle of the summer, and we have a ton of fun. So come join us.
Melinda Wittstock:
Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for putting your wings on and joining us. And I hope you’ll join us in the conversation after the episode airs on Podopolo, because we can keep the conversation going there. So thank you again.
Kim Woods:
Thank you so much, Melinda.

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