692 Lisa Simone Richards : Shine Your Light

Learn the ABCs of PR and Earned Media

Do you feel like you’re on an endless treadmill of content creation and social media posting? Are you getting more and more frustrated because it’s not bringing you all the new customers you want to attract?

We live in what I like to call a time of “infobesity” – so much information bombarding us from every direction it can be overwhelming, and seemingly impossible to get seen and heard in all that noise if you’re building a business.

There IS a more effective way to boost your visibility – and a leverageable short cut is to hone one message, find out where your target market is listening, reading, or watching, and developing relationships with journalists and producers to land “earned media”.

Lisa Simone Richards is a PR and visibility strategist, who helps online coaches and entrepreneurs get in front of their ideal target would-be customers on everything from podcasts to TV and major publications leveraging what she calls the ABCs of visibility with practical tips on a more effective path to boost awareness, buzz, and credibility.

She says social media is not enough because it’s only reaching who you already know, so Lisa shares how to leverage one strategy to get in front of new people in a way that builds momentum.

Lisa spent years proving her acumen from what she describes as small, beige cubicles, helping brands like Staples, Virgin Mobile, and Crayola build worldwide recognition. Now she shares the visibility strategies that had been reserved exclusively for million-dollar businesses to help solopreneurs and coaches grow and become recognized industry experts.

Lisa says that in a matter of months (sometimes even weeks!), her clients have built their expert authority status, getting featured on Forbes, CNBC, FOX, Inc., MSN, Yahoo, and hundreds of other major media outlets.


  • The ABCs of Visibility: How to create awareness, buzz, and credibility
  • How to leverage other people’s platforms to grow your personal brand faster
  • How to write the perfect pitch
  • Why social media only serves people who already know you, whereas a visibility strategy gets you in front of new people
  • Why it’s often better to pick one strategy and go deep on it than to be scattered
  • How to develop relationships with targeted journalists to get them to write about you
  • Learn where your audience is by asking the questions on search you think your would-be customers would want answered
  • Why it’s easier than you think to get you and your company on TV
  • Why it makes more sense to develop one pitch you use again and again and use it on different audiences
  • And much more!

More about Lisa Simone Richards at www.lisasimonerichards.com

Lisa Simone Richards

Be sure to join the conversation with Lisa and me over on the interactive podcast app Podopolo, where you can share your perspectives and she’ll take your questions. Download Podopolo [https://podopolo.com/get-app], follow Wings of Inspired Business there, find the comments for this episode, and invite your friends.

More about Lisa at Lisa Simone Richards

Lisa Simone Richards is a PR and Visibility Strategist for online coaches who want to get seen everywhere. Through her free workshops, masterclasses and mentorship program, Lisa gives you the insider secrets on how to get exposure and reach more people without spinning your wheels on social media or wasting money on Facebook ads.

Get Lisa’s Quiz on How Should You Get Visibility as an Online Coach

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