715 Merel Kriegsman: Be the Wealthiest in Your Lineage
How to Raise Your Rates
How do you price your product or service?
The temptation for many entrepreneurs is to price too low, way below the true value of what you have to offer to the right person. The root cause can be internal: We don’t fully understand or accept our own value. It can be because we’re trying to please too many people, aiming our offering to too wide a marketplace. Or it’s because we’re thinking too small.
What would it be like for you to sell whatever you want, whenever you want, and at whatever price point you desire?
Many people become entrepreneurs because they want to make an impact on the world by solving a problem close to their hearts. But too many also have the idea that you must make a lot of money first – before you can give back in any significant way to improve our world.
Merel Kriegsman is proving that these days the opposite is true: Entrepreneurs that align their desire to solve some of the world’s most intractable challenges with businesses that directly innovate those solutions, are generating more wealth for themselves and those they help.
An opera singer turned direct response copywriter and now an executive and business coach who is dedicated to helping you become the wealthiest in your lineage, Merel Kriegsman now serves more than a thousand mission-driven luminaries, all with a hunger for social & environmental justice, with white-glove business mentorship. Her clients have all experienced massive financial breakthroughs doing what the love in alignment with their unique genius, and last year alone they added a combined $25,000,000 in yearly revenue.
Merel has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, ABC News, Entrepreneur, and many more – and she lives a unique life of her dreams, usually in the wild, reading erotic novels, or playing with her kids on her organic farm, wearing a 1920s lace dress and rubber boots.
- What it takes to grow quickly to 7-figures and more
- How to price your services or products much higher
- Why legacy and social impact missions help drive wealth creation
- Why a “give forward” model that directly makes a social impact as part of an innovative business solution generates the most wealth
- How to create economies that honor all life
- What makes us underprice our services and products
- How to target and emotionally connect with your ideal prospect
- And much more!
Be sure to join the conversation with Merel and me over on the interactive podcast app Podopolo, where you can share your perspectives and she’ll take your questions. Download Podopolo here and invite your friends.
More about Merel Kriegsman at www.merelkriegsman.com
More about Merel at Merel Kriegsman
Merel Kriegsman helps thousands of mission-driven entrepreneurs wildly grow their wealth by helping them align their values with value-based pricing. An opera singer turned direct response copywriter turned executive coach, her business Merel Kriegsman Media helps clients sell whatever they want, whenever they want, at whatever price point they desire. Last year her clients added $25 million in revenue to their social impact businesses.
Access Merel’s guide on How to Raise your Rates
Listen to Merel’s podcast at Wealth Whispers
Get the Transcript HERE
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