852 Midge Murphy:

Right now, it’s the wild, wild west. Anyone can hang up their shingle and say they’re an energy healing practitioner by and large, the field is completely (fade music softly) unregulated. So as a consumer, it’s really important to do your due diligence. If they call themselves a healer, that’s a red flag in my mind. From an ethical standpoint, the only true healer in the room is the client. I never call myself a healer.

The second issue is if you call yourself a healer, you can be charged with practicing medicine without a license which is a crime. Now you’re not going to get thrown in jail, but you’re going to get a cease and desist letter and potentially a fine from any licensing board I have heard so many horror stories about people being harmed, either from a boundary perspective, from a spiritual perspective, from a physical perspective, (start MUSIC SOFTLY – from here) from a financial perspective, and all the way down the line, from unethical behavior by energy healing practitioners. And a lot of it is not even done intentionally because they don’t know any better.

Melinda Wittstock:

Midge, welcome to Wings.

Midge Murphy:

Thank you, Melinda. It’s great to be here with you today.

Melinda Wittstock:

You made quite a switch from being an entertainment lawyer for a lot of the big Hollywood studios, we’re talking 20th Century Fox, Columbia, Disney, to becoming an energy healer. And pretty early on, I’ll joke that before it was trendy. What was the spark that made such a drastic change in your career?

Midge Murphy:

Well, it was not an overnight thing for sure, but I think there was a defining moment that kind of switched what I was really going after as a career woman and as an attorney. And that was, I was working for ABC at the time, I don’t know if you’re familiar with LA, but I was working in Century City.

Melinda Wittstock:

I live in LA.

Midge Murphy:

Okay. Century City. I was above the Shubert Theater, was my office. And I had really reached my goals in what I wanted to do as an entertainment lawyer. And I put myself through law school and worked my way through. And I was vice president of Business and Legal Affairs for ABC Motion Pictures. And this song came into my head and it was Peggy Lee’s song, Is This All There Is? And even though I had achieved everything that I wanted to achieve as an attorney, being well-respected and knowledgeable and successful, and having a lot of fun at the same time, I still felt something was really missing inside.

And so that kind of prompted me to start to look more towards the spiritual aspect of my life, because I had been successful from a business standpoint, but there was something that was still inside of me that wanted to be more explored. And that really started me on more of a journey towards looking at the spiritual aspects of life. And there was this wonderful man, he was actually the receptionist at ABC Motion Pictures, and he gave me a book, he gave me the book Autobiography of a Yogi.

And that book was really a pivotal book for me in terms of really starting to look elsewhere and explore more indigenous cultures. And at that time I had an opportunity to travel to Nepal and climb to the base of Mount Everest, not to the top, but to the base camp. And just being exposed to that culture and other cultures and being able to travel, I ended up then leaving the entertainment world and co-owning adventure travel company and continued my exploration of spiritual traditions in different parts of the world.

And then when I moved to Eugene, Oregon, in 1990, I became a hospice volunteer. And as a result of that, probably 1996 or so, I was given the opportunity to learn therapeutic touch. And that was my first introduction to any kind of energy healing modality. And I just felt it, it resonated within me in such a deep way that sparked me to do more studying. I’ve been a student of shamanism for many years, been initiated as a Reiki master and then received my PhD in energy medicine.

And then I go, “Well, what am I going to do with that?” And that’s when this whole thing opened up. I was looking at the whole field of energy healing and realized there’s a huge void there. No one is addressing the ethical and legal issues in offering these kinds of services to the public, and they’re significant. So that led me to become, really, the leading expert in ethics and legal issues in the practice of and training in energy healing methods.

Melinda Wittstock:

So these things have really merged together. If you went back and you were practicing entertainment law with all that you know now about energy and you mentioned shamanism, how would the legal profession change [inaudible 00:07:54] what you actually do now?

Midge Murphy:

Oh boy, I don’t know, but I’m a bridge between two worlds. I have this PhD in energy medicine, this background in the law and business. So I’m really… The world of business and law, which we have to be aware of if we’re going to have a professional practice, and also the whole world of energy healing. So I really consider myself a bridge between these two worlds to bring it together. Because once these methods are more fully accepted in the mainstream healthcare field, then we can better serve the public and the people that come to us for services that we offer.

Melinda Wittstock:

Well, I think it’s so interesting for entrepreneurs and any executive, anybody who’s leading other people to evolve with these skills, just this presence, awareness, whatever word we want to put on it, mindset, abundance, all these sorts of things. You think about how the world and how business would run differently if the people running all these companies, and this is where entrepreneurship and women entrepreneurs in particular have a real opportunity to change the game as they become more aware. We talk about that a lot on this podcast. So that was sort of the impetus behind that question because when you’re working with people, what are some of the things that you could see happening to our society, given that it feels like it’s sort of on fire at the moment, if people were more consciously aware?

Midge Murphy:

Well, I think I can only speak from the energy healing community, which is what I’m part of, being an energy healing practitioner myself, and also professional liability risk management consultant. But I think what we’re seeing and where we can have more of an impact, is that the whole healthcare field is really moving towards being more holistic. This is being driven by this is what people want. So it’s a huge change dynamic in the paradigm of what healthcare should be. The Western model is like, let’s take a pill. And we need some of those things, obviously.

Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, treat the symptom, not the cause.

Midge Murphy:

Yeah, treat the symptoms and not the whole person. So there’s a big shift going on, and I think that is based on the level of consciousness that is starting to emerge. And I think there’s also this interesting dynamic that’s happening around the feminine and the sacred feminine in our culture right now. And these kinds of things, if you are an energy healing practitioner and you want to offer your service professionally, then part of what that entails, in my opinion, is having your own personal code of ethics. And I think that’s missing in a lot of the business world right now.

But I think with respect to our field, it’s really about learning about your intuition, following what your higher self is guiding you to do, and really bringing those resources in so you’re not just operating from a place of the ego. And I think this is where the training that we get as energy healing practitioners, and we know that everything is energy, is that we can really be a catalyst for more conscious business practices as well as being able to help more people in terms of looking at them from a more holistic standpoint.

Melinda Wittstock:

I’m interested in energy healing practitioners, this whole field of yours, and how they fit into the current legal and regulatory framework. I know as a consumer, if you’re trying to decide which energy healer to work with, how do you know that this person is actually… Because There are a lot of people who claim, “Oh yeah, I’ll figure out all your stuff for you, or I’ll do this energy [inaudible 00:11:51] on you.” And how do you really know whether that person is genuine or not?

Midge Murphy:

Yeah, that’s true, because there is no regulation. Energy healing methods fit under the umbrella of complementary and alternative medicine, which is a consensus term meaning everything outside of bio Western medicine. So right now it’s the wild, wild west. Anyone can hang up their shingle and say they’re an energy healing practitioner. The only exception is there are a few states that require you, if you do any kind of hands-on touching, to be a licensed massage therapist. But by and large, the field is completely unregulated. So as a consumer, it’s really important to do your due diligence. And what does that mean? That means you ask the person… First of all, if they call themselves a healer, that’s a red flag in my mind. First of all, from an ethical standpoint, the only true healer in the room is the client. I never call myself a healer. For me, it’s a breach of my own personal code of ethics.

The second issue is if you call yourself a healer, you can be charged with practicing medicine without a license. And there is a lot of case law already built up, it’s a slam dunk. So you want to avoid using that title because not only is it unethical, but it can put you in a lot of hot water. You could be charged with practicing medicine without a license, which is a crime. Now you’re not going to get thrown in jail, but you’re going to get a cease and desist letter and potentially a fine from any licensing board because we offer our services throughout the United States. So that’s really important that these practitioners be educated about these issues. And that’s what my book is all about, Practice Energy Healing in Integrity.

But to go back to your question about as a consumer, you want to ask questions, like how long have you been in practice and what are the methods that you offer? Can they explain to you very succinctly and clearly, what is the theoretical basis of the energy healing method that you use? Whether it’s Reiki or Eden energy medicine or Quantum-Touch. Whatever it is, they need to be able to explain to you. And then ask if they are certified.

Now, there’s some certification programs that are very professional, other ones are completely worthless. So yes, I was certified by X, Y, and Z training organization. So as a consumer, I would be googling that particular training organization and looking at what did they have to do to become certified. Hopefully it’s just not a weekend workshop. Hopefully it’s a two or three year training program where they learn the method, they experience a method themselves as a client, with a mentor, that they practice, they have practicum hours, maybe at least 100 hours where they’re practicing on other clients. They’re being observed by mentors, that they understand how to use this method within a therapeutic setting and that they’ve been trained in ethics and legal issues in the practice of energy healing methods. That would be the gold standard and those would be the kinds of things that I would be looking for.

You’re so right, Melinda, around websites. There’s so many false misleading claims that energy healing practitioners put out there, which are in violation of Federal Trade Commission rules and regulations, by the way, and again, puts a red flag over their heads. So I think you have to really use discernment and to really sort of interview that person that you may want to have some energy healing methods done with you. Because there’s this myth out there that these methods are safe and noninvasive and no one ever gets hurt, and that is complete and utter myth.

I have heard so many horror stories about people being harmed, either from a boundary perspective, from a spiritual perspective, from a physical perspective, from a financial perspective, and all the way down the line, from unethical behavior by energy healing practitioners. And a lot of it is not even done intentionally because they don’t know any better. They have absolutely no training in how to have an ethically sound practice and how to really work with people in a therapeutic setting offering energy healing methods.

So my goal, mission, my path of service is to try to continue to educate and empower these energy healing practitioners to really learn these skills, so that they’re better practitioners, which in turn means their services are more professional, and then we can help more people.

Melinda Wittstock:

So as a consumer you have to do a lot of due diligence. I worked with someone who sounded really good about being an energy healer. She was going to heal all my money mindset issues, and charged a huge amount of money.

And nothing that she was doing had any impact whatsoever on me, basically she was an internet marketer.

Midge Murphy:

There you go.

Melinda Wittstock:

I see so much stuff on social media and so many people who do this, and knowing whether it’s genuine or not is a big thing. So when it comes to the legal side of your brain and efforts either on a federal level or on a state level to regulate this, what are some of the things that states should be looking at? Because the very people… And this often happens with business, the very people regulating something don’t necessarily understand it, and they introduce what I’ll call the law of unintended consequence. So what are some of the challenges there?

Midge Murphy:

Oh, absolutely. That’s so true. I mean, really, what legislator knows anything about energy healing and how to regulate it?

Melinda Wittstock:

Right? Not enough with entrepreneurship. Because they have no idea, right?

Midge Murphy:

But what’s happening out there is because this is becoming more mainstream in terms of people wanting to access these alternative healing arts practitioners, is that states are moving towards regulating, and that means for them, licensing. And there is a law right now, it’s Massachusetts that wants to license energy healing practitioners. So there’s a lot of movement. And so I’m really working with a group that is trying to create a national certification commission so that there’s some credentialing available on a national level with respect to energy healing practitioners and their training organizations. So the states can start to look to us as a national certification board to say, “Yes, we have vetted these practitioners. They’ve taken the ethics and legal training. They’ve come from a school that we recognize as being legitimate and professional.” So the states can hopefully start to look towards this organization for some guidance and some ways in order to start to regulate.

And the first things that states do, the first step is what they call registration. And for example, Vermont. In Vermont, you have to register. They call you a touch professional if you do any kind of hands-on healing work. And so it’s not a license to practice, but you are being registered with the state. And they did that because as of today, as far as I know, they don’t license massage therapists in the state of Vermont. So everyone, massage therapists and these touch professionals, now must register. So that’s one step.

The second step is certification, which I kind of alluded to just a little bit ago, and that is some kind of national credential. This is what the acupuncture field has done. They have the National Certification Commission on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. And that is a national organization in which the states look to this organization to say, “If you have passed the practice exam and the ethics exam and legal exam from this organization, then you can be licensed in our state to practice acupuncture and Oriental medicine.” So there are some guidelines out there or some things we can look to build something that doesn’t exist right now.

And then of course, the third step is outright licensing. And unfortunately, I think with respect to states that have required energy healing practitioners to be licensed massage therapists, I mean, we don’t do massage. So to me, that’s kind of redundant and unnecessary, but this is the step that they took in order to protect the safety and welfare of the citizens. And that’s really the underlying regulatory value of all licensing statutes with regards to healthcare. And it comes from the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution that says, “States have the right to pass laws and regulations to protect the safety and welfare of its citizens.” So that’s why we have licensing statutes to begin with.

Melinda Wittstock:

Right. This is so important because in a field like energy healing, which is really vital to solving a lot of the world’s problems, frankly, evolving us as humanity, so it’s so important that this work is being done and it’s helping people and such. But when you have people that are not credible, it damages the whole field. So anybody who’s skeptical is going to say, “Yeah, that is…” They’re going to prove themselves right, that is a lot of hokum.

Midge Murphy:

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of stuff out there that you mentioned. They talk about curing things and it taints the entire field, and it really holds the field back from being more integrated into the healthcare system. We’re still a bunch of kooks. We’re still a bunch of woo woos. All of that still is out there, and there’s a lot of negative feelings, especially for the more established healthcare field, about energy healing methods. But it’s shifting because people are experiencing, even a medical doctor can experience an energy healing method, and all of a sudden it changes their level of consciousness and what’s available and how we can really be people that help people become more holistic in their health and wellbeing. So it’s there, but we’ve got some hurdles, definitely, to get over for sure.

Melinda Wittstock:

There’s a lot of manipulation in this as well, because one of the things I didn’t say about my experience is that this woman tried to say to me, “Well, the reason you haven’t progressed is that you haven’t paid me. The more you pay me, the more you’ll progress because we live in this abundant world, and so if you’re free with paying me money, then that will open up…”

Midge Murphy:

Wow. That is a big manipulation. Yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:

So with a lot of big untruths, there’s a grain of truth in each untruth. When we’re thinking about our society right now, there’s a lot of misinformation, disinformation and such.

Midge Murphy:

Mm-hm. Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:

And this is one of the things. And so yes, if you’re in an abundant mindset and such, that money, say for instance, you say is an energy, it’s a exchange of value, say, between two people or two entities, and being in abundance rather than scarcity. So yeah, that all makes sense to me. And yet to take something like that and essentially weaponize it…

Midge Murphy:

Yeah, exactly. Well, one of the core ethical principles in the therapeutic relationship is what we call the power differential. And as the practitioner, you have to be very mindful of not exploiting the power differential. And that means that the person who is the practitioner has the power and the client is a much more vulnerable space. They’ve come to you for help, they’re much more suggestible. And so that was a huge ethical violation of exploiting the power differential in that relationship that you had with that practitioner.

And so this is what I teach in my book, so that practitioners really start to learn about that this exists. It’s inherent in every therapeutic relationship. And what are the archetypal patterns that you’re dealing with? All of these things are critical so that you really have to honor that relationship. And I call it, really, a sacred relationship. And that’s what I describe in the book, it’s a sacred contract. And so with respect to the power differential, it can be exploited in so many different ways because of just the nuances with energy healing methods. Because sometimes you’re in a different state of consciousness when you’re being worked on energetically, so this becomes really important. And I’m so sorry that that happened to you because that is a huge ethical violation and she should have known better.

Melinda Wittstock:

There are a lot of people right now that are searching, which is really great. It’s awesome that they’re searching. But that searching can also lead them into things like cults, where a lot of these things are used, right?

Midge Murphy:

Oh yeah, definitely.

Melinda Wittstock:

And so we see a lot of that in our society. So this is very important. So in the work that you do in encouraging these regulations, it seems like a very big job. And so how far are you along in that advocacy and really working to encourage the right regulations and encouraging and educating people to realize that there’s a real need? Where are we in that continuum right now?

Midge Murphy:

We’re at the beginning, to be honest with you. It’s been boiling for quite a while. The federal government’s been talking about it since the Clinton administration, about government wanting to create some kind of credentialing for the energy healing community. And they’ve asked us to self-regulate but what’s so interesting, we have all these diverse methodologies out there, and there’s so many now it’s like herding cats. And here’s a field that’s also very reluctant to even think about the legal issues or the regulatory issues. They just go, “No, no, no, leave me alone. I want to stick my head in the sand.” So there’s a lot of education.

I’ve been doing this for 15 years and sometimes hitting a brick wall. I remember being invited to an energy medicine conference to talk about the ethics and legal issues, and then I was dis-invited because they thought it would be too scary. And now all of a sudden it’s like I was ahead of my time. And we talk about being an entrepreneur and really following what your intuition, your higher guidance is telling you, where your path of service is. It’s been a long haul, but now things are really shifting because they’re realizing that this is a profession and you have to see it that way.

And so you need the proper training. You need to do risk management. You need to be trained in ethics and legal issues, and you need to put yourself out there in terms of understanding what is your legally defined scope of practice. You have to understand what these are in order to have a professional practice. So the government is definitely, the states are definitely… There’s a lot of rumbling going on around starting to license. So I think it’s now starting to have a groundswell.

And we’re actually having this really wonderful event, the Consciousness Healing Initiative, which we call CHI, is putting on a event on November the 3rd at 9:00 o’clock in the morning Pacific Time – I’m one of the keynote speakers – around this entire issue of licensing and certification with respect to the energy healing field. So large organizations, training organizations, people are starting to say, “Oh gosh, we really do need to pay attention to this.” And so that’s heartening, and that brings me sort of… Like, okay, finally they’re starting to get it, and now we can really start to move forward and create a truly professional field that can, again, spread out and help more and more people.

Melinda Wittstock:

So for anyone who’s listening to this podcast who has an energy healing business or some sort of mindset, there’s a lot of people out there, what should they be doing right now to make sure that they’re prepared for this? Because if all these new regulations are coming, and maybe they want their voice to be heard and all of that, but also what do they need to do to be preparing for this?

Midge Murphy:

Well, I think the first step, really, is to read my book and take the exam based on my book, which is only a $150 investment, because that way you’re going to have a basic understanding of the key legal and ethical principles in the practice of and training in energy healing methods. Also, about marketing yourself, how to choose clients, what you need to understand about how licensing statutes work, what’s happened in the past, where we’re going. So that would give you a really nice resource, guide, and education around this important issue. Because nothing’s going to happen in the field until practitioners are trained in ethics and legal issues. It cannot move forward without this, so that is critical.

And I think if you are looking to become an energy healing practitioner, or you’ve had just a little bit of training, become certified – that’s going to be a huge plus – by a recognized organization that has a legitimate training program and certification program. And there’s only a few out there. And I talk a little bit about that in my book, what to look for in an organization that offers certification. There are certain things you want to see. So that’s one thing to do.

And just start to be aware. If you’re a Reiki practitioner, there’s several… I think it’s Reiki International, there’s different kinds of national organizations you can belong to so that you can stay up to date about what’s maybe going on in the field that’s critical. And national organizations are a good way to connect with other community members and to get a sense of what’s going on in your field. So those are the steps that I would take because a lot of energy healing practitioners tend to be lone wolves out there. They’re just kind of solo practitioners. So we need to come together in community and move this field forward in a way that we can begin to be more integrated.

Melinda Wittstock:

I think a lot of people, what happens to them, and it’s sort of similar, say, to your own spiritual awakening, where you have some experience, it kind of changes your life. I can think of the people, they go to Peru or somewhere in the Amazon and they take ayahuasca or whatever, and they have this big revelatory experience, and so it’s kind of new to them, and they feel called now to… I’m just going to share this experience with others. You know what I mean? Without having done that training. And it’s good for people to be helping each other, but one of the things I’ve learned along my own spiritual journey is it’s never done.

Midge Murphy:

For sure. Absolutely. Yes. As you mentioned, Melinda, a lot of energy healing practitioners that came into this field, that’s exactly how it happened. They had this wonderful, incredible experience, whether it was ayahuasca or something else, or they did some EFT tapping and things cleared out for them, or some Reiki, whatever it is. And they had this really, as you say, revelatory experience, and they feel called to doing that. And I honor that, but that’s only the very first step. And unfortunately, those are the people that just put their shingles out and say, “Okay, I’m going to do energy healing work now.” And they’re totally clueless. And those are the ones that can taint the field.

And again, they have good intentions. They’re not bad people, they’re not evil people. There are some out there that are totally ego-based and can really cause some harm, but by and large, they’re not intentionally doing these ethical violations. They just don’t knowd any better. And so that’s my path of service, is to have this information to empower them to have legally sound and ethical practices.

Melinda Wittstock:

When you think of all the different things out there, right? You go for ancient Hawaiian wisdom, Ho’oponopono, you could do Reiki, there’s tapping. I mean, there’s all these modalities. It seems to me they all kind of arrive, in a way, at the same place, and what’s new is actually incredibly ancient.

Midge Murphy:

Yes, absolutely. Yeah.

Melinda Wittstock:

But I want to talk to you a little bit about ego, because ego is something that a lot of entrepreneurs, when you’re coming at it from this kind of left brain, ego-driven, I don’t know, willful sort of place, in my experience, you can get only so far with that, especially if you’re doing some sort of transformational business. And again, I’m just going to bore everybody on this podcast who’s heard me say this so many times. If you want therapy, become an entrepreneur. All your stuff is going to confront you along the way because there’s all kinds of things you can’t control. There’s all sorts of changes. There’s endless learning. There’s so many things that will challenge you along the way.

And entrepreneurship was really very much an impetus to my own spiritual growth trajectory where you start to think, well, what would a business look like if the people in it were all conscious and were not operating from that place of ego? And so in a lot of ayahuasca ceremonies or whatnot, it’s really this whole concept of the ego death, surrendering that. What does that look like to you? What is an ego death?

Midge Murphy:

Well, I don’t really see it that way because I think to be an entrepreneur, you do have to have an ego. I don’t see it as the bad thing that you need to get rid of. I think it needs to be balanced, and balanced in terms of really going inside doing your own inner work. What is your spiritual path, your path of service? To really take the time to really explore that and to hold that as a compass, like a vision board. And what is your path of service? And so I think that if you’re there just to make money or for your fame or to be seen, all of that sort of stuff is more ego-driven.

And for me, I’m just here to be in a path of service. And so my higher self said, “You need to get out there and let people know about your book and exam because this is really important and you’re offering something that is of great value.” But on a personality level, I was not interested in the least. It’s not my cup of tea, but I said, “Okay, I’m going to go do it because I feel like this is a calling, that this is being directed to me through my higher self.”

And so I think it’s really about balancing what is your niche market, what do you think you can really offer? And then that belief in yourself that you can deliver. And that you do the training. I have a PhD in energy medicine, certainly went through law school, practiced law for many years, understand the legal system. So all of a sudden, all of these things came together for me to really see it as a path of service rather than just as a business.

Melinda Wittstock:

Right. Yeah. I think a lot of the best businesses, I think we’re evolving this way, have a real purpose. And it is one thing to put your purpose or your mission on your website, peg it there and forget it, it’s a whole other thing to operationalize it.

Midge Murphy:


Melinda Wittstock:

And so from the standpoint of a female founder growing a business and being really in alignment with that purpose, I see more female founded businesses really thinking in this way. One of the things I want to talk to you about though, too, as you mentioned earlier, intuition. I know from my own experience, but so many women that I’ve interviewed on this show, and you look back on your mistakes or your learnings as an entrepreneur, and almost with a 100% certainty, where you get into trouble is where you’ve overridden your intuition. You knew. You’re making a decision and you let your analytic mind talk you out of what you know already. If I look back on the five businesses that I’ve built, every time, whether it was a hiring mistake or working with the wrong client, I don’t know, whatever it is, I knew. So how to develop that intuition muscle and really learn to trust it.

Midge Murphy:

Well, I think there’s a lot of trainings that you could do with intuition. And I learned initially from working with Caroline Myss and Norm Shealy, going through their intuition training program, which led me to go ahead and enroll in the PhD program in energy medicine. And so I think it is a skill that you can learn. It’s not something you just automatically just have this gift. I think you can develop it. And depending on where you want to start to develop it, and kind of tie it into your intuition, really being connected to your higher self and maybe to your guides and other kinds of power animals that you work with or are guiding you on this path. And so you open up to that information.

And then, yeah, there’s mistakes and you said, “Well, I thought I was following my intuition, but that just was a big red flag.” Or, “That wall came up.” And then you just go, “Well, that’s interesting.” And just kind of continue to move forward and continue to listen to your intuition. And yeah, not everything’s going to work the way you think it is. And yes, being attached to outcome is probably the thing that collapses the possibility. So I try to stay open to what’s possible without having anything that has to look like this or I want this and this, because then you collapse the possibilities in the quantum field.

Melinda Wittstock:

I could talk to you for a lot, lot longer, but I want to make sure that everybody knows how to find your book because this will contain everything you need to know, both if you’re a practitioner or a wannabe practitioner, or you want to get involved in this whole field of how to be operating in ethics and the regulatory aspect of this. So what’s the best way, Midge?

Midge Murphy:

Well, the book is available on Amazon. The print book and the Kindle versions are available on Amazon, so that’s really easy. The PDF version of the book and the exam based on the book are only available on my website, which is midgemurphy.com. Pretty simple.

And then I also have a revenue sharing program for training organizations. And if they require their students going through their certification training program to read my book and take my exam as part of their core curriculum, then the training organization receives affiliate commission on every exam that’s purchased. So it’s a win for the training organization because they get their students the proper training they need. It decreases their potential legal liability based on the actions of the students that they’re training. The students get their training that they absolutely need to be professional. And then I get to be of service and to allow people to access this material and to just grow as practitioners.

Melinda Wittstock:

Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for putting on your wings today and flying with us.

Midge Murphy:

You’re welcome. That was fun. Thank you, Melinda.


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