879 Miranda McKie: Data Driven DEI

Why Diverse Teams Mean Profitable Outcomes

Back in 2020 in the wake of the brutal police murder of George Floyd, the world had a collective wakeup call about institutionalized racism. Companies large and small scrambled to build more diverse teams and market their products and services more effectively to an increasingly diverse society.

Then came the backlash. The Supreme Court reversed affirmative action. Anti-woke sentiment spread on social media and beyond. And companies genuinely committed to incorporating DEI into their strategies, corporate cultures, products, and branding struggled to measure their effectiveness.

Four years later, it’s becoming clear that there are ways to do it right, and many ways to get it wrong.

Miranda McKie is one of the world’s leading experts on DEI, bringing her data-driven expertise, HR background and product management chops to the growing consulting business she founded to help businesses boost their bottom line.

Miranda is on a mission to help companies large and small utilize data-driven techniques to identify and mitigate systemic institutional barriers that impact underrepresented groups – and ultimately a company’s growth. As CEO and Founder of McKie Consultants, she’s observed the challenges and missteps many companies face as they implement DEI initiatives without strategic foresight or clearly defined metrics and objectives.

Today she shares the do’s and don’ts of DEI, with practical tips and insights on how to use DEI to turbocharge your brand, attract top talent, spark innovation, and drive revenue growth.

🔑Key Takeaways🔑

🚀 Why Diversity Pays: Learn why supporting and showcasing a diverse workforce boosts sales and attracts top talent.

🌟 Powering Innovation: How DEI encourages fresh iterative and collaborative thinking to boost your bottom line.

🔥 Tracking Meaningful KPIs: Why DEI efforts must be tied to data aligned with organizational goals to measure impact effectively.

🛠️ Agile Implementation: How to accelerate progress with an agile approach to implementing and testing DEI initiatives, rather than getting stuck in traditional long-term strategies.

More about Miranda McKie at mckieconsultants.com

Miranda McKie

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More about Miranda at McKie Consultants

Miranda McKie is a visionary leader, founder, and CEO of McKie Consultants, with a mission to utilize data-driven techniques to identify and mitigate systemic institutional barriers that impact underrepresented groups. Her expertise in HR / people analytics, DEI, product management, design thinking, and training enables her to help her clients achieve their strategic organizational goals. She also works with clients to implement best-in-class SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms. Miranda received the 2020 Catalyst Canada Emerging Leader Award and was most recently featured as one of The Silicon Review’s Top 50 Leading Companies in 2023. She also co-founded the non-profit Young Women in Business (YWiB) Toronto, which helped over a thousand women develop their professional networks.

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