400 Razi Berry: Love Is Medicine

When you get told you can’t do something, how do you react? Do the naysayers make you change your mind or drift off course? Or does it make you more determined to succeed? It can be challenging to know when to take advice – and when to turn it on its head, and go in exactly the opposite direction … to create a growing and thriving business.

I’m Melinda Wittstock and today on Wings of Inspired Business  we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who was told all the reasons why she couldn’t be healed. And instead of accepting that advice she trusted her own intuition and turned to naturopathy to heal herself – and now millions of others.

From a near death experience as a young girl that healed her failing heart, to later overcoming infertility and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia through naturopathic medicine, Razi Berry has lived the mind/body healing paradigm.

Razi Berry is the Founder, publisher and producer of naturopathic medicine content for doctors and consumers and a consultant to doctors, clinics and natural products industry.

Host of the Love is Medicine podcast and programs, Razi uniquely captures the tradition and philosophy of naturopathy: The healing power of nature, the vital life force in every living thing and the undeniable role that science and mind/body medicine have in creating health and overcoming dis-ease.

Razi Berry will be here in a moment and first…

Now back to the inspiring Razi Berry.

Razi is an award winning speaker, founder and publisher of the journal, Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, which has been in print since 2005, the peer reviewed International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, and the premier consumer-faced website of naturopathic medicine, NaturalPath.  She’s been acknowledged widely for her ground breaking work, most recently winning the 2019 Rising Tide Award from the Mindshare Collaborative. She’s also been honored with the Champion of Naturopathic Medicine Award by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, the Impact Award for Best Digital Media by the Mindshare Collaborative, and

Corporation of the Year by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

Razi is also the host of the Love is Medicine podcast and producer of several online events.

With Love is Medicine, Razi explores the convergence of love and health and today we talk about her mission to transform our healthcare system, how we as entrepreneurs can best leverage our intuition … and why it is important for women in business to lift as we climb.

So are you ready for Razi Berry? I am. Let’s fly!

Razi Berry

Razi Berry is a leading naturopath on a mission to transform healthcare as we know it. Acclaimed host of the Love is Medicine podcast, Razi is also the founder and publisher of the journal, Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, the peer reviewed International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, and the premier consumer-faced website of naturopathic medicine, NaturalPath.  She shares her entrepreneurial journey, the secrets of naturopathic medicine and why we must trust our intuition in business.

Melinda Wittstock:         Razi, welcome to Wings.

Razi Berry:                          Hi Melinda. It’s great to be here.

Melinda Wittstock:         I’m so excited to talk to you, because you built the largest community of naturopathic doctors worldwide. That can’t be easy. So I’m just going to ask you how did you do that? I want to hear all the stories of what it took to build what you’ve built.

Razi Berry:                          Well, naturopathic medicine has its roots from the 1800s when medicine was starting to become a little bit more violent, I’ll say. It was blood letting and giving people metals, small dose of Strychnine and things. And there was all sorts of quackery happening. And this group of people called vitalists got together and said that’s return back to how people really heal. And that medicine had a super resurgence until about the 1940s. There were naturopathic colleges all over the United States. And then we had the antibiotic, amazing discovery of antibiotics. And suddenly, everyone turned their nose to nature and was looking for another quick fix to every disease. So that’s the roots of the field that I am in. And what happened to me is I had a really lucrative career in my mid twenties, and I found myself really sick going from doctor to doctor. And not getting any help Melinda, except for medications that just made me feel worse.

And one doctor told me that my hormones were so messed up, I’d never have children. And other one told me that I need to go on disability. And other doctor told me that it was all in my head. So I found myself with this world renowned clinic that people travel from all over. And when they had nothing to help me, [inaudible 00:15:07] and said that, “I’m sorry, there’s nothing we can do.” I said, you’re fired. And I decided to take my health into my own hands.

So I did not want to get some government disability check. I didn’t want to be in these groups every week where I was just talking about my pain instead of solving the problem. And I wanted to do, and I wanted to be with doctors that were doers. And I found naturopathic medicine. And it just totally changed the whole trajectory of my life. Because what these doctors believe and what they’re trained in a doctoral level setting of education is that it’s not the doctor or the medicine that heals. It’s your inner vitality, which they call the vital force. So they believe that what you do is you support the body, and the body heals itself. So when I went through that experience, I became so evangelical and I knew I needed to do something in this profession. And it just came into my mind to publish a journal because there wasn’t a journal solely about naturopathic medicine. So I just set out. And each day, I did one small thing until I had my first issue go to print, mailed out, and I was in the black from day one.

Melinda Wittstock:         That’s amazing. I love this story for so many reasons. That you followed your heart and your passion, and you didn’t let anyone stop you. And it was so much born of your own personal experience. I think often in business, we do create businesses that are solving a problem that we ourselves have gone through.

Razi Berry:                          Yes. I think that’s true because for me, and I wonder if your listeners and you feel the same way, is that it was almost this responsibility I had. It’s like I wanted more people, more women to have this resource. And it’s not for everyone. I believe that health care should never be mandated. I feel like everyone should make their own choice, but I feel like that all options should be available to everyone. And I was finding that there really wasn’t a place for these doctors to globally communicate with each other because they were just constantly being pushed down from, I don’t want to sound one of those people that is against Big Pharma because pharmaceuticals have a real place and they are very important.

But there’s such a competitiveness. It’s like in healthcare, it’s a competition to sell products of course. And our health shouldn’t really be like that. We should all feel our birthright to feel good. And I think it’s better to make money helping people feel that way. So it was born out of my own desire and I used to think to myself, “Well, what if I had children?” This is before I had children, and this option was not available to them. That terrified me. So it became a mission instead of a business model in the beginning.

Melinda Wittstock:         I love that. I think what word comes into my mind is a calling. That sometimes we go through experiences in life that are really painful at the time. And you think, why is this being done to me? I think through business, entrepreneurship is like alchemy. You’re sort of healing yourself, right? As well as healing everyone else. And you come to the conclusion that oh my goodness, this was done for me. Because now I have this calling. And I just think of the millions of people that you’re helping all over the world.

Razi Berry:                          Well, I think that that is what happens with a lot of women, especially in business. I mean, I think that example, I forget her name, but the lady that made those hangers that have sold tens of millions of those hangers. She just couldn’t handle her closet anymore and she solved her own problem. It’s like yeah, you solve your own problems and then you offer that solution to the world.

Now I think it can be done in other way too. Some people are like, “Look, I want to start a business, have this money to invest. What should I do?” And I think that’s one way to do it too. But I think it’s a more masculine way to start a business. And definitely I think doing it this way is a lot more rewarding. I’m my own biggest customer.

Melinda Wittstock:         Yes. The seeds were planted for you in this as a young girl because you had a near death experience,

Razi Berry:                          Yes, I did. I was a teenager and I was in the hospital, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, and I was dying of heart failure.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh my goodness.

Razi Berry:                          And when I was there, the doctor said to my mom, I remember … so I had had last rites ceremony, which is when the priest comes in and does a sacrament, basically a sacrament for the dying. So it’s not something that you just get sick and the priest comes in and prays with you. This is an actual sacrament.

So a few days later, my mom is standing in the room with my brother and the doctors said, “This is such a shame Mrs. Berry, because she’s doing it to herself.” And Melinda, I felt such a tremendous amount of shame. And when I held that shame, I mean, this is going to sound wild. But this was my experience. I was suddenly looking down from the top of hospital room. Down on the doctor, on my mother, on my four year old brother, and on my own self. And it was just a wild experience. And I felt in that moment just a lot of sadness that I felt like was my fault. And that feeling, I remember feeling I just wanted it to all end. And when I felt that feeling, when I felt that thought, I suddenly was in this place of light. And I know that some people listening will think that it’s crazy, but all I can do is say what my experience was. So I had this experience, it was quite beautiful and profound. And when it was over, I was healed. My heart healed and my eating disorder healed.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh my goodness. It doesn’t sound weird to me at all. I know quite a few people who’ve had these kinds of experiences and how, Oh gosh, I’m sorry. I’m just going to pick up there again because I’m so moved. I was just listening to you. I was just [inaudible 00:21:56] totally lost myself. Okay, here we go.

I just think that is so moving. And Razi, I know a couple of people you who’ve had near death experiences. And more and more people are talking about them. There’s so much more research on it now. I mean, this sense of the light, it’s almost like this choice of no, I do want to move on. Or no, I’ve got still stuff I got to do here. If I survive this, I’m going to have this mantle or this calling, or something. Did you feel a connection back then that you wanted to take that experience?

Razi Berry:                          I did. You just never know how much to say. Right? In a thing like this. But I felt like yeah, I had this understanding that there was this reason behind everything and that was fueled by love. And then I was so loved. And even in times in my life where somebody was unkind or disappointed that behind it was either love or fear. And that I was not loving myself, which is so true. It’s like you aren’t really loving yourself if you’re not feeding yourself.

So what I’ve learned from then until now is that that’s exactly the patterns I’ve noticed in publishing thousands and thousands of cases, is that we get sick from this disconnection. And I found that disconnection was in part healed because we’re so disconnected that we’re starving ourselves into heart failure, eating ourselves into diabetes, or ignoring our needs so much that we develop cancer, or we’re traumatizing a child so she has a future auto immune disease. These are all forms of disconnection. We’re not disconnected enough to the daily cycle of life. So we’re not getting sleep, which shows incidences of cancer and cardiovascular disease. We’re lonely, which is like smoking 15 cigarettes a day, the research says.

So this experience led me to ask this question, Melinda. It’s like well, if the doctor didn’t heal me like they did every other time, supposedly in my childhood. And this time the healing just kind of happened. Where does healing come from, and how do we get sick? So I think it’s no accident that later in my life ended up encountering this paradigm of medicine that says the body has this innate self healing ability. And to be able to see the science of that as well. And I think that yeah, I think there was probably some sort of, we all probably have some sort of mantle, some sort of thing we’re supposed to carry in our lives or discover for ourselves or help others with. And I guess for me, it was that. It was like helping discover the truth about our relationships with ourselves, and others, and our environment, or move the needle.

I mean Melinda, look. You’re a tech entrepreneur. There’s no shortage of amazing technology and fantastic science. And we need that. But guess what? Chronic diseases are still on the rise. Cancer is on the rise. Auto immune diseases are on the rise. Depression, suicide, infertility, degenerative brain disorders. They’re all on the rise. So if we have all this awesome science, it’s the way we apply it. It’s like we’re trying so hard to hack, and we’re not remembering just the truth, the natural laws of who we are. So I think the two of them have to come together, otherwise we’re just not going to heal.

Melinda Wittstock:         So beautifully said. I think the clue is, and it’s in the name of your podcast and your work. Love is Medicine. So is it really that when we learn to really love ourselves, our behaviors are going to come into alignment with that? But there’s more to it as well. I think there’s sort of more of a spiritual thing as well. The nature … wait, no I’m going to, oh God again. Sorry.

Razi Berry:                          No, it’s great.

Melinda Wittstock:         Obviously when we’re loving ourselves, our behaviors are going to change. We’re going to be more careful about what we eat. Or we’re going to give ourselves time to rest, or we’re going to actually take time to I don’t know, have that massage or whatever, or just look after ourselves and respect our bodies. So there’s that kind of self love. Is there a spiritual dimension to it as well?

Razi Berry:                          I mean there definitely is a spiritual dimension for me and for many people that I encounter. I mean of course that has a different flavor color structure for each one of us. Just like what I see outside it looks green, I don’t know that you’re seeing green the same way. We’re both calling it green, right? But we don’t know. We’re both seeing it the same way. So that has a different attribute. It has different properties for each one of us.

But definitely, I have to tell you some amazing science that, so we all know that there is this part of our brain that is aligned with the circadian cycle, the 24 hour cycle of the day of dark and light. And we know that affects our sleep wake cycle. But what’s been more recently discovered is that it’s not just in our brain, this master clock. But we have these peripheral clocks. And every cell in our body has a clock, as do even the microbes in our body.

So these clocks talk to our genes, and the genes have clocks, and they all coordinate together. You can even see the microbiota moving in a circular motion around the structure of the cell itself. Well what’s so fascinating too is that plants, so we’re meant to eat plants or, I’m not a vegetarian. So also the animals eat the plants, and they are all subject to this circadian rhythm also. So food that is grown and is outside, and is subjected to the same circadian rhythm has higher nutrient density than foods that are grown or even stored in just darker, just light. So when a company picks fruit before it is ripe, it’s not getting all of the day light temperature changes and light information that helps metabolize in that cell.

So that food, what I’m getting at is information like software that we put into our bodies that set these clocks. And to me that’s spiritual. That it’s so perfectly attuned to who we are. That our environment, that nature. So whether you say that God created us this way or the world evolved this way, it’s still so magnificent to me that, that’s just one out of a gazillion examples I could give you. And I do find that to be very, very spiritual that all of the answers are really here for us, but we want to conquer it. We want to somehow hack it. And it’s better to just have our science be in synergy with the laws of nature, because all of the hacking we’ve done hasn’t really gotten us-

Melinda Wittstock:         No, it hasn’t really gotten us very far. We have so many environmental problems. Look at our food system, look at our health system, look at all of these things that you could argue is literally making people sick.

I was reading the other day about we all think it’s safer to drink out of plastic water bottles. But plastic water bottles are directly linked to thyroid cancers, which are just wildly increasing right now. So there’s all this misinformation too about what’s good for us, what’s not good for us. And you’re in the journal business. I know even with some medical journals, they can be suspect because they can be bought by a sponsor. So it’s so hard for a consumer to know what’s actually true.

Razi Berry:                          And that’s why I love publishing cases. Because research happens in this controlled environment that doesn’t really mimic life. We try to say that it does, but it doesn’t. But a case is about a doctor and a patient, and how that patient presented, and what the observations were, and what the diagnostics were, and what the treatment plan was, and what the outcomes were. And you just can’t fake that.

And I want to say something that you mentioned the plastic water bottles. I think this is such a great example of how disconnected we are because most all of us have read something about BPA, or BPS, or BPF. Because every time they make something BPA free, then there’s another chemical. Basically plastic is made out of chemicals. Even if it’s starting with corn, it’s chemicals.

So we all know that, but I’m always shocked every time I go to a conference or an event that people are still drinking out of plastic. So it’s like we know this, but yet we don’t love ourselves enough to put that into practice. We have an excuse. And when we make these excuses, we’re only lying to ourselves.

Melinda Wittstock:         It’s true. It’s really, really true. So the work that you’re doing is so, so important. So as you built this business Razi, what was it like? What were some of the things that you had to overcome? Or get around, walk through. I don’t know. How did it test you?

Razi Berry:                          Well one thing that tested me, and the right answer would’ve been different for everyone, right? So somebody else sitting in my position might’ve made another answer. But there were constantly times where people did and products did offer me money to publish certain information. And even if it was good information or validated information, I very strongly adhered. So I would say no to money. And a lot of business advisors would probably say that’s not a good idea. But I think because of that, I’ve really gained the trust of an entire community. And it is a niche community. It’s not every doctor in North America, it’s naturopathic doctors and its functional medicine practitioners that want to learn from naturopathic doctors. And it’s these other kind of practitioners that want to learn it from the source.

But in some people’s minds, those could have been mistakes, you know? But I was always happy the fact, that I was always I always had, was in the black. And could I have grown even bigger by saying yes to some of that money, but it just isn’t what I wanted. And the community was more important to me. And living a life that I feel good about is more important to me. And because of that, I have to hold the trust of all of my readership.

Melinda Wittstock:         I love this. So you also research intuition. Intuition, I know is so vital in business. Because ultimately, business is about people. It’s about relationships with other people. And it’s being able to see things sometimes that other people can’t see. So being able to trust our own intuition. Actually, even ahead of that. Actually even being in touch with our intuition is vital. Is this something you always knew, or was it a muscle that you had to really develop?

Razi Berry:                          That’s really a great question. So yes. Absolutely, it’s something that I realized that there have been many times in my life that I wasn’t following my intuition, and I knew it was there. And it was always this backward look at that intuition I had back there that I didn’t listen to you. And I started collecting those and wanting to learn more about intuition, because intuition really should be our GPS system. We’ve given away our intuition, we’ve outsourced our intuition. Instead we give it to Google, or to Siri, or to a guru, or to an influencer. And all of those are important. But if you don’t measure that against your own internal compass, then you still can make bad decisions.

So when I started trying to look more intuition, I found things that were inspiring, but they just fell flat. It was about chakras, or just meditating, or being mindful. And I wanted something meatier than that. Remember, even though I’m in naturopathic publishing, it’s still science. It’s still physiology. So I wanted something with more meat, and I couldn’t find it.

So for myself, I started researching more about perception and how what I’ve discovered, Melinda, is that these senses of intuition are very much mediated by physiological responses and senses of perception that are kind of lesser known to us than just sight, smell, taste, hear, and touch. So I’ve been really digging into those. What’s so beautiful about it is we all are intuitive. But as you mention the word muscle, it’s like any other muscle. We’re constantly just asking our partner in business or our partner in life, or a parent, or a pastor, or Google, or an advisor, or a mastermind leader how they do things, then we aren’t really following our own purpose. And that can only be sensed through a real strong connection between what I call the three hearts. Which is the in your head, the heart in your chest, and the heart in your gut. These three amazing, powerful organs of memory, learning, and emotion. All three of these organs do that. And they’re connected in so many ways, not just through the vagus nerve. And what they do is they take in data every second when we’re sleeping and awake, and we process that. And if I could just share one of the areas of hidden sense that we don’t really-

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh, yes please.

Razi Berry:                          So one is our olfactory sense. So we all understand that we have this sense of smell and it can be pleasurable or not. And something smells good or bad. And if it’s good, it entices us towards. And if it smells bad, it helps us reject it.

But we have olfactory receptors and much more than our nose. In fact, sperm cells have olfactory receptors. Your kidney has olfactory receptors. Science is finding olfactory reception throughout your whole body. But you’re not smelling the same way. What it’s doing is called chemosensing, and it senses these information chemicals that we really don’t know a whole lot about yet. One example is pheromones.

But in some studies like rat studies for instance, these rats were bred for several generations without any other sort of predator or any other species introduced into their environment. And then what they did is they introduced things into their environment and the rat’s posturing and behavior would give us clues as to what information the rats were getting. So when they introduced a predator, something from a predator that had a chemical, something from a predator, whether it’s a smell or otherwise, the rats would show a fearful posturing.

If it was an animal that was in reproductive mode, then the rats would show sexual posturing. And if it was a younger, like a rat pup that was not in a reproductive stage, then the rat would not, it would show more of a nurturing and relaxed type of posturing.

So we know that we can actually sense things like fear even through chemosensing. So what I’m saying is that intuition is about all this information that our body sense that because we can’t see it or specifically taste it or smell it the way we think that we’re used to, we think it’s not there. But that is how we’re making these decisions, that’s why we’re getting these responses in our body, and in our mind.

Melinda Wittstock:         You apply that to say a company that has 10 employees, 50 employees, 1,000 employees. Imagine all the, it’s a fascinating topic for any entrepreneur who really, the biggest part of what we do is being able to inspire other people to be their best selves. Helping our clients and our customers achieve new heights. Managing boards, investors, I don’t know, whatever. Right? So if you get in touch with that intuition, you’re just going to be making so much better decisions because you’re really going to understand much better the other person as well. It’s almost like where intuition and empathy.

Razi Berry:                          Yes. Yeah. Empathy is a really important part because, and I think it’s mediated in the same areas of the brain and nervous system that our intuition is. And I think it’s just a lot of it’s the language. We just don’t decide from the word intuition. We just don’t have language for this really subtle understanding. And it seems like we’re so shocked by it. Oh really? Rupert Sheldrake has written whole books about study of dogs knowing when their owners are coming home. And it’s like these were studied in actual, controlled studies. You just can’t fake that data.

So we’re so surprised. We’re so surprised by that. What, a dog can know? But something Inside of us [inaudible 00:39:41] that we know certain things, and I just think we’ve evolved out of it because technology and the modern conveniences we have are so good. But being separated from ourselves and our tribes. And ever since the Industrial Revolution, we’ve changed the way that we made our decisions because things just became so quick and easy. And I think that we can still live in our modern conveniences but reconnect back to the true science of how our brain body nervous system, information processing works. And we have to be open minded about it.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh yeah. No, very, very true. So let’s talk a little bit about the future of where medicine is going. You have more and more people on one hand who are increasingly open to functional and integrated medicine, alternative medicines, looking to the east and obviously naturopathy as well. And yet on the other hand, you have this pharmaceutical industry doubling down on that. People who will do whatever their doctors say, no matter what, and be very close minded to alternative therapies. It seems to me like it’s polarized. Although conversations like this didn’t used to be possible or as easy even a couple of years ago. What’s your take on where we’re at as a society and how this change is going to happen, and how people are going to become a lot more educated so they can literally heal themselves?

Razi Berry:                          Well I think that we are going to get even more polarized. I think that is definitely going to happen. I don’t see any time soon, even though conversations like this are happening. I don’t really see it coming together. I’ll give you one reason why. I saw for instance, something that came through the Google ads telling Google advertisers that beginning in October, 2019, that their new health care and medicine policy will prohibit advertising for what they call speculative and experimental medical treatments.

Melinda Wittstock:         Oh my goodness.

Razi Berry:                          It says the policy will apply globally. After the policy, ads for speculative and experimental medical treatments will no longer be allowed. So what’s happening is the more informed we get. You see some of the biggest health websites in the world on Facebook now, their pages say things like, “Warning, this talks about alternative medicine. Warning, this talks about vaccines.” So it’s kind of like this fear control base that we’re seeing.

So I think that we’re going to continue to get more polarized. And this is what I think the key to success in the marketplace is. Is that businesses that try to stay warm in the happy medium aren’t going to go as far as if a company who chooses their position, chooses their statement and story and gets behind it. And what will happen then is that you will have, it’s kind of like you’ll create this group of people. That’s what happened with me, that everybody’s preaching to the choir, high-fiving themselves, all supporting each other in whatever products and services appeal to them and support their movement. And you see that on the other side too. I think that gone are the days to be lukewarm. And I think reaching across the aisle is not going to be the place for medicine. I see the future of medicine as taking a very decisive stand, which can be risky. Because when you do that, you do take a whole chunk of the marketplace away from you. But I really believe that’s where it’s going.

Melinda Wittstock:         I think that’s true. And I see this is a really interesting way where women in particular who tend to be drawn to health and education media professions. And all the different ways in which that we can really help each other and back each other up on this. I think there’s tremendous, tremendous opportunity to do that. But it does take putting you go girl sentiments into actual action.

So when you think Razi about the type of help that you could really use from a community of other entrepreneurs, be they men or women. What are the things that are missing, and how can we help each other, particularly entrepreneurs who are at this cutting edge in a way of really leading with transformational businesses that are really improving the world? We all need help when we’re on that track.

Razi Berry:                          Oh yeah. There’s a lot of speak among groups that we are all here to lift each other up. And I think the important thing is, is to be in groups where that really does happen. I think it’s important to align yourself with businesses that might be in competition with you. But you just band together and you do that in actionable ways. I have this funny story. Can I tell a quick, quick story?

Melinda Wittstock:         Yes, please.

Razi Berry:                          When I was younger, much, much younger. I was dating someone whose family owned a chain of department stores. And one day, all of a sudden they were the anchor in this one particular mall near where I lived. And I heard that Macy’s was new coming to the valley, Macy’s department store was coming. And I had grown up watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and thinking that Macy’s in New York City seems so neat. So it was this new thing coming. And I remember saying to him, “Aren’t you terrified? Macy’s is going to come to town. Everybody loves Macy’s.” And he was like, “No, it’s a wonderful thing.” And I said, “How can you say it’s a wonderful thing? It’s like they have the parade.” Again, I was in my early twenties at this time.

He’s like, “Look, when people now come to the mall, they are going to bring all of Macy’s customers to us too and we’ll have this shared customer base that was much larger than what it was before. And now everyone will see this mall as even a more important place with more resources for people to get whatever they wanted.”

And it really was a silly little experience of mine, or the way I was thinking about it. But it just taught me something that a very successful business family had already embraced. To keep your competitors close and engage with them. And appreciate that when you align yourself with people that are like-minded, you can use the word competitors or you can say people that have aligned products, values, and services. Then it really in the customer’s eye creates more value.

Melinda Wittstock:         Gosh. So this is moving from scarcity to abundance. And this is so, so important and near and dear to my heart. It’s one of the reasons I do this podcast and why I’m having these retreats for high performing women. Is that when we’re in abundance, we support each other. And when we’re really doing that in a meaningful way, I believe it’s not just a one plus one equals three. It’s like a one plus one equals hundreds of thousands of millions. Because when we are all buying from each other, mentoring each other, supporting, promoting meaningfully. We all get stronger as a result of that. We all learn from each other, and we’re unstoppable. This is especially true when we’re in a transformational space

Razi Berry:                          And it’s a law of nature too. If I could just bring a little crunchiness back into it. When you plant a fruit tree in your yard, you have a much higher chance, a higher yield of fruit if you plant other trees around it. Especially other trees [inaudible 00:48:04] stone fruits for instance or citrus, because they will all help cross-pollinate each other. It’s a law of nature.

Melinda Wittstock:         I love this. So Razi, you have a launch coming up which is always so exciting, which means that you’re super, super busy right now. And I want everyone to know about what you’re doing, and find you, and be able to benefit from all that you bring to the world.

Razi Berry:                          Thank you. So right now, I am in launch of my seven part series called the Love is Medicine Project. And it is a seven day journey into just self-discovery and understanding of how these relationships, the three primary relationships. Relationship to self, relationship to others, and relationship to nature are what moves the needle when it comes to healing. And without that, without that basis, without that MO. We aren’t going to move the needle. So loveismedicineproject.com is my love child right now.

Melinda Wittstock:         I love it. And where can people find and listen to your podcast?

Razi Berry:                          Love is Medicine on iTunes or Stitcher. Really, wherever you listen to podcasts, you can find me there. You can find me on Facebook or Instagram as Razi Berry, and my website is naturopath.net.

Melinda Wittstock:         Wonderful. Razi, thank you so much for such an inspiring conversation and all the things you’re doing in the world. It’s an inspiration.

Razi Berry:                          Thanks Melinda. The questions you asked were so thought provoking. I really appreciate that.

Melinda Wittstock:         I love it. I love speaking to you. Thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us.

Razi Berry:                          Thank you.

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