883 Rebecca Contreras: Welfare Mom to Mogul

Why It’s Vital to Invest In Your Team and Build Your Networks

When we’re stuck in challenging circumstances, it can be hard to see a path forward to realize your big dreams.

Rebecca Contreras is living, breathing proof that anything is possible, even from the most adverse conditions. She’s the ultimate bootstrapped success story, climbing from extreme poverty as a high school dropout and single welfare mom to build a $25 million business.

Today we learn Rebecca’s secrets of transformation, through grit, resolve and steadfast commitment to learn from her failures and invest in her relationships, networks and team members.

Rebecca s the founder and CEO of AvantGarde, an Austin-based consulting firm federal agencies depend upon to help them transform their leadership and grow their organization through holistic and sustainable approaches. Author of the bestselling Lost Girl, Rebecca has received a number of accolades for her exceptional leadership such as being named the 2023 Austin Businesswoman of the Year and having received a golden Stevie Award for Best Female Entrepreneur in 2022. Rebecca also founded Girls of Legacy, a groundbreaking effort to impact the next generation of inner-city girls in Austin by providing them with mentorship and scholarships.

🔑Key Takeaways🔑

🤝 Leverage Your Network: Build your relationships and use your existing connections to bootstrap your venture successfully.

💡 Learn Through Failure: See every failure as an iteration process, a chance to learn and grow, plus how to overcome imposter syndrome and risk aversion.

🎯 Invest in Your Team: Why your team’s success is your success, and how to invest in and empower your team members.

🌟 Abundance Mindset: Focus on leveraging what you have, not what you lack. Learn the power of mindset shifts and reinvention.

👭 Empowering Women: Learn about Rebecca’s initiative, Girls of Legacy, which mentors and provides scholarships to inner-city girls in Austin, aiming to nurture the next generation of female leaders.

🚀 Financial Independence: Gain insights into building financial independence through careful investment, diversifying financial portfolios, and the benefits of responsible debt and asset-based capital.

More about Rebecca Contreras at www.avantgarde4usa.com/

Rebecca Contreras

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More about Rebecca at Avant Garde

Rebecca Contreras is the founder and CEO of AvantGarde, an Austin-based consulting firm federal agencies depend upon to help them transform their leadership and grow their organization through holistic and sustainable approaches. Born into poverty, Rebecca transformed herself through grit, resolve, and steadfast commitment from a high school dropout and welfare-dependent teenage mother to a successful business leader. Author of the bestselling Lost Girl, Rebecca has received a number of accolades for her exceptional leadership such as being named the 2023 Austin Businesswoman of the Year and having received a golden Stevie Award for Best Female Entrepreneur in 2022. Rebecca also founded Girls of Legacy, a groundbreaking effort to impact the next generation of inner-city girls in Austin by providing them with mentorship and scholarships.

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Get the first chapter of Rebecca’s book Lost Girl for free

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