787 Tracy Litt:

How many times have you heard yourself or women around you go, “I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got all the things doing all the things for all the people all the time.” Let’s be really real here. You can’t even dream. You are operating in such a chronic state of stress that you don’t even know you’re in a chronic state of stress. When you’re in a chronic state of stress, your prefrontal cortex goes offline. You can’t imagine, vision, dream, conceive that you can go bigger.

What you can’t believe, you can’t conceive; it really is that simple. And if you’re, striving, efforting, hustling, working so hard you no longer have the capacity to reimagine and dream, it’s likely you’ll be running in place for a long, long, time on a task treadmill never arriving at your destination. Tracy Litt says it is time for women to step into the powers of the Divine Feminine and start to live from the perspective of who you’re becoming rather than your present circumstance, if you want to create an 8 or 9 figure business or a life of ease, impact, and wealth.


Hi, I’m Melinda Wittstock and welcome to Wings of Inspired Business, where we share the inspiring entrepreneurial journeys, epiphanies, and practical advice from successful female founders … so you have everything you need at your fingertips to build the business and life of your dreams. I’m a 5-time serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of Podopolo, the interactive app revolutionizing podcast discovery and discussion and making podcasting profitable for creators. I’d like to invite you to take a minute, download Podopolo from either app store, listen to the rest of this episode there, and join the conversation with your questions, perspectives, experiences, and advice … Because together we’re stronger, and we all soar higher when we fly together.

Today we meet an inspiring entrepreneur who has made it her mission to help visionary women leaders navigate huge paradigm shifts and elevate into the next level of impact, wealth, and holistic success.

Tracy Litt is the Founder of The Litt Factor and creator of Mind Magic ®, a proven methodology that marries metacognition and spirituality, neuroscience, and quantum law to expand and elevate more quickly.

Today we’re going to learn the transformational power of what it means to operate from the divine feminine – and much more.

Have you ever found yourself unable to ask for help? Trying to do everything in your business rather than delegating it to someone else? It’s the equivalent of cleaning the house before the housekeeper comes, and a lot of it comes down to a deep subconscious sense that our self-worth is tied to doing everything for everyone, that somehow we don’t deserve success or that compliment unless we’ve worked hard for it.

We all have deep subconscious beliefs and fears that limit our ability to conceive what is truly possible for us – and when we allow ourselves to be driven by those beliefs, we limit our capacity to create impactful lives, wealth, and success.

Tracy Litt is helping to turn all that around with her Mind Magic methodology, which helps women shed those old paradigms, envision what’s possible, and achieve their dreams. Bestselling author of Worthy Human, TedX speaker, and featured by Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company and Inc.com, Tracy gets into the power of quantum law, neuroscience, the divine feminine and much more.

So let’s put on our wings with the inspiring Tracy Litt and be sure to download the podcast app Podopolo so we can keep the conversation going after the episode.

Melinda Wittstock:

Tracy, welcome to Wings.

Tracy Litt:

Thank you for having me. I’m so happy to be here.

Melinda Wittstock:

Well, let’s get right into it. Quantum law, this is something that you use in your practice, mentoring, visionary female founders and others to really elevate their careers, their businesses more quickly. Tell me about quantum law. What is it, first of all?

Tracy Litt:

I’m going to make it as simple as it’s ever been made, and I’m just going to refer to it as the quantum. It’s a law, it’s physics, it’s a field. There’s all of these great words. It is infinite possibility. Yes, quantum is infinite possibility, is the understanding that there are multiple potentials that all exist at one time. I want to just preface, your brain’s going to be like, “What is she even saying?” It takes some space and some integration to really absorb the palpability and the truth of limitless possibility, that there’s always another potential available to us at any given moment if we can get out of our humanness, if we can get out of our third dimensional consciousness, if we could allow ourselves to bypass our ego, the self, and open up and elevate our frequency so that we can tap into those potentials, which is all of the unknown and all of the unfamiliar and none of the predictable.

Melinda Wittstock:

I love that you said let your ego go. That’s hard for a lot of people, right?

Tracy Litt:

Yeah, because it triggers your nervous system and your lack of safety and your fear response because the ego is here to help you survive. It’s not going to go down without a fight.

Melinda Wittstock:

Let’s walk through this practical step of taking somebody from the early stages of these kinds of realization that there is infinite abundance in the universe. There is infinite possibility. And so, assuming you accept that, now let’s get into the practical because you mentioned also operating in the right frequency.

Tracy Litt:


Melinda Wittstock:

How do you advise people to get to the kind of vibe, if you will, where they are opening up this infinite possibility for themselves?

Tracy Litt:

This is such a rich question, and I’m going to answer it succinctly and also say this is not comprehensive because there is no singular answer that any magnificent leader can give on one podcast that’s going to get you there, because the real answer is you’ve got to come in and commit to the embodiment of your next level. You have to come in and commit to identifying your emotional addictions and learning how to break them so that you can live in the elevated emotions of your future. You have to learn how to let go of looking to your five senses to affirm, “Oh look, it’s there now,” which cuts you off from the possibility. I just say that to say I’m going to focus in on one thing as it pertains to frequency, and the answer is much broader. Is that fair?

Melinda Wittstock:

I’ve listened to a lot of Esther Hicks and she talks a lot about this being in the right frequency. If you’re in fear or doubt or worry or striving or some of these things, it can actually keep what you want further from you.

Tracy Litt:


Melinda Wittstock:

You just keep attracting, essentially, this is like the law of attraction. You attract what you’re feeling and it’s not just what you’re consciously feeling, but it gets complicated because it’s what’s going on in your subconscious, being in your subconscious, you may not even know you could be sabotaging yourself without even realizing it. How do people kind of clear that whole subconscious piece out because we’ve all got it?

Tracy Litt:

Yeah. I mean, really, the easy answer is you come into Mind Magic and you do the work because this is what we’re known for and this is what our truly extraordinary framework delivers. Yes to everything you were saying about Esther Hicks. Let’s talk about frequency for a minute, because it’s such a gorgeous, like I said, rich question and conversation. Let me help us focus for a moment.

Frequency is measured in hertz. Essentially, you can think of one hertz equals one vibe, one note. The higher your frequency, the more connected you are to the infinite possibilities in the quantum field. The easiest way to understand and play with frequency is through your emotional states of being. If you’re experiencing, let me throw this out there because it’ll be super helpful to all your gorgeous listeners, if you had to approximate how many hours of the day you spent in anxiety, worthlessness, fear, anger, resentment, stress, overwhelm, worry, how many hours do you think you were giving away a day to that emotional state?

Melinda Wittstock:

Right. When you ask an entrepreneur that, it’s like, “Oh my God, I got to meet my numbers. I got to figure out, how am I going to make payroll,” like all those practical things. It’s sort of a “reality” of that and you’re balancing what you have to do to make those things possible. Whereas, you could be approaching it if is who am I being on a day-to-day basis that’s going to make that easeful.

Tracy Litt:

Correct, and it’s not a reality that you have to function that way as an entrepreneur.

Melinda Wittstock:

Right. That’s the thing. We’ve all been bought into this culture of like, “I got hustle, I got to…” Right?

Tracy Litt:

Yes, exactly. Ultimately, this is why right now, this conversation’s going to chip away, but everything about our dialogue right now is threatening to every beautiful listener because what we’re representing and what we’re talking about is a change. It’s about a shift. It’s about eradicating old paradigms that you unwillingly subscribe to, because that’s how we were brought up, and that’s the control matrix of our world. Our world is perpetuated by third dimensional consciousness, which is lack and separation. What does lack and separation drive? Force, efforting, working  harder. You’re not connected to anything, so it’s outside of you, so you got to keep striving, and all of that actually pushes the thing further and further away.

When you come and realize, oh, wait a second, I am part of the oneness, and what we are all derived from is source, is pure love, is pure consciousness. The truth of that oneness, the truth of that ball of energy that then exploded into the Big Bang, which is when the universe was born, that Big Bang made rise to atoms and stars, and ultimately, you, because we are pure energy. If you were to take my beautiful physical human hand and put it under a microscope and look into it, you would see that at the end, it’s simply waves of energy. It’s atoms of energy vibrating at a slower frequency that allows it to be tangible, which is what third dimensional is. It’s height, it’s weight, it’s depth. Just to sit with that is why committing to the journey of shifting and healing and growing and ascending because the way we’ve been raised versus how much easier and fun and light and love-filled and trusting it can be, it’s such a difference that it takes some space to shift your belief at that level.

Melinda Wittstock:

It does, it is, and I love that you said journey. I think we live in a culture that really is all about instant gratification. I think a lot of people who start this journey are like, “Okay, I’m visualizing, I’m meditating, so where is this abundance? How come I don’t…” You know what I mean?

Tracy Litt:

Yes. I love it. That’s exactly what I mean by, and this is “the most challenging part,” and it’s challenging in quotes, but is you have your vision, you know the possibility that you’re calling in, you were born to make a massive impact, and you have these gorgeous, super clear visions of speaking on stages and being philanthropic in other third -world countries. Whatever those big things are, those things exist. That’s part of infinite possibility. That’s a potential that currently exists in the field, or you wouldn’t be able to conceive of it and connect to it emotionally.

What happens is is we have revision and then we start to do the work, and then we’re aligning. You have to create from who you’re becoming. You cannot create from who you are. The core of our work is what would she do, because you need to stop allowing your current identity to drive, because that’s only going to generate more of the same.

You have this vision and you’re starting to live like, “Yes, I’m going to take this leap and I’m going to do this thing, and I’m going to just believe, and I’m going to keep facing forward knowing that it’s already done and being in that energy.” Then, you look down to your point and you go, “Well, wait a minute. Where’s the abundance? That’s not there yet. Maybe it’ll be there tomorrow.” You look back again and you’re waiting for your current reality to show you the evidence. When you do that, you cut yourself from source, you cut yourself from the flow. But it’s okay, because that’s how we were trained. Think about this. We were trained in a show it to me, show it to me. Now, I believe you.

Melinda Wittstock:


Tracy Litt:

The world of quantum is the opposite. Believe it, know it, be in it, feel it, experience it, then it will show up in your third dimension.

Melinda Wittstock:

I love that and it’s a leap. Once you understand that, I think this point that you made that you can’t get to where you’re going by being the same person or doing the same thing. It’s kind of like Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Tracy Litt:


Melinda Wittstock:

To lean into who you’re becoming, so you have this sense of who that is, and just start being that person, in essence.

Tracy Litt:

Yes. If it was that easy, everybody would be doing it.

Melinda Wittstock:

Everybody would do it.

Tracy Litt:

But it excites me, Melinda, because that’s what we do. That’s what The Litt Factor does. We ensure your becoming process, because-

Melinda Wittstock:

So you’ve made a practical methodology to guide people through?

Tracy Litt:

Yes, because it takes your humanness and it takes your spiritual energetic being. It takes healing the wounds from your little girl, and it takes regulation in your nervous system so that your electromagnetic field can be more potent. It takes learning how to shift your relationship with emotion, and finally releasing the repressed and suppressed emotion that every single woman is sitting like an emotionally congested volcano because nobody was raised to just feel their feelings until they didn’t need to be felt anymore.

Melinda Wittstock:

Oh my gosh. We’re all told. I mean, we all have these experiences as children without a frontal lobe, and we make what happens around us mean something about us on this deep subconscious level. You could look at the world and say, “Oh my goodness, it’s all being run by toddlers.”

Tracy Litt:

Absolutely. It’s the consciousness revolution, and it’s this magnificent personal development and ascension field that’s allowing us to use science to help bridge that shift of show it to me, believe it, and let you believe it. Because if I can scientifically show you, you’re like, “Oh, okay, fine. That’s got a little bit more validation,” because skepticism is this weird thing that we’ve developed as a way to keep us protected.

Melinda Wittstock:

Right. It’s easy to fall back and be a cynic.

Tracy Litt:

Of course.

Melinda Wittstock:

And feel like you are smart.

Tracy Litt:

Or just feel like just be like, “No, no, no way. That’s bullshit.” No, people call it woo woo, which drives me nuts. It’s not woo woo, it’s science. It’s just that the part of you that needs to protect you says that it’s woo woo so they can keep it away from you, because if you were to tap into how powerful you are, that would mean you’d have to change, which means you’d have to expand, which means things in your life would change, which means people in your life would change, which means you’d be living in the gloriousness of the discomfort, and it’s so much easier to live shallow and comfortable than it is to live deep and uncomfortable.

Melinda Wittstock:

Right. As people go on this journey with you, do you find that the sort of people in their lives start to disappear? Like their friends that they thought were their friends, aren’t really their friends, all this kind of stuff. That can be kind of scary for people, but as your vibration, as your will changes, you’re attracting different things into your life.

Tracy Litt:

That’s right.

Melinda Wittstock:

You have to be comfortable with the concept of change to begin with, to be willing to go on this journey.

Tracy Litt:

Yes, absolutely. Inherent in that is doesn’t even make sense to most minds. What do you mean comfortable change? You mean I’m supposed to get comfortable to the thing that my mind hates the most, which is the unknown? Right. That’s why coming into work with us and people like us is so important because you need that kind of support and you need that kind of understanding of the science of change, of the art of change. You need to understand that resistance is an inevitable, and it’s a part of the deal and what it means to live from who you’re becoming instead of who you’ve been. There’s just so much gorgeous nuance to it, but it’s the most worthwhile way to live.

Melinda Wittstock:

The women that you mentor in your program in Mind Magic, what are some of the most common subconscious limiting beliefs, if you will, that hold women back in business? What are some of the most common?

Tracy Litt:

Yes. One of the most common is it’s not safe for me to be happy.

Melinda Wittstock:

Not safe to be happy. Break that down. Why is it not safe to be happy?

Tracy Litt:

Because at some point, something happened in their upbringing and they had chaos or divorce or abandonment, or their parents fought a lot, or they were super tight to a grandparent and the grandparent died and their psyche created that meaning, like no, it has to be a little chaotic. Things have to be hard. Happy is not how we do it. Easy is not how we do it. Peaceful is not how we do it. Therefore, it always registers in your system as unsafe. Your nervous system’s not going to allow something that it doesn’t already have reference for. It doesn’t already have an imprint for, which is why you have to work with your nervous system, which includes your mind and your body, it’s all one, so that you can create the safety needed to realize, yes, it’s safe to be happy, it’s safe to have ease, it’s safe to have it all. That’s something, because ultimately, the limiting belief is it’s not safe for it to be easy. It’s not safe for it to be happy. It’s not safe for me to have it all.

Melinda Wittstock:

Is that why we create hard businesses or work really hard, murder ourselves, like it had to be hard to be worthwhile?

Tracy Litt:

Yeah, because most of us had parents and grandparents who had to work themselves to the bone, which quite frankly for our grandparents is what was real. When you’re talking about things like the Great Depression, that’s a different world. They had to work themselves to the bone. They didn’t have the opportunity and the advantage of the new research and neuroplasticity and nervous system and change and quantum, it wasn’t a thing for them. But-

Melinda Wittstock:

There were some people who became millionaires in the Great Depression.

Tracy Litt:

Well, here’s the thing, and I think what you just said is really profound. It doesn’t mean that you can’t make millions of dollars killing yourself. Of course you can. Of course you can.

Melinda Wittstock:

But you’re not going to enjoy those millions.

Tracy Litt:

Yeah, that’s the point, Melinda, and I think this is actually a very profound part of this conversation. It’s not that matter against matter, and third dimensional consciousness doesn’t “work.” Of course, it does or we wouldn’t be here. It’s that it feels like shit, and it’s hard, and it’s creating burnout and adrenal fatigue and cancer and making you miss out on your life and you’re sitting and seething self-doubt. There’s just a whole different way to do things now, and it’s focused on the being instead of the doing.

Melinda Wittstock:

Oh, 100%. Well, it’s so funny. At my company, we talk all about in our values, it’s about who we’re being as much as what we’re doing.

Tracy Litt:

Yeah, exactly. Well, it’s more so about we’re how we’re being, and that’s when we start to also have fun conversations about tapping into our divine feminine because that’s all about the being.

Melinda Wittstock:

Exactly. I want to park that though, so I want to get to the divine feminine in a moment, but I wanted to, what are some of the other things beyond that?

Tracy Litt:

Oh, yes, thank you. Some other very common, I don’t belong. I don’t matter. I’m not secure. Money is greedy. Money is hard to make. I have to work myself to death in order to be successful. I’m as good or bad as what people think of me. That’s usually, those are the most common.

Melinda Wittstock:

Often that’s rooted in our upbringing, but it’s also extrapolated out into what’s going on, say in social media or media, just around women’s body images or whatever. Just a constant bombardment is that you’re not good enough. You need this new cream, or you need to wear this thing, or you need this, or you have to do that, or whatever, and it’s just a constant bombardment is you’re not enough.

Tracy Litt:

Yeah, because that’s what the third dimension of consciousness is. It is lack and separation and that’s what our society is currently at from a collective consciousness perspective. It’s raising each individual person that’s waking up and doing the work and listening to conversations like this. Yes, yes, yes. But where we are from a masses standpoint, which is what drives the collective consciousness because it’s volume-oriented, is third dimensional consciousness, which says lack and separation. I am separate from, I am in lack, I am not enough, I don’t have enough, there is not enough, I’m going to continue to look at things outside of me to fill this never ending hole of not enoughness. That’s what drives sales psychology and all that other low level shit.

Melinda Wittstock:

Oh yeah, absolutely. I mean, you see it in sales funnels with it like the countdown clock or the fear, appealing basically to people’s base or emotions. You see that in our politics. You see that in the way the social media algorithms are wired to keep people in that sense of shame and outrage and judgment, a lot of those base emotions, because from there, if someone’s in that emotion, they can be controlled. It’s not in that they can’t be.

Tracy Litt:

Boom! That’s it, Melinda. That’s it. That’s why our world has perpetuated by fear.

Melinda Wittstock:

It’s a construct that’s on purpose. To break free of it, it’s hard because everybody around you, chances are, you think of someone awakening to this at a typical American Thanksgiving dinner.

Tracy Litt:

Yes. Right. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Yes.

Melinda Wittstock:

Practically, or you think of, say for instance, a female founder who’s really awakening to this, but needs to bring her team along, or just even in my case, it’s a very big part of our hiring process to really ascertain, are people open to this personal growth journey because the company’s going to succeed because everybody hopefully is on a higher and higher vibration.

Tracy Litt:

Yes, which is what makes it so awesome, because you can bring the work into your organizations, whether you’re a small company of 5 or a big company of 5,000. I’ve had the fortune of serving so many companies through the lens of the culture of consciousness, and when you can deliver it, because it’s important that we don’t overly scare people off, like we’re having a higher level conversation just by the sheer fact of where you started asking me questions. But to start people with breathing, to start people with realizing, “Oh, there are dimensions of consciousness? That’s interesting.”

Start bringing awareness to the fact that all judgment is self-judgment, to start bringing awareness to the people are in judgment. There are these smaller foundational moments where we can really ease people in so that they become more available. Then, as they play in the work a little bit and they get some new evidence and they’re like, “Oh wow, that was kind of magical. Oh, I did that.” Then all of a sudden, the evidence, they start to expand for themselves and witness themselves, and now they’re more interested and then they’re more interested and it becomes a progressive rising.

Melinda Wittstock:

That’s been very much my journey, really, I say over the last decade. I remember it started with The Secret and this concept of law of attraction, which was like, wow, really? I remember starting with something really simple. I felt like I had to start small, just really interesting. I started with parking karma. I am just going to pull up, I always pull up to the best parking spot in front of wherever I’m going with ease and I don’t even have to think about it. I just set that as an intention. I swear to God, 10 years later, everybody marvels at this, because I have this parking karma. But I think the trick there is I could believe it because it was small enough in terms of a starting point.

Tracy Litt:


Melinda Wittstock:

Because if I’d started with, I create a billion-dollar company in easeful flow, that’s harder to, it almost triggers your subconscious into arguing with you.

Tracy Litt:

Correct. You starting small allows you to gain the evidence, recognize that you’re the cause of the effect, and then play bigger and bigger and bigger with the principle.

Melinda Wittstock:

100%. Now, let’s get into the divine feminine. Talk to me about what the divine feminine is, because we’ve been taught all these things, whether it’s in the context of business that women have soft power. What? Why are these soft skills as opposed to hard skills or just some of the language around it is really quite interesting. Define the divine feminine. What does it mean for a woman to be truly in her divine feminine?

Tracy Litt:

I am actively pulling up because The Litt Factor, we create a lot of definitions. I’m now reading you the exact definition of the divine feminine per The Litt Factor. The divine feminine is the source of your power, the goddess energy within, being, prioritizing pleasure, sensuality, and ease, presence and full trust, open-heartedness, infinite creation and receivership, full expression of self.

Melinda Wittstock:

That’s very, very beautiful. There was one word that, well, there are many words that stood out in that, but I’m going to start with receiving. We have a really hard time, and I would include my younger self in this, A, in asking for help, but B, in receiving it. Even when someone gives you a compliment and you find yourself saying, “Oh, what, this old thing I’m wearing?” We have a hard time receiving.

Tracy Litt:


Melinda Wittstock:

What’s that about?

Tracy Litt:

I have a whole thing on the art of receivership. I actually have a great article that I will share with you if you would like to share it in the show notes.

Melinda Wittstock:

Yes, please.

Tracy Litt:

Receiving is, if we think of it just in its simplest terms, it’s allowing yourself to receive, to ask for help, to allow support, to let in compliments. Receiving is letting it in. Letting it in. Women have been conditioned as martyrs, givers, sacrificers, which is the complete opposite of the goddess energy that you possess of receivership, of sitting back and relaxing, of letting your team actually do their job and delegate and trust, of letting someone pick your child up because you’re going to go to a yoga class for yourself, of asking for help and support, of hiring team, of calling on your spouse, of your family, of going back to the it takes a village of letting someone say to you, “Oh, you look beautiful today.” You simply stand there and you say, “Thank you.” Let that in.

Melinda Wittstock:

I think of, say, someone like Beyonce sitting at the Grammy Awards, and that was just part of her being. I’m just going to receive.

Tracy Litt:


Melinda Wittstock:

I can’t imagine she was always that way though. It’s easy to say, “Oh, Beyonce, wow. She’s always…”

Tracy Litt:

No, she definitely wasn’t, actually. I mean, if you look at all of just her life experience and the different things that she experienced, there isn’t a woman out there who is a natural-born phenomenal receiver because it’s not possible, because of the patriarchy, because of our family of origin, because of the collective society and the oppression of women. We were all raised to be anything but phenomenal receivers.

Melinda Wittstock:

This is why, in business terms, it often manifests of women thinking that they have to do everything to have it all. They do it all to have it all kind of thing. I remember years ago, associated with this podcast, I was putting on retreats for high performing female entrepreneurs. I remember in some of the sales calls for it, because it was a high ticket thing, saying, “Hey, we’re all going to get together and figure out how to play bigger.”

Something really weird happened. And so, I just noticed this split second of pure dread or fear in their eyes, thought about what would played bigger. I got intrigued by it and started really digging into it. What made you feel uncomfortable about that? At first, people weren’t really, it’s kind of like, “Well…” Then, finally, people started saying things, “Well, I’m already doing so much. I’m already doing so much. I can’t imagine that I could do anymore.” That was, again, being bought into the exact opposite of the quantum where we began the interview at really very much being in scarcity. A, thinking that you are the only person who can do it so you’re not delegating, you’re not receiving and not being able to see the leverage or-

Tracy Litt:

Well, and that’s the thing, when you’re thinking through the lens of I’ve got all the plates, I’m juggling all the plates. I got it. How many times have you heard yourself or women around you go, “I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got all the things doing all the things for all the people all the time.” Of course, how could you… Let’s be really real here. You can’t even dream. Operating that way, you are operating in such a chronic state of stress that you don’t even know you’re in a chronic state of stress. When you’re in a chronic state of stress, your prefrontal cortex goes offline. You can’t imagine, vision, dream, conceive that you can go bigger. You’re not even capable and that’s the war cry at this point.

Melinda Wittstock:

It’s true. I did a podcast recording with another guest just before this, and we were talking about the fact that so few women can say out loud with a straight face, they’re building a billion-dollar business. Why is that?

Tracy Litt:

Because, well, couple things, because there aren’t many expanders of that reality, first and foremost. When you really look at the latest numbers by Forbes and by NAWBO about women in business, I think it was Forbes headed at 2%, NAWBO had it at 4.2%, or I got that inversed, but the stats are the stats. Only that percentage of women-owned businesses cross the million-dollar mark.

Melinda Wittstock:

Which is crazy.

Tracy Litt:

Crazy. But then of course, if it hasn’t happened. Sorry, go ahead.

Melinda Wittstock:

It’s just kind of going into business and ultimately just creating a job for yourself.

Tracy Litt:

Correct, but then also realizing it’s like we have to look at what is real, what is possible for us to touch into the infinite possibilities. It’s like the famous story of Roger Bannister and the Four Minute Mile. Have you heard that story?

Melinda Wittstock:

Yes. But share it for people who haven’t.

Tracy Litt:

I’m going to give the highlights and Google it, because I want you guys to start to see for yourself like, oh my God. And you know what else, just for fun? Google 1950’s Good Housekeeping article, and you’ll understand why women are bred to not be good receivers. But Roger Bannister essentially broke, and I think it was the ’50s, but I could be wrong. Everyone, including doctors back in that time were saying, “Running isn’t healthy. You can’t run faster than a certain amount. If anybody were to ever run shorter than a four-minute mile, their heart would explode.” That was what was happening. Then Roger Bannister was like, “Yeah, not so much. I’m going to get this thing done.” And boom, there he goes, breaking the four-minute mile. Then, all of a sudden, what happens within days and then weeks of him running the four-minute mile?

Melinda Wittstock:

Everybody else could do it.

Tracy Litt:

Correct! That’s the point. Then, all of a sudden, people are like, “Oh, 3 minutes and 52 seconds, 3 minutes and 53 seconds, 3 minutes and 49 seconds.” He’s like, “What?” Everything is possible, infinite possibilities, but we have to look beyond the evidence. We have to look beyond what we have seen before and be willing to play, how great can it get? How much fun can I have on the way there?

Melinda Wittstock:

I love that and the fun. The one thing that I have learned about entrepreneurship, apart from the fact that if you want therapy, just become an entrepreneur.

Tracy Litt:

Yes, sister, yes!

Melinda Wittstock:

Because it’s going to confront you, it’s going to trigger you with all that stuff especially if you’re trying to play a big game, that you are going to be confronted with a lot of these subconscious things. They’re going to show up as triggers in your life and you can choose to be triggered and go back there, or you can say, “Oh, look how interesting, what a cool opportunity to clear some old cobwebs, like stuff that isn’t me. It’s not even about me. Just let it go.” Just literally let it go. That’s really been my progression.

But in the context of entrepreneurship, I think it’s hard for women to conceive based on what the evidence is that they can run, grow like a billion-dollar business that’s doing all this good for the world, the so-called entrepreneurial moonshot into unicorn status, for instance, because there’s so few role models. Then, some of the ones we’ve seen with the woman from Theranos who is basically a fraudster or there’s not a lot of examples. My thesis is I think women are, when they’re in that divine feminine, are going to completely change the game of business ultimately.

Tracy Litt:

Amen. That’s what it comes down to and that’s what our generation is being called up for. It takes for us to take this to wherever we desire it to be. For those of us who are looking to build eight-figure, nine-figure empires, it is going to come down to tapping into more divine feminine because you can’t do it the way that the old school did it. That clearly doesn’t work, and unwavering belief and conviction in yourself, which is something you have to build. It’s something you have to reprogram, your ability to see yourself in a different identity evolution is really, really critical because your identity has to evolve to become the leader that runs and is the CEO of an eight-figure company. When you step into that identity, boom, there it is.

Melinda Wittstock:

That’s why I think you see a lot of women really coming into their own in entrepreneurship in their 40s and 50s and even into their 60s because to be, at least in our current… I’d like to think for younger women, learning these things much earlier in their lives with say, mothers that are more enlightened passing that onto their daughters, where my daughter has become this expert manifester. She’s 19, because she’s been brought up in this. It’s different. There’s a lot of things like that that will change, but I think there needs to be a bunch of Bannisters that are kind of female lighthouse because once it’s done and it starts to be done by more and more women, then there’s the permission.

Tracy Litt:


Melinda Wittstock:

And it’s okay. I think we can get held back though because of this. Going back to some of the limiting beliefs, because we’re so relationship-focused. I think women, the way our brains are wired, we really care about the community. Whereas, the men were sort of, okay, going back to caveman times, they just had to catch the wildebeest, whereas women were doing everything else. Even to the point of saying, “Hey honey, I think the wildebeest is over there. Go over there.”

Tracy Litt:

Yep, yep, yep.

Melinda Wittstock:

Right. Those skills are incredibly valuable in business, the relationship skills, however, they can also, like two sides to a coin. The shadow of that is, “Oh man, I won’t have any friends. My girlfriends don’t really accept me. Oh, I’m going to scare my husband away or I’ll never have a man.” It’s all that stuff.

Tracy Litt:

Which is ultimately low level thinking.

Melinda Wittstock:


Tracy Litt:

That’s ultimately, and I think this is a beautiful place to bring wrap up into a close, because I could talk about thought work for hours on end.

Melinda Wittstock:

Yeah, I know. We could have like a-

Tracy Litt:

I love it. This is just the start for us, Melinda, but just something I want the listeners to know before we wrap is your thoughts are options, not facts. That’s it.

Melinda Wittstock:

I love that.

Tracy Litt:

That’s it.

Melinda Wittstock:

I mean, that’s just beautifully said because if you really sit with that for a while, it’s really like you choose your thoughts and so you choose your reality.

Tracy Litt:

That’s right.

Melinda Wittstock:

At the end of the day, and what’s so funny about this is we make it very complex, but it’s actually very elegantly simple.

Tracy Litt:

Everything. It’s our upbringing that makes it hard. We’ll talk about that next time.

Melinda Wittstock:

Well, thank Tracy, this is amazing. I want to make sure everybody knows where to find you, how to work with you. Tell me just really briefly, a little bit about Mind Magic, how that works.

Tracy Litt:

Mind Magic. Let me start with where you can find us. You can come to @thelittfactor on Instagram, that’s where we hang the most, and it’s L-I-T-T with two Ts, so it’s The Litt Factor, and that is also our website, so thelittfactor.com. Mind Magic is our proven framework that marries consciousness, healing, neuroscience, and energetics together to deliver guaranteed unprecedented transformations. It is where you come to do your process of becoming. I would love to answer any questions you have on that. I’m in my DMs on Instagram, so whatever resonated in this conversation, come and ask me and let’s talk.

Melinda Wittstock:

Wonderful. Well, Tracy, I just want to thank you so much for putting on your wings and flying with us today. We’ll make sure we have all that stuff in the show notes as well. If you’re driving or something and you’re like, “Don’t drive off the road.”

Tracy Litt:

Thank you so much, Melinda. I appreciate you so much and I know this is the beginning of a lovely, lovely connection.







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