Estrella Jaramillo

Estrella Jaramillo is the co-founder of femtech platform B-wom, serving women in all stages of life from pre-fertility to menopause with health education, tracking tools and personalized care. She shares the challenges of raising venture capital investment when your product is geared only to women, plus important advice for women in technology.

Brandee Powell Minisode

Brandee Powell is a conscious entrepreneur helping others step into higher consciousness is the Co-Creator of the Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica, where she infuses ancient and modern wisdom, plant medicine and breakthrough technologies for healing and inspiring entrepreneurs to conscious leadership. Brandee shares what it is like to connect deeply within to understand your true genius and purpose, balance the masculine and feminine energies, get into flow and surrender to inspiration.

Yvonne Silver

Yvonne Silver is an entrepreneur who helps women in business gain confidence, and she believes women entrepreneurs flourish when we harness the authentic feminine energy of flow and collaborate with each other with an abundance mindset. Bestselling author of “Words, Women & Wisdom: The Modern Art of Confident Conversations”, Yvonne shares her process for growing your confidence in business and life.

Diana House Minisode

Diana House is a lawyer turned award winning serial entrepreneur, and after selling her two e-commerce businesses, she’s transitioning to a new business forcing her to get out of her comfort zone and build a compelling personal brand. Diana, also a real estate investor and private lender, now teaches entrepreneurs about money and finance so they can grow businesses profitably, and today we talk about personal branding for introverts plus how to take more risks and “chase down your zone of genius”.

Alexis Neely

Alexis Neely is a legal phenomenon and entrepreneur bringing consciousness and artistry to business, the law, wealth building and legacy planning. Known also by her artists’ name Ali Shanti, Alexis shares her journey to consciousness using the canvas of entrepreneurship, and shows how to live an inspiring, multidimensional life with her process of “intention, surrender and trust.” Learn too how she’s transcended money limitations, let go of the need to “do it all” and on her way to a $25m business.

April Yvette Minisode

April Yvette is an entrepreneur and motivational speaker who transformed her life from a $9 per hour job to $9 million in real estate profits in one year. Then she became an inventor, her product featured on Shark Tank, and now she helps people with a compelling story align to their purpose and build a profitable business. Today she shares her advice on how to leverage your setbacks, get into “inspired action” and why it’s vital you share your unique gifts with the world with “meaningful fame”.

Debi Silber

Debi Silber knows what it’s like to break through from betrayal – whether in business, love or friendship – and shares today her own entrepreneurial journey and her PhD findings as a holistic psychologist and transformational coach on what it takes for women to recover from betrayal. Debi is the bestselling author of The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis.

Kelsey Ramsden Minisode

Kelsey Ramsden is a serial entrepreneur in construction and real estate who builds highways, airports, bridges and communities. Along the way she’s learned why it is vital to “play all out”, live a full life without regret and die so happy you have what she calls a “FUNeral”. Twice voted Canada’s top female entrepreneur, Kelsey is also an investor, cancer survivor, mom of three and the author of the bestselling book, Success Hangover. We talk about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, how to get the most of your time and spend it wisely, and never run out of cash!

Melitta Campbell

Melitta Campbell coaches would-be female entrepreneurs how to start businesses from scratch. She won a Wings contest for an all-expense-paid day of 1:1 coaching with 4X serial entrepreneur Melinda Wittstock with a stay at the 5-Star Watergate Hotel in D.C. with luxury spa treatment thrown in. Melitta shares all she learned about scaling, systems, recurring revenue, mindset, beating perfectionism, passive income, sales funnels and more – plus why she now talks about “world domination”.

Arlene Gale Minisode

Arlene Gale is a bestselling and award-winning author who helps executives and entrepreneurs write books to build their businesses, and nonfiction and fiction writers build businesses around their books. She shares why successful entrepreneurs all share an abundance mindset, curiosity and a willingness to be wrong and ask for help. CEO of, Arlene also has an eighth bestselling book out right now called Book Business Blueprint: Build Credibility, Stand Out from the Competition, and Skyrocket Sales by Writing Your Book.

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