Tamara Green & David Dachinger

David Dachinger and Tamara Green are the co-founders of Loving Meditations, an app helping thousands beat cancer and other illnesses and traumas.

Jules Schroeder Minisode

Jules Schroeder is the founder of Unconventional Life – the podcast, the column, the epic experiences. Jules advises women entrepreneurs to reject conventional wisdom, move past all the “should’s” and trust your truth on our mentoring minisode.

Marina Barayeva

Marina Barayeva is a portrait photographer and entrepreneur who left her native Russia behind to move to Beijing where she now helps business owners in China and beyond grow their influence. Learn today why you put a multiplier on your influence when you focus on a very specific niche, plus tips on how to reinvent yourself on the journey.

Mari Connor Minisode 2

Mari is a Facebook advertising ninja helping online influencers, and in the advice minisode today she shares how to boost your confidence.


Sigrun transformed her life from corporate “turnaround” CEO to entrepreneur, doubling her revenue every year for the past four years and now headed into the 8 figures.

Heather Wentler Minisode

Heather Wentler is believes all women and girls are strong, independent individuals capable of success.

Rikka Zimmerman

Rikka Zimmerman is a global consciousness leader and creator of Life Transformed Classes and Coaching Certification Program.

Allison Maslan Minisode 2

Allison Maslan is a 10X serial entrepreneur and now pays it forward to entrepreneurs and business owners as CEO of Pinnacle Global Network.

Christy Whitman and Frederic Gobeil

Christy Whitman is a transformational leader, celebrity coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All – and together with her entrepreneur husband Frederic Gobeil, the host of The Couple’s Retreat.

TL Robinson Minisode

TL Robinson is the founder of MASS EDEN, a fast-growing body care brand for skin-sensitive and health conscious consumers. Learn how “accidental entrepreneur” TL found her voice in a noisy marketplace with a differentiated solution and message that has allowed her to bootstrap a successful online boutique specializing in green beauty and skincare products in only 2 years.

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