889 Brittney Fairweather: Real Estate Investing 101

Tips for Flexible Financing, Rental Investments and More

It’s all too easy for entrepreneurs to put all our eggs in one basket and plough savings and then some into building our own business. Often that’s what it takes when you’re bootstrapping and struggling to find alternative sources of capital to fund your innovation and growth.

A wiser path may be to diversify and add a stream of passive income to the mix, so today we talk about how real estate could be both a safety net and the way you build your cash flow war chest to help you fund your business.

Brittney Fairweather is a co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer of TRX Capital, a real estate lending firm with a mission to bridge the gap for first-time buyers and revolutionize real estate investing with business purpose lending. At TRX, Brittney manages overall growth, strategy, and client-facing communications, with extensive experience in residential loan origination, investor relations, underwriting, accounting, online auctions, and fund management. Before TRX, Brittney was a founding member of the Genesis group of real estate lending companies, which sold to Goldman Sachs.

From the importance of real estate as a lucrative asset to the necessity of having a secondary cash flow strategy, Brittney offers invaluable insights for both new and seasoned investors. We’ll dive into her journey with TRX Cap Fund, why collaborative teamwork has been the secret to Brittney’s success, and how her company is empowering investors while providing affordable housing, and revitalizing distressed neighborhoods.

🔑Key Takeaways🔑

💡 🚀 Diversify with a Secondary Exit Strategy: Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned investor, having a secondary exit strategy, like renting out the property, can be crucial for ensuring a steady cash flow and mitigating risks.

🤝 🛠️Leverage Local Resources: When starting in real estate, identifying a good property and collaborating with local real estate agents and contractors is essential for success. Utilize the expertise around you to make informed decisions and maximize investments.

🌱🤟 Purpose-Driven Investing: Why it’s important to invest with a purpose, whether it’s building a legacy, offering affordable housing, or revitalizing distressed neighborhoods so you can align your investments with your passions to drive meaningful impact.

🚪💰Ups and Downs of the Exit: How to prepare yourself as a founder to sell your business and handle the emotional challenges.

😣 📈How Adversity is Opportunity: The pandemic’s dual effect on the real estate market led to the birth of TRX Capital, an initiative that provides flexible capital to small builders.

More about Brittney Fairweather at www.trxcapfund.com

Brittney Fairweather

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More about Brittney at TRX Cap Fund

Brittney Fairweather is the founder and Chief Business Development Officer of TRX Capital, a real estate lending firm focused on Business Purpose Lending where she manages overall growth, strategy, and client-facing communications. With a mission to bridge the gap for first-time buyers and revolutionize real estate investing, TRX Capital provides flexible capital and expert support to small builders and investors. Previously she founded the mortgage lender Genesis Capital, which she sold to Goldman Sachs.

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