Natalie Ledwell

Natalie Ledwell is “walk your talk” proof of the law of attraction, reaching more than 4 million people worldwide with Mind Movies’ innovative guided visualizations. Now her moonshot is a global children’s curriculum called Personal Growth Studies to give kids 5-18 the mindset and other tools they need to live creative, fulfilling lives of financial freedom. We talk about the specifics of manifestation, team building and much more.

Debra Silverman Minisode

Debra Silverman is on a mission to help business owners and entrepreneurs leverage astrology and their unique personalities for balanced and sustaining success. Today on our Mentoring Minisode, Debra shares the power of mentoring and why asking for help is always the key to success.

Stacey Brown Randall Minisode

Stacey Brown Randall, a three-time entrepreneur, shares candidly why entrepreneurs are often their own worst enemies and how to overcome fear and failure. The award-winning author of Generating Business Referrals Without Asking, Stacey shares why women in business must find their “business families” with mentors and masterminds in order to succeed.
Stacey is also host of the Roadmap to Grow Your Business podcast and creator of the Growth By Referrals program.

Laura Gassner Otting Minisode

Laura Gassner Otting is on a mission to help entrepreneurs live what she calls a “limitless life” without guilt, tradeoff or apology. A serial entrepreneur who started and sold a successful international executive search firm, built philanthropic and political action committees from scratch, Laura is the bestselling author of Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life. She shares advice on mentoring, living big, and how to turn “failure” into a fulcrum for success.

Marisa Murgatroyd Minisode

Marisa Murgatroyd is changing the game of business by helping to reinvent the $100 billion online learning industry around the world so results and engagement become the norm and not the exception. CEO and founder of Live Your Message and the creator of the Experience Product Masterclass, Marisa shares her secrets of innovation and why there’s never a “right time” to take the leap or wait for something to be perfect.

Valerie Alexander Minisode

Valerie Alexander is on a mission to advance women in business by illuminating unconscious bias. A tech CEO, bestselling author of How Women Can Succeed in the Workplace (Despite Having “Female Brains”), Hollywood screenwriter and TedX speaker, Valerie is shares practical tips on how women can avoid negotiating against themselves and pitch with confidence.

Donna Gunter

Donna Gunter specializes in helping entrepreneurs and business owners leverage their expertise to attract top paying clients. Best-selling author of Brand Yourself as the Trusted Local Celebrity and Biz Smart Quick Guide: 10 Strategies to Online Visibility for More Traffic, Clicks and Profit, Donna has found a way to use technology and automation for personalized and authentic personal brand messaging. She shares her tips and hacks.

Nayri Kalayjian

Nayri Kalayjian is known as the Wedding Fashion Expert with the country’s leading bridal brand, Lovella Bridal. She shares how she leverages technology to delight her customers and drive unrivalled word-of-mouth for her Los Angeles bridal boutique.

Melanie Benson Minisode

Melanie Benson is known as the “Profit Amplifier”. Coach to conscious entrepreneurs wanting to grow their influence, impact and bottom line, Melanie is also the host of the Amplify Your Success Podcast, author of Rewired for Wealth, and co-author of’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business. Featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Woman’s Day, and Parenting, Melanie talks about mindset blocks holding women back in business plus valuable advice for how to grow a profitable business.

Rachael Jayne Groover

Rachael Jayne Groover is the best-selling author of Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want. A singer-songwriter turned entrepreneur, Rachael Jayne discovered anyone could learn and leverage the key factors that create “stage presence” in a performer, and use them to stand out, be seen, and inspire others in business.

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